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This policy document is currently under review to reflect The Australian National University Enterprise Agreement 2023-2026, which came into effect on 5 December 2023. Until this has been reviewed, the new Enterprise Agreement will take precedence over the provisions outlined in this document.

Policy: Indigenous employment


To inform staff of the University's commitment to Indigenous employment.


The University is committed to the employment and development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons through implementation of the University’s Indigenous Employment Strategy.


This Policy applies across the University.

Policy Statement


  1. The University is committed to the employment and development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons.
  2. ANU is committed to implementing the University's Indigenous Employment Strategy consistent with the operational needs of the University. The objectives of that strategy are to:
  • Maximise staff development along with the transfer of job skills and information in order to increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff knowledge, independence, remuneration, job security and self-sufficiency;
  • Encourage and foster the employment and participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people at all levels of work activity within the University;
  • Facilitate and encourage the direct involvement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff in determining career strategies, goals and objectives;
  • Achieve the Indigenous employment targets established in the ANU Enterprise Agreement;
  • Establish, promote and maintain a Talent Register of potential Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates; and
  • Market and promote suitably qualified candidates from the Talent Register to Colleges and Divisions.
  1. In pursuing these objectives, and in employment matters generally, the University will:
  • Respect and consider the cultural, social and religious systems practiced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people;
  • Support participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff in activities of a cultural or ceremonial nature, recognising that the provision of paid leave for such purposes has a direct impact on the effectiveness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as employees and is therefore of direct benefit to the University; and
  • Recognise that the general working environment requires the redress of past social injustice, exploitation and Indigenous employment inequities.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Indigenous employment
Document Type Policy
Document Number ANUP_000418
Purpose To inform staff of the University's committment to Indigenous employment.
Audience Staff, Prospective Staff
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Equity & Diversity - Diversity
Effective Date 16 Sep 2022
Next Review Date 30 Jun 2024
Responsible Officer: Chief People Officer
Approved By: Vice-Chancellor
Contact Area People and Culture Division
Authority: Australian National University Act 1991
The Australian National University Enterprise Agreement 2023-2026
Delegations 0

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