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Policy: English language admission requirements and post-admission support


To establish the English language requirements for admission to the University and outline post-admission English language support for students.


This document contains the admission requirements based on English language tests, prior education, university preparation programs including English programs, and prior work experience. It indicates requirements for English equivalency cases and study abroad/exchange applications. It outlines post-entry language assessment and the provision of English language support.


This policy applies across the University and to applicants for entry to ANU.


AQF. Australian Qualifications Framework

Australian Qualifications Framework. This ‘is the national policy for regulated qualifications in Australian education and training. It incorporates the qualifications from each education and training sector into a single comprehensive national qualifications framework.’

Course. See Policy: Glossary

Senior secondary education. Education at Australian Years 11 and 12, or equivalent. This is typically two years of full-time education leading to the award of a Senior Secondary Certificate of Education (see AQF descriptor, ‘Senior Secondary Certificate of Education’).

Tertiary education. Education at AQF Levels 5–10.

Policy Statement

  1. This policy ensures that admitted students have the proficiency in English needed to participate in their intended program and that, combined with post-admission testing and language development, English language proficiency would not be expected to impede their progression and completion.
  2. Applicants, whether domestic or international, for admission to any ANU program or course delivered either in Australia or overseas must provide evidence that their English language ability meets the minimum requirements for admission. Exemptions for programs and courses taught only outside Australia and taught and assessed in a language other than English are approved by Academic Board.
  3. Applicants are deemed to have satisfied the University's English language requirements for admission to an:
  1. Undergraduate program, or
  2. Postgraduate coursework program, or
  3. Higher Degree by Research program,

if they can provide evidence that they meet the criteria specified below under one of the following:

  1. English language tests, or
  2. prior senior secondary education, or
  3. prior tertiary education at AQF Levels 5-10, or
  4. University preparation studies including English programs.

Table 1: Paragraphs relating to admission criteria




Postgraduate coursework

Higher Degree by Research

English language tests

13–14; Table 2

23–24; Table 6

33–34; Table 8

Prior senior secondary education

15–17; Tables 3, 4


Not accepted

Prior tertiary education at AQF Levels 5-10




University preparation studies:

English language programs, Foundation programs, Other programs

21; Table 5

30–31; Table 7

37; Table 9

  1. The most recent evidence is used as proof of English language proficiency, unless otherwise specified.
  2. The University reserves the right to change an unconditional offer of admission to conditional on meeting English language requirements, if subsequent evidence is provided which demonstrates that the applicant's English language proficiency is insufficient.
  3. The University reserves the right to request that an applicant undergoes an English test in addition to any other evidence of English language proficiency provided.
  4. There are no waivers in relation to the application of this policy.

Additional information

  1. This policy is read in conjunction with relevant legislation and academic eligibility requirements of the ANU, and applies to all programs.
  2. University rules relating to English language requirements are located at Coursework Awards Rules and Research Awards Rules.
  3. These requirements apply only to entry to the University.
  1. International applicants must satisfy the Department of Home Affairs English language requirements for visa applications in addition to the University’s admission requirements.
  2. Students applying for accreditation or registration with professional bodies may have additional requirements. Students are responsible for confirming they meet the registration or accreditation standards.

Post-entry language assessment

  1. Students admitted to the University will, from 1 January 2026, undertake a post-entry language assessment (PELA) to:
  1. identify a potential risk indicator for academic progress and provide early intervention,
  2. guide students to appropriate English language support provided by ANU (including through third-party providers), with monitoring of engagement with this support to indicate where additional intervention may be beneficial, and
  3. enable internal calibration and quality assurance for the ANU English language admission requirements.

The PELA has no impact on the admission decision. It is expected that the PELA is undertaken as part of the orientation preceding a student’s first classes.

Admission to Undergraduate Programs

  1. Undergraduate programs are:
  • Diploma (AQF Level 5)
  • Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree (AQF Level 6)
  • Bachelor Degree (AQF Level 7)
  • Bachelor Honours Degree (AQF Level 8)

The University’s English language requirements for admission are met by one of the following:

English Language Tests

  1. Achieving or exceeding the minimum scores in one of the English language tests listed in Table 2 if the test is taken within:
  1. two years from the date of application; or
  2. four years from the date of application where a student has subsequently completed the equivalent of one year full-time education in English within the last two years.
  1. Results from multiple tests cannot be combined to meet requirements unless specified in Table 2.

Table 2: English Language Tests and minimum scores for admission into Undergraduate Programs


Minimum scores

IELTS Academic [including One Skill Retake]

and IELTS UKVI Academic [including One Skill Retake]

IELTS results must be completed at an IELTS testing centre; online test results are not accepted.

All of the following:

Overall score: 6.5

Reading: 6.0

Writing: 6.0

Listening: 6.0

Speaking: 6.0

TOEFL iBT [excluding Home Edition]

All of the following:

Overall score: 80

Reading: 20

Writing: 20

Listening: 18

Speaking: 18

The TOEFL institutional code for the ANU is 0506. Applicants may use this code to report their TOEFL results to the university.

Cambridge C1 Advanced

All of the following:

Overall score: 176

Reading: 169

Writing: 169

Listening: 169

Speaking: 169

Use of English: 169

PTE Academic and PTE Academic UKVI [excluding PTE Academic Online]

All of the following:

Overall score: 64

Communicative Skills:

Reading: 55

Writing: 55

Listening: 55

Speaking: 55

Prior education: senior secondary education

  1. Citizens of countries listed in Table 3: Group A Countries, who have undertaken at least one year of full-time (or equivalent) year 11 and/or year 12 (or equivalent) senior secondary education in English at a recognised institution in the national education system (or equivalent) of a Group A Country.

Table 3: Group A Countries

    American Samoa
    Canada (excluding Quebec)
    New Zealand
    Papua New Guinea
    Solomon Islands
    South Africa
    Trinidad and Tobago
    United Kingdom
    United States of America

  1. Non-citizens of countries listed in Table 3: Group A Countries, who have undertaken senior secondary education in English at a recognised institution in the national education system (or equivalent) of a country listed in Table 3: Group A Countries where that education meets all of the following requirements:
  1. successful completion of two years of full-time (or equivalent) year 11 and year 12 (or equivalent) senior secondary education within the last four years;
  2. successful completion is defined as a pass result in no less than 50% of attempted load in any assessable period (for example, term or semester) in the academic year;
  3. it is taught and assessed entirely in English except for courses that are focused on the development of knowledge and skills in a language other than English; such courses must not be more than 25% of the total successfully completed study load; and
  4. education undertaken must result in a sequence of education or qualification which is accepted for entry into ANU undergraduate programs.
  1. Achieving or exceeding, no more than two years prior to the date of application, the minimum requirement levels of qualifications specified in Table 4:

Table 4: Qualifications and minimum requirements for Secondary Qualifications used for admission to undergraduate programs


Minimum requirement

Australian Year 12 from a Group A Country listed in Table 3

Successful completion of at least one year of full-time (or equivalent) of Year 11 and/or Year 12 study.

Australian Year 12 from a country not listed in Table 3

ACT Senior Secondary Certificate

  • a score of 170 in English as a Second Language (ESL) T major, or
  • a pass in any other English T Major course.

Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) –

  • a raw unscaled score of 30 in English as an Additional Language (EAL), or
  • a raw unscaled score of 25 or more in units 3 and 4 of any other VCE English subject.

Other States/Territory

  • successful completion of Year 12.

French Baccalaureate

Must be undertaken at Narrabundah College, Canberra; other locations are not accepted

A pass result in any English T Major or T Minor course.

GCE A-Level

A grade of C or better in:

  • a subject from the Humanities and Social Sciences subject group, or
  • a subject from the English Language and Literature subject group, or
  • General Studies.

Singapore A-Level

A grade of C or better in:

  • a subject from the Humanities syllabus, or
  • a subject from the English Language and Literature syllabus, or
  • General Paper.

Sri Lanka GCE A-Level

Not accepted.


A score of 4 in English Language (core subject).

Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)

A grade of C.

International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB)

IB Diploma taught and assessed entirely in English except for courses focused on the development of knowledge and skills in a language other than English.


a pass result in English Language A: Literature either at Standard Level or Higher Level or


A pass result in English Language A: Language and Literature either at Standard Level or Higher Level.

All India Senior School Certificate (AISSCE)

A grade of C2 in English Core.

Indian School Certificate (ISC – Year 12)

A numerical grade of 1-7 in English as indicated on the Pass Certificate.

Tamil Nadu Higher School Certificate

A score of 120 (out of 200) in English.

Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM/Form 6)

A grade of C in English Literature (code 920).

Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary Schools Unified Examinations (MICSS)/UEC

A grade of A2 in English Language.

Norwegian Certificate of Completion of Upper Secondary School Examinations (Vitnemål)

A numerical grade of 4 in English at both Level 1 and Level 2 in Upper Secondary Examinations.

Swedish Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Slutbetyg fran Gymnasieskolan)

A grade of C in English in Upper Secondary School Certificate.

Danish Upper Secondary School Leaving Examinations (Studentereksamen)

A numerical grade of 9 at level B Senior High School English.

Finnish Matriculation Certificate (Ylioppilastutkintotodistus Studenteksamensbetyg)

A numerical grade of 8 in English or English A in the final year of secondary school.

Dutch Diploma of Pre-University Education (Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwij)

A numerical grade of 8 in final year English.

German Abitur

A numerical grade of 3/‘befriedigend’ (satisfactory) in English.

Austrian Maturity Certificate

A numerical grade of 3/’befriedigend’ (satisfactory) in English.

Prior education: tertiary education

  1. Citizens of countries listed in Table 3: Group A Countries, who have undertaken tertiary education in English at a recognised institution in the national education system (or equivalent).
  2. Non-citizens of countries listed in Table 3: Group A Countries, who have undertaken tertiary education in English at a recognised institution in the national education system (or equivalent) of a country listed in Table 3: Group A Countries where that education meets all of the following requirements:
  1. a minimum of two years of full-time (or equivalent) education within the last four years;
  2. a pass result in no less than 50% of attempted load in any assessable period (for example, term or semester) in the academic year;
  3. taught and assessed entirely in English except for courses that are focused on the development of knowledge and skills in a language other than English; such courses must not be more than 25% of the total successfully completed study load; and
  4. results in a sequence of education or qualification which is accepted for entry into ANU undergraduate programs.
  1. Successful completion, no more than two years prior to the date of application, of an ANU Diploma program commenced at ANU College prior to 31 December 2020.

University pathway programs including English programs

  1. Achieving or exceeding, no more than two years prior to the date of application, the minimum scores in one of the English language programs in Table 5a, University Foundation programs listed in Table 5b, or Other Pathway Programs listed in Table 5c:

Table 5a: English language programs recognised for admission to ANU undergraduate programs:

English language program

Minimum score for undergraduate admission

AEMG Direct Entry Program (DEP) English for Academic Purposes (EAP 2 or EAP 3)

Where admission into the program is through a formal university-to-university articulation agreement: 70% with no section less than 65%.

Other programs or pathways: not accepted.

ANU Access Program taught by ANU College and completed prior to 31 January 2022


University of Canberra College

Academic English 4


Table 5b: University Foundation programs recognised for admission to ANU undergraduate programs:

Foundation Program

Minimum score for undergraduate admission

ANU College Foundation Studies completed prior to 31 December 2022

65% in the best 3 out of 4 English courses taken in the last two terms of education (English Core Skills A-E and/or Applied English A-D)

Other Foundation Programs if taught in a Group A country:


Name of Program

Bond College

Foundation Program

Curtin University of Technology

Western Australian Universities Foundation Program (WAUFP)

Edith Cowan University

Western Australian Universities Foundation Program (WAUFP)

Macquarie University

Standard Foundation or Intensive Foundation

Monash University

Monash University Foundation Year (MUFY)

University of Adelaide

Foundation Studies Program

University of Melbourne

Trinity College Foundation Studies Program

University of New South Wales

University Foundation Studies Certificate

University of Notre Dame

Tertiary Pathway Program

University of Queensland

The Foundation Year

University of Sydney

University of Sydney Foundation Program

University of Western Australia

Western Australian Universities Foundation Program (WAUFP)

65% or more in Academic English taught in a Group A country

Table 5c: Other Pathway Programs

Other Pathway Program

Minimum score for undergraduate admission



Admission to Postgraduate Coursework Programs

  1. Postgraduate Coursework Programs are:
  • Graduate Certificate (AQF Level 8)
  • Graduate Diploma (AQF Level 8)
  • Master Degree (AQF Level 9)
  • Juris Doctor (JD) (AQF Level 9)
  • Medicinae ac Chirurgiae Doctoranda (MChD)/Doctor of Medicine and Surgery (AQF Level 9)

The University’s English language requirements for admission are met by one of the following:

English Language Tests

  1. Achieving or exceeding the minimum scores in one of the English language tests listed in Table 6 if the test is taken within:
  1. two years from the date of application; or
  2. four years from the date of application where a student has subsequently completed the equivalent of one year full-time education in English within the last two years.
  1. Results from multiple tests cannot be combined to meet requirements unless specified in Table 6.

Table 6: Minimum requirements for accepted English Language Tests for admission into Postgraduate Coursework Programs


Minimum scores for unspecified programs

Minimum scores for specified programs

Medicinae ac Chirurgiae Doctoranda (MChD)/Doctor of Medicine and Surgery

Master of Clinical Psychology

Master of Professional Psychology


Academic [excluding One Skill Retake and IELTS Online]

All IELTS results must be completed at an IELTS testing centre, online test results are not accepted.

All of the following:

Overall score: 6.5

Reading: 6.0

Writing: 6.0

Speaking: 6.0

Listening: 6.0

All of the following:

Overall score: 7.0

Reading: 6.0

Writing: 6.0

Speaking: 6.0

Listening: 6.0

All of the following:

Overall score: 7.0

Reading: 7.0

Writing: 7.0

Speaking: 7.0

Listening: 7.0


The requirement of a minimum of 7.0 in each component can be met across two test sittings in a six month period, on condition that:

    The overall score is 7.0 on both tests; and

There are no scores less than 6.5 in either test.


Academic One Skill Retake

All IELTS results must be completed at an IELTS testing centre, online test results are not accepted.

All of the following:

Overall score: 6.5

Reading: 6.0

Writing: 6.0

Speaking: 6.0

Listening: 6.0

Not accepted

Not accepted

IELTS UKVI Academic [including One Skill Retake]

All IELTS results must be completed at an IELTS testing centre, online test results are not accepted.

All of the following:

Overall score: 6.5

Reading: 6.0

Writing: 6.0

Speaking: 6.0

Listening: 6.0

Not accepted

Not accepted

TOEFL iBT Paper Edition

All of the following:

Overall score: 80

Reading: 20

Writing: 20

Listening: 18

Speaking: 18

The TOEFL institutional code for the ANU is 0506. Applicants may use this code to report their TOEFL results to the university.

All of the following:

Overall score: 100

Reading: 22

Writing: 22

Listening: 22

Speaking: 22

The TOEFL institutional code for the ANU is 0506. Applicants may use this code to report their TOEFL results to the university.

Not accepted.

TOEFL iBT [excluding Paper Edition and Home Edition]

All of the following:

Overall score: 80

Reading: 20

Writing: 20

Listening: 18

Speaking: 18

The TOEFL institutional code for the ANU is 0506. Applicants may use this code to report their TOEFL results to the university.

All of the following:

Overall score: 100

Reading: 22

Writing: 22

Listening: 22

Speaking: 22

The TOEFL institutional code for the ANU is 0506. Applicants may use this code to report their TOEFL results to the university.

All of the following:

Overall score: 100

Reading: 24

Writing: 27

Listening: 24

Speaking: 23

The TOEFL institutional code for the ANU is 0506. Applicants may use this code to report their TOEFL results to the university.


The requirement of the minimum in each component can be met across two test sittings in a six month period, on condition that:

  1. The overall score is 100 on both tests; and

There are no scores less than 24 in Writing, and 20 in Speaking and Listening, and 19 in Reading in either test.

Cambridge C1 Advanced

All of the following:

Overall score: 176

Reading: 169

Writing: 169

Listening: 169

Speaking: 169

Use of English: 169

All of the following:

Overall score: 185

Reading: 169

Writing: 169

Listening: 169

Speaking: 169

Use of English: 169

Not accepted.

PTE Academic [excluding PTE Academic Online]

All of the following:

Overall score: 64

Communicative Skills:

Reading: 55

Writing: 55

Listening: 55

Speaking: 55

All of the following:

Overall score: 70

Communicative Skills:

Reading: 60

Writing: 60

Listening: 60

Speaking: 60

All of the following:

Overall score: 70

Communicative Skills:

Reading: 65

Writing: 65

Listening: 65

Speaking: 65


The requirement of the minimum of 65 in each component can be met across two test sittings in a six month period, on condition that:

  1. The overall score is 75 on both tests; and

There are no scores less than 58 in either test.

PTE Academic UKVI [excluding PTE Academic Online]

All of the following:

Overall score: 64

Communicative Skills:

Reading: 55

Writing: 55

Listening: 55

Speaking: 55

Not Accepted

Not Accepted

Prior senior secondary education

  1. Citizens of countries listed in Table 3: Group A Countries, who have undertaken at least one year of full-time (or equivalent) year 11 and/or year 12 (or equivalent) senior secondary education in English at a recognised institution in the national education system (or equivalent) of a Group A country.
  2. Australian Citizens who meet all of the following requirements:
  1. undertook secondary education in Australia at a regional or remote School for which neither the Government nor a Tertiary Admissions Centre holds records for the relevant cohort of students (as distinct from the relevant student);
  2. have five years full-time (equivalent) work experience in Australia at ANZSCO Skill Level 1; and
  3. provide the name of the School and the years during which the education was undertaken.

Prior tertiary education

  1. Completion of a minimum 3 year Bachelor degree or a minimum 2 year Master degree or a minimum 2 year Doctoral degree taught and assessed entirely in English except for courses that are focused on the development of knowledge and skills in a language other than English; such courses must not be more than 25% of the total successfully completed study load.

Where the degree was not undertaken in a country listed in Table 3: Group A Countries, a statement or certificate of confirmation issued by the Registrar’s office (or equivalent) of the institution at which tertiary education was undertaken must be provided, which must:

  1. be an original version in English printed on official headed paper and duly signed,
  2. specify the student’s full name,
  3. specify the name of the qualification in which the student was enrolled, and
  4. include a statement of the extent to which the education was taught andassessed entirely in English.
  1. Tertiary education in English in a country listed in Table 3: Group A Countries at a recognised institution in the national education system (or equivalent) of that country. If the applicant is not a citizen of a Group A Country, the education must meet all of following additional requirements:
  1. a minimum of two years of full-time (or equivalent) education within the last four years;
  2. a pass result in no less than 50% of attempted load in any assessable period (for example, term or semester) in the academic year; and
  3. taught and assessed entirely in English except for courses that are focused on the development of knowledge and skills in a language other than English; such courses must not be more than 25% of the total successfully completed study load.
  1. Tertiary education in English in a country not listed in Table 3: Group A Countries that meets all of the following requirements:
  1. a minimum of two years of full-time (or equivalent) education within the last four years;
  2. a pass result in no less than 50% of attempted load in any assessable period (for example, term or semester) in the academic year;
  3. taught and assessed entirely in English except for courses that are focused on the development of knowledge and skills in a language other than English; such courses must not be more than 25% of the total successfully completed study load; and
  4. a statement or certificate of confirmation issued by the Registrar’s office (or equivalent) of the institution at which tertiary education was undertaken which must:
  1. be an original version in English printed on official headed paper and duly signed,
  2. specify the student’s full name,
  3. specify the name of the qualification in which the student was enrolled, and
  4. include a statement of the extent to which the education was taught and assessed entirely in English.Applicants may not submit a modified statement or certificate after receiving an assessment outcome related to the original statement provided.

University pathway programs including English programs

  1. Pathway progams including English programs are not available for admission into the following programs:
  • Medicinae ac Chirurgiae Doctoranda (MChD)/Doctor of Medicine and Surgery
  • Master of Clinical Psychology
  • Master of Professional Psychology
  1. For all other postgraduate coursework programs, achieving or exceeding, no more than two years prior to the date of application, the minimum scores in one of the University pathway programs including English programs listed in Table 7:

Table 7: University pathway programs including English programs recognised for admission to non-excluded ANU postgraduate coursework programs:

English Program

Minimum score for postgraduate coursework admission to non-excluded programs (see clause 30 for excluded programs)

AEMG Direct Entry Program (DEP) English for Academic Purposes (EAP 2 or EAP3)

Where admission into the program is through a formal university-to-university articulation agreement: 70% with no section less than 65%.

Other programs or pathways: not accepted.

ANU Access Program taught by ANU College and completed prior to 31 January 2022


University of Canberra College Academic English 4


Admission to Higher Degree by Research Programs

  1. Higher Degree by Research Programs are:
  • Master of Philosophy (AQF Level 9)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (AQF Level 10)

The University’s English language requirements for admission are met by one of the following:

English Language Tests

  1. Achieving or exceeding the minimum scores in one of the English language tests listed in Table 8 if the test is taken within:
  1. two years from the date of application; or
  2. four years from the date of application where a student has subsequently completed the equivalent of one year full-time education in English within the last two years.
  1. Results from multiple tests cannot be combined to meet requirements unless specified in Table 8.

Table 8: Minimum requirements for accepted English Language Tests for admission into Higher Degree by Research Programs


Minimum scores for all Higher Degree by Research Programs excluding the Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology)

Minimum scores for the Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology)


Academic [excluding One Skill Retake]

All IELTS results must be completed at an IELTS testing centre, online test results are not accepted.

All of the following:

Overall score: 6.5

Reading: 6.0

Writing: 6.0

Listening: 6.0

Speaking: 6.0

All of the following:

Overall score: 7.0

Reading: 7.0

Writing: 7.0

Speaking: 7.0

Listening: 7.0


The requirement of a minimum of 7.0 in each component can be met across two test sittings in a six month period, on condition that:

  1. The overall score is 7.0 on both tests; and
  2. There are no scores less than 6.5 in either test.


Academic One Skill Retake

All IELTS results must be completed at an IELTS testing centre, online test results are not accepted.

All of the following:

Overall score: 6.5

Reading: 6.0

Writing: 6.0

Listening: 6.0

Speaking: 6.0

Not accepted.

IELTS UKVI Academic [including One Skill Retake]

All IELTS results must be completed at an IELTS testing centre, online test results are not accepted.

All of the following:

Overall score: 6.5

Reading: 6.0

Writing: 6.0

Listening: 6.0

Speaking: 6.0

Not accepted.

TOEFL iBT Paper Edition

All of the following:

Overall score: 80

Reading: 20

Writing: 20

Listening: 18

Speaking: 18

The TOEFL institutional code for the ANU is 0506. Applicants may use this code to report their TOEFL results to the university.

Not accepted.

TOEFL iBT [excluding Paper Edition and Home Edition]

All of the following:

Overall score: 80

Reading: 20

Writing: 20

Listening: 18

Speaking: 18

The TOEFL institutional code for the ANU is 0506. Applicants may use this code to report their TOEFL results to the university.

All of the following:

Overall score: 100

Reading: 24

Writing: 27

Listening: 24

Speaking: 23

The TOEFL institutional code for the ANU is 0506. Applicants may use this code to report their TOEFL results to the university.


The requirement of the minimum in each component can be met across two test sittings in a six month period, on condition that:

  1. The overall score is 100 on both tests; and
  2. There are no scores less than 24 in Writing, and 20 in Speaking and Listening, and 19 in Reading in either test.

Cambridge C1 Advanced

All of the following:

Overall score: 176

Reading: 169

Writing: 169

Listening: 169

Speaking: 169

Use of English: 169

Not accepted.

PTE Academic [excluding PTE Academic Online]

All of the following:

Overall score: 64

Communicative Skills:

Reading: 55

Writing: 55

Listening: 55

Speaking: 55

All of the following:

Overall score: 70

Communicative Skills:

Reading: 65

Writing: 65

Listening: 65

Speaking: 65


The requirement of the minimum of 65 in each component can be met across two test sittings in a six month period, on condition that:

  1. The overall score is 75 on both tests; and
  2. There are no scores less than 58 in either test.

PTE Academic UKVI [excluding PTE Academic Online]

All of the following:

Overall score: 64

Communicative Skills:

Reading: 55

Writing: 55

Listening: 55

Speaking: 55

Not Accepted

Prior tertiary education

  1. Completion of a minimum 3 year Bachelor degree or a minimum 2 year Master degree taught and assessed in entirely in English except for courses that are focused on the development of knowledge and skills in a language other than English; such courses must not be more than 25% of the total successfully completed study load.
  2. Citizens of countries listed in Table 3: Group A Countries, who have undertaken tertiary education taught and assessed in English at a recognised institution in the national education system (or equivalent) meet the University’s English language requirements for admission.

English programs

  1. Achieving or exceeding, no more than two years prior to the date of application, the minimum scores in one of the English programs listed in Table 9:

Table 9: English programs recognised for admission to ANU Higher Degree by Research programs:

English Program

Minimum score for all Higher Degree by Research Programs excluding the Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology)

ANU Access Program taught by ANU College and completed prior to 31 January 2022


University of Canberra College Academic English 4


Study Abroad and Exchange Applicants

  1. Study abroad or exchange students can, in addition to the standard admission requirements for their program, fulfil the University's English language admission requirements through the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages System (CEFR) by achieving a certificate of English language proficiency from their home institution with an overall grade of C1 (‘Effective Operational Proficiency’) with no less than C1 in each of reading, writing, speaking and listening. CEFR certification is only accepted from institutions within a country or territory that is a member of the Council of Europe.

Case for English Language Equivalency (CELE)

CELE Principles

  1. The ANU is strongly committed to admissions transparency, and despite Coursework Awards Rule 2020 para. 15(5) makes no waivers of its English Language Admission standards. All applicants must meet the English Language requirements of the University as outlined in the Policy: English Language Admission Requirements and Post-Admission Support or, in rare cases, by the relevant ANU College establishing a Case for English Language Equivalency on behalf of the applicant.
  2. Applicants cannot commence or establish a Case for English Language Equivalency on their own.
  3. Cases for equivalency are only available as follows:
  1. for coursework applicants, equivalency cases may only be made for Australian domestic applicants;
  2. for HDR applicants, equivalency cases will normally only be considered for applicants basing their academic admission requirements on work experience in a Group A country; Group A countries are specified in the Policy: English Language Admission Requirements and Post-Admission Support.

CELE Process

  1. A Case for English Language Equivalency may be made via a memo:
  1. for coursework students, by the Associate Dean (Education) of the relevant College to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality); or
  2. for Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students, by the Associate Dean with responsibility for HDR matters of the relevant College to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) and the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Graduate Research).
  1. If the Associate Dean has a conflict of interest, the memo should be from the College Dean or, if also conflicted, the relevant Associate Dean of another College.
  2. Each memo must relate to only one applicant; multiple requests cannot be combined into a single memo.
  3. In the memo, the Associate Dean must confirm:
  1. whether the applicant meets the program’s academic admission requirements, or whether a forced offer request will also be made (in which case the forced offer request should be submitted in the same email as the Case for English Language Equivalency); and
  2. that the request does not involve a conflict of interest.
  1. The memo must provide at least two of the following types of evidence of English Language Equivalency, and attach documentary evidence to support the case:
  1. test results which meet requirements except that they are up to six months older than the two year expiry date; and/or
  2. evidence of at least two years’ work experience in a Group A country requiring English language proficiency; and/or
  3. both:
  • an interview in English with the student conducted by a member of staff other than the coursework thesis supervisor or HDR supervisor; and
  • and a sample of sole-authored written work in English attested to by an independent source that has not been edited by a third party.
  1. The College Dean or delegate who can commit funding is to confirm that if remedial English courses are required that they will be arranged by the area at no cost to the student, and that the College will cover relevant costs associated with English language tuition.
  2. The memo with its attachments is to be emailed as a single file to, for all coursework programs, the Associate Registrar (Admissions) in DSAAS at or, for all HDR programs, the Manager, Higher Degree Research Operations at If there are multiple memos, each is to be emailed separately. The email subject line should be in the format: Case for English Language Equivalency: [application number] [applicant’s name].
  3. The Associate Registrar (Admissions) or Manager, Higher Degree Research Operations or Delegate will forward the memo to the relevant Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Dean who will consider the request, and within ten business days either:
  1. approve the request; or
  2. ask for further information to help inform their decision; or
  3. not approve the request, and email this outcome by replying to the requesting email from admissions or the Graduate Research Office.
  1. For a Case to be approved, two approvals are needed; approvals must be given by Deputy Vice-Chancellors and/or Pro Vice-Chancellors.
  2. Admissions (for coursework programs) or Graduate Research Office (for HDR programs) will within five business days convey the decision to the Associate Dean by email.
  3. The Associate Dean is responsible for supplying any further information that has been requested within ten business days to the Associate Registrar (Admissions) or Manager, Higher Degree Research Operations or Delegate. Clauses 48–51 will be repeated until the request is either approved or not approved.
  4. If two approvals are received, Admissions (for coursework programs) or Graduate Research Office (for HDR programs) will make the offer or force the offer in the UAC system.
  5. The decision is final and as a Case for English Language Equivalency may not be made by an applicant it may not be appealed.

CELE Monitoring of students

  1. For each student admitted under a Case for English Language Equivalency, the Associate Dean making the Case is to appoint:
  1. for coursework students, either the Convenor of the Student’s program, or the Deputy Director (Education) or equivalent of the relevant Research School (or equivalent); or
  2. for Higher Degree by Research Students, either the thesis supervisor or the Deputy Director (HDR) or equivalent of the relevant Research School (or equivalent)

to confirm to the Associate Dean in the third month of enrolment/candidature that the student has the proficiency in English needed to participate in their study.

  1. Where proficiency in English needed to participate in the student’s study is not demonstrated, remedial English courses are to be arranged by the area at no cost to the student. The College is required to cover relevant costs associated with English language tuition.
  2. When proficiency in English needed to participate in the student’s study has been demonstrated, the Associate Dean will inform either the Secretary to the Academic Quality Assurance Committee or the Secretary to the Higher Degree Reserach Committee in writing. The College is no longer required to source or fund further English language tuition once the Secretary has been informed.

CELE Reporting

  1. An annual report is to be prepared for AQAC, HDRC, and Academic Board categorising Cases for English Language Equivalency by School and College, by cohort (undergraduate, postgraduate coursework, higher degree by research), by student demographic, and by type of evidence used. The report should consider the marks and grades, or work on the thesis, of each student, and a report from the staff member who is monitoring their progress.

English language support

  1. The demonstration of the requisite English language proficiency to undertake tertiary education is critical to the student’s ability to develop academic literacy, that is, to acquire and competently deploy the specialised language, argumentation, and referencing conventions of discipline-specific discourse.
  2. Based on their performance in the post-entry language assessment, students are directed to the appropriate available resources for developing their academic literacy and English language proficiency.
  3. Students take responsibility for making use of these resources, which cover academic literacy development and English language support.

Quality assurance

  1. The requirements specified in this policy are minimum requirements that will be adopted University wide. An evidence-based case for a higher level of English language ability for entry can be made for individual programs.
  2. An annual report covering the previous calendar year is to be prepared by the Planning and Service Performance Division. The report will use post-entry language assessment data and progression and retention data to analyse each of the English language admission requirements including achieved scores in instances where the policy specifies a minimum score. The report is provided to the Academic Quality Assurance Committee at its second meeting each year. At that meeting, the Committee will consider the report and recommend any changes to this policy to Academic Board.
  3. English language tests, English language programs, Foundation programs, and other pathway programs (excluding Secondary School qualifications) must demonstrate that they meet at a minimum the principles and criteria set out in Table 10 before they can be considered for inclusion in this policy. Provided data will be used to determine the initial achievement levels (including sub-bands where appropriate); these levels will be quality assured by and may be adjusted based on PELA data.

Table 10: Requirements for addition of English language tests and programs (excluding Secondary School qualifications) to this policy

Test quality assurance principles (clause 65)

Program quality assurance principles (clause 66)

Institutional quality assurance criteria (clause 67)

English language tests




English language programs


Either Program or Institutional principles

Either Program or Institutional principles

Foundation programs




Other programs




  1. The English Language Test quality assurance principles are:

Principle 1: The test is fit for purpose.

  • The test measures academic English language proficiency.
  • The tasks and scoring methods represent similar tasks, skills and values to those of the academic domain.
  • The test provider has a validation agenda which examines the accuracy and appropriateness of scoring, the test’s fit-for-purpose for the academic domain, and the impact of the test. The validation research is available.
  • The test generates preparation activities that develop academic English.

Principle 2: The test provides sufficient information for decision-making.

  • The test measures four skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening).
  • The test levels are representative of the range of English language proficiencies relevant to the ANU applicant pool.
  • The Standard Error of Measurement (SEm) is acceptable at score decision points, i.e., the minimum required score for entry to a program.

Principle 3: The test provides consistent and fair measurement.

  • The test is reliable and publishes information about its internal properties.
  • The test is secure.
  • The test is not biased against any applicant groups.

Principle 4: The test’s score equivalence with other tests is robust.

  • There is a sound empirical basis for the score equivalences claimed.
  • Equivalences are based on considerations of construct congruence as well as correlational strength.

Principle 5: The range of tests is accessible.

  • At least one of the tests is accessible in terms of technology, geography and any accommodations required for inclusive testing.
  • In rare circumstances, exceptions may apply to Principles 1 to 4 for reasons of inclusivity and access.
  1. The Program quality assurance principles are:

Principle 1: The curriculum, learning outcomes and assessments are fit for purpose and sufficient evidence is gathered.

  • Criteria for evaluation:
  1. The curriculum and learning outcomes focus centrally on the domain of English-medium university study;
  2. The program offers a rich and relevant learning experience;
  3. The summative assessments capture a robust sample of relevant academic English language and literacy skills, including oral and listening skills;
  4. Scoring and rating processes and levels (summative assessments) prioritise aspects of English language ability that are relevant to English-medium university study; and
  5. Any use of external examinations is well justified in relation to the course outcomes.
  • Providers supply:
  1. Relevant curriculum overviews and learning outcomes;
  2. Structure and time allocation for the program, including time spend in class and mode of class delivery (e.g., in-person, online);
  3. Specifications for summative assessments demonstrating the evidence base for academic English proficiency; and
  4. Sample summative assessments (e.g., practice test papers) and descriptions/samples of assessment components (e.g., task description, use of input texts, approach to AI and technology assistance at task level, marking criteria, assessment conditions and timing).

Principle 2: The summative assessments and final grades are reliable, transparent and fair representations of an individual’s English language ability.

  • Criteria for evaluation:
  1. The assessments are reliable and consistently administered with marking moderation processes in place;
  2. The assessments are secure and there are procedures in place for monitoring academic integrity, including the use of AI tools;
  3. The Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) is acceptable at the minimum required score for entry to a university program;
  4. If machine scoring/rating is used, it is combined with human monitoring (for objective scoring) and human rating (for subjective scoring). Any use of AI in the assessment and marking process should be well documented and transparent;
  5. Final grades are based on independent work (i.e., not group marks); and
  6. Teaching/assessing staff are well qualified.
  • Providers supply auditable evidence on the following:
  1. Descriptions of regular marking processes for all summative tasks, including regular moderation, co-marking, or other procedures;
  2. Procedures for keeping summative assessment materials and administrations secure;
  3. Expectations regarding the independence of summative assessments including expectations about the use of technological assistance in summative assessments, and the ways that this is monitored, and the extent of any collaborative assessment performances;
  4. Procedures for educating about and monitoring academic integrity;
  5. Reliability statistics and item statistics for summative assessments;
  6. Details of human and machine scoring methods; and
  7. Recruitment criteria for relevant staff.

Principle 3: The program final grades are comparable to the university entry requirement score level/s.

  • Criteria for evaluation:
  1. There is a sound empirical basis for the relationship between program grades and university English language entrance requirements; and
  2. If external, standardised tests are used as summative assessments, these have robust and evidence-based equivalences to university entrance requirements.
  • Providers supply:
  1. Documentation about benchmarking with external tests and/or university entrance standard-setting procedures;
  2. Tracking studies showing pathway college students’ performances once at university; and
  3. Evidence of equivalence of any external tests used to university entrance requirements.

  1. The Institutional quality assurance criteria are:
    1. the provider must be on, or must be a wholly-owned subsidiary of a provider on, at least one of the:
      1. Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS);
      2. National Register of Higher Education Providers in accordance with the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act);
    2. the program must be entirely taught in a Group A County (see Table 3); and
    3. the program is taught by an Australian university or a wholly-owned subsidiary of an Australian university, or was developed in partnership with or created for an Australian university; and that university admits students who successfully complete the program at a specified minimum achievement level in English directly into an undergraduate or postgraduate degree with an English language admission requirement of at least that specified in Table 2 (for admission into undergraduate programs) or Table 6 (for admission into postgraduate coursework programs); the initial achievement level in English will be the same as that set by that university.

  1. Where an English Language Test, English Language Program, Foundation Program, or Other Program is to be considered for addition to this policy, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) requests the relevant organisation to provide evidence that the test or program meets the relevant Principles and Criteria; however, institutional criteria may be determined from published sources and not requested from the institution. The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) seeks written advice from at least two academic experts in the field of English language testing based on the evidence provided and on Test Principle 5. The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) prepares a case for consideration by the Academic Quality Assurance Committee for endorsement for transmission to Academic Board for approval.

  1. Where a Government declares an emergency situation that prevents or makes it difficult for applicants to access the tests listed in this policy, Academic Board may approve, for the duration of that emergency only, tests that do not meet these principles for applicants impacted by that emergency. Such tests must be included in appendices to the Tables.

  1. Each Secondary-School Qualification, English language test, English language program, Foundation program, or Other program is accredited for inclusion for a maximum period of five years. A case for reaccreditation must be made for each program; the case must include consideration of post-entry language assessment data and student progression and retention data. The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) may call an earlier review of a qualification or program based on the results of the annual reporting of post-entry language assessment data and student progression and retention data.

  1. Where a test or program states that it is only accepted if it was “completed before” or “commenced before” a specified date, it is not subject to ongoing review past that date, but will remain a valid entry mechanism subject to those restrictions.


  1. This version of the policy applies to applications for enrolment to commence study on or after 1 December 2022.


Printable version (PDF)
Title English language admission requirements and post-admission support
Document Type Policy
Document Number ANUP_000408
Purpose To establish the English language requirements for admission to the University.
Audience Students, Prospective Students, Staff-Professional, Staff-Academic
Category Academic
Topic/ SubTopic Students
Effective Date 20 Aug 2024
Next Review Date 20 Aug 2029
Responsible Officer: Registrar, Student Administration
Approved By: Academic Board
Contact Area Division of Student Administration and Academic Services
Authority: National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018
Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021
Coursework Awards Rule 2024
Research Awards Rule 2021
Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000
Delegations 0

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