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This policy document is currently under review to reflect The Australian National University Enterprise Agreement 2023-2026, which came into effect on 5 December 2023. Until this has been reviewed, the new Enterprise Agreement will take precedence over the provisions outlined in this document.

Procedure: Breastfeeding


This procedure provides details about the breastfeeding facilities available at ANU and describes the flexible work and study arrangements that may be utilised to support breastfeeding staff and students in their return to work and study.


  1. The University recognises the benefits of breastfeeding for both parent and child and supports staff members and students who are breastfeeding their child while participating in work or study on campus and in campus related activities. Discrimination against breastfeeding women in employment or education is unlawful as a form of sex discrimination under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Commonwealth) and the Discrimination Act 1991 (ACT).
  2. The University also recognises the need to ensure a safe work and study environment. All staff and students need to consider any hazards to breastfeeding staff and students, and comply with the Children on campus policy and other relevant work health and safety policies and procedures.

Breastfeeding spaces on campus

  1. The University provides facilities on campus that are accessible to staff members and students who are breastfeeding. Staff and students may breastfeed in other places across ANU and must not be discriminated against if they choose to do so.
  2. Table 1 lists the location of breastfeeding rooms at ANU, facilities contained in the rooms and access arrangements. On-campus childcare centres may have additional breastfeeding facilities that can be accessed by staff and students whose children are enrolled with the centre. Table 1 may be updated outside the review cycle to reflect changes to existing breastfeeding rooms and to add/remove rooms.

Table 1

Building #

Building Name

Room #

Room type


Access and opening times


H.C. Coombs Building

1.101 and 1.201

Parenting room (breastfeeding friendly)

Armchair, side table, microwave, fridge, change table, and signage to indicate when the room is in use. Power point in 1.201 only. Washing facilities (sink with Zip boil/cold unit) are available in the nearby kitchen.

Open during business hours (7am-6pm).


Beryl Rawson Building

Room 1.24

Multipurpose room (parenting, breastfeeding friendly and first aid room)

Bed, armchair, signage to indicate when the room is in use, side table, phone, power point, first aid cabinet, microwave, fridge with freezer, washing facilities (sink) and change table.

Open during business hours (8am-6pm).


JB Chifley Building


Parenting room (breastfeeding friendly)

Armchair, microwave, privacy screen, change table, signage to indicate when the room is in use, power points, blinds, and a frosted glass door. A fridge is available in the staff room (card access can be updated).

Open during library opening hours.


ANU College of Business & Economics


Parenting room (breastfeeding friendly)

Armchair, signage to indicate when the room is in use, side table, power point, phone, washing facilities (sink), fridge, and change table.

Open during business hours (8am-6pm)

Users to contact CBE Infrastructure for access.


Birch Building


Parenting room (breastfeeding friendly)

Armchair, side table, power point, microwave, fridge, washing facilities (sink), change table, and privacy screen.

Open during business hours (8am-6pm).

Users to contact SoCY reception for access.


Florey Building


Multipurpose room (parenting, breastfeeding friendly, and first aid room)

Bed, armchair, side table, power point, small lounge, phone, washing facilities (sink), storage, change table, first aid kit, and signage to indicate when the room is in use. Adjacent to a kitchen with a microwave and two small fridges.

Open during business hours (8am-6pm).


Cockcroft Building


Parenting room (breastfeeding friendly)

Armchairs (3) in separate cubicles with privacy screens, microwave, high chair, fridge with freezer, washing facilities (sink), Zip boil/cold unit, bottle warmer, change table, lockers and children’s play area.

Open during business hours (8am-6pm).

Users to contact RSPhys reception for access.


Computer Science & Information Technology Building


Parenting room (breastfeeding friendly)

Armchair, power point, fridge and freezer, washing facilities (sink with Zip boil/cold unit), first aid cabinet, and change table.

Open during business hours (8am-6pm).


Sir Roland Wilson Building


Parenting room (breastfeeding friendly)

Armchair, day bed, blankets, microwave, storage, washing facilities (sink with Zip boil/cold unit), fridge, power point and signage to indicate when the room is in use.

A change table is available in the nearby disabled bathroom.

Open during business hours (8am-6pm). Users to advise reception (on level 2) if they are using the room.


W.K. Hancock Building

Parenting room (breastfeeding friendly)

Armchair, side table, microwave and washing facilities (sink), change table, and signage to indicate when the room is in use.

A change table is available in the nearby unisex bathroom.

Open during library opening hours.


Jaeger 8


Parenting room (breastfeeding friendly)

Armchair, side table, signage to indicate when the room is in use, power point, fridge with freezer, and phone.

The room is adjacent to a kitchen with washing facilities (sink). A change table is available in the nearby unisex bathroom.

Open during business hours (8am-6pm).

Users to contact RSES reception in Building 142 for access.


Research School of Social Sciences Building


Parenting room (breastfeeding friendly)

Armchair, side table, signage to indicate when the room is in use, power point, microwave, fridge with freezer, washing facilities (sink), change table, and first aid cabinet.

Open during business hours (8.30am-5.30pm).


Kambri Cultural Centre


Parenting room (breastfeeding friendly)

Armchair, side table, electronic lockable door that indicates when the room is in use, washing facilities (sink), change table, and a children’s toilet.

Open during business hours (8am-6pm).


Di Riddell Student Centre


Parenting room (breastfeeding friendly)

Armchair, side table, power point, microwave, curtained off area for privacy, high chair, fridge, change table, and a children’s play area.

Washing facilities (sink) are available in a nearby gender-neutral bathroom.

Open during business hours (7am-5pm).


Cth Solar Observatory

Room 1.21

Parenting room (breastfeeding friendly)

Armchair, side table, power point, fridge with freezer, washing facilities (sink), first aid kit, and change table. A microwave is available in a nearby kitchen.

Open during business hours (8am-6pm).

  1. When deciding to create a new designated breastfeeding facility, or when making temporary provision for breastfeeding mothers returning to work, the following facilities are recommended to enable women to breastfeed and/or express and store breast milk: power points, comfortable chair, nappy change and hand-washing facilities, refrigerator and breast pump storage area.

Flexible working arrangements

  1. Staff who are breastfeeding may request flexible working arrangements on their return to work in accordance with the Enterprise Agreement and relevant policies including the Staff Leave policy and Work and study flexibility policy. Such arrangements may include:
  • graduated return to work
  • part time hours provided for a period of time
  • varying hours of work
  • working from home
  • job-sharing for a period of time
  • reorganisation of lunch and tea breaks to accommodate breastfeeding needs

Flexible study arrangements

  1. Students who are breastfeeding may request flexible arrangements to enable them to meet the requirements of their study program, including alternate options for attending lectures and tutorials and sitting examinations.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Breastfeeding
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_000378
Purpose This procedure provides details about the breastfeeding facilities available at ANU and describes the flexible work and study arrangements that may be utilised to support breastfeeding mothers in their return to work and study.
Audience Staff, Students
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Equity & Diversity - Work & Life Balance
Effective Date 28 Jul 2022
Next Review Date 30 Jun 2024
Responsible Officer: Chief People Officer
Approved By: Chief Operating Officer
Contact Area People and Culture Division
Authority: Sex Discrimination Act 1984
Discrimination Act 1991
Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012
Delegations 0

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