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Policy: Infectious diseases screening and immunisation for students undertaking clinical placements


To advise students of their legislative ACT and NSW Government obligations regarding screening and immunisation for specified infectious diseases and blood-borne virus testing.


Clinical placements are a significant and sometimes mandatory component of a number of programs at the Australian National University (the University). The University relies upon state, territory and private health providers for access to clinical training facilities.

Access to these facilities is regulated by the operators of the facilities. This policy focuses on the requirements of the ACT and NSW Governments and their health services, as that is where the majority of University clinical placements occur.


This policy is for the information of staff involved in student administration or teaching and learning, and applies to all students undertaking clinical placements in clinical placement facilities.

Policy Statement

Responsibilities of the University

  1. The University supports the approach adopted by the ACT Health Directorate (ACT Health), the NSW Ministry of Health (NSW Health), and their respective health services.
  2. This policy and related procedure may be revised from time to time to reflect any developments by the ACT or NSW governments, and are consistent with the policy directives and procedures of the:
  1. ACT Health Directorate;
  2. NSW Ministry of Health;
  3. Canberra Health Services

Responsibilities of students

  1. All students who have a clinical placement component in their program comply with all screening and immunisation requirements of clinical placement facilities where they undertake clinical placements.
  2. Students undertaking placements in non-ACT and non-NSW government operated clinical placement facilities may be subject to different requirements from those set out in this policy and the related procedure, and those different requirements are resolved by the student with the local governing body for the clinical placement and the University prior to any placement commencing.
  3. The appropriate area within ACT Health or NSW Health decides the outcome for placement.
  4. Students are responsible for any costs incurred in meeting the requirements.
  5. Students infected with a communicable disease, blood-borne virus or respiratory virus, who knowingly participate in clinical placements without notifying the clinical placement facility of their infected status, engage in conduct that is likely to put patients, colleagues and other staff at risk, face disciplinary proceedings that may result in exclusion from the University.

Students are advised that it is a criminal offence under the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) and Crimes Act 1900 (ACT) to intentionally cause or attempt to cause another person to contract an infectious disease. This offence carries a jail term.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Infectious diseases and immunisation policy for students undertaking clinical placements in health facilities
Document Type Policy
Document Number ANUP_000420
Purpose To advise staff and students of the legislative ACT and NSW Government requirements regarding screening and immunisation for specified infectious diseases and blood-borne virus testing.
Audience Students, Prospective Students, Staff
Category Academic
Topic/ SubTopic Students
Effective Date 25 Oct 2022
Next Review Date 25 Oct 2027
Responsible Officer: Registrar, Student Administration
Approved By: Academic Board
Contact Area Division of Student Administration and Academic Services
Delegations 0

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