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Policy: ANU Travel


The University recognises that domestic and international engagement is an essential component of education, research and other university related activities.

This policy is designed to ensure safe, efficient, cost-effective and sustainable travel for staff, students and other travellers of the University.

The policy is supported by, and must be read in conjunction with the Travel Handbook.

This policy is in place to ensure that the University is compliant with the financial controls and delegations outlined in the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act) and to ensure compliance with the University’s travel insurance requirements.


This policy and the Travel Handbook apply to all University staff, students and any other approved persons (‘University travellers’) undertaking official University business travel, fully or partially supported by the University, regardless of funding source.

This policy applies to all travel that involves individuals travelling away from their normal on-campus workplace and/or outside of the City of Canberra where:

  • there is a cost to the University for the use of travel services (i.e. flights, external car rental, private car usage, accommodation, etc.); and/or
  • there is a requirement for a risk assessment to be completed to conduct the activity.

An on-campus workplace is defined as a building or structure which is owned, managed or leased by the University or recognised as a university site where staff and students work or study.

Policy statement

University travellers, travel arrangers, supervisors, approvers and delegated officers are responsible for always exercising prudent business judgement when authorising, booking and undertaking travel, by adhering to the following policy principles.


  1. Essential business travel for staff and students can be broadly defined as travel undertaken in order to conduct research, teaching, learning and engagement activities.
  2. Travel should only take place where the planned research, teaching, learning or engagement activity cannot be effectively conducted via alternate methods such as teleconferencing and video conferencing.
  3. University travellers, supervisors and approvers ensure that the travel is essential and provides an educational, financial and/or other material benefit to the University.

Travel Approval and Bookings

  1. All University travel, regardless of funding source, must be approved prior to travel by the associated delegated officer in accordance with University Delegations.
  2. Delegates must ensure that the travel is being undertaken in accordance with the requirements set out in this policy, prior to approving requests to travel.
  3. University travellers must use the University appointed Travel Management Company(s) to assist with all travel related bookings.
  4. In exceptional circumstances, delegate approval can be sought to book travel through a non-preferred booking channel, such as:
  1. where the traveller has received written advice from the preferred provider(s) that the travel bookings cannot be facilitated; or
  2. where the activities need to be arranged as part of a third-party supplied package (e.g. conference); or
  3. where the site and/or accommodation is University owned (e.g. Kioloa Coastal Campus).

  1. University travellers are responsible for ensuring that travel documents, passports and visas are obtained where required and are current and valid for the period of travel.

Expense Management

  1. All travel expenses must be for a legitimate University purpose. University travellers are expected to exercise prudent judgement to ensure all expenses are necessary, reasonable, appropriate and allowable.
  2. Delegates have the responsibility to verify that travel expenditure is appropriate and follows University financial policies and procedures.
  3. University travellers receiving funding for travel from an external body must ensure their travel complies with the conditions of the relevant external body.
  4. Travel allowance thresholds for meals and incidentals are applicable regardless of whether the expenses are being managed by per diem, purchase card, reimbursement or advances.
  5. University travellers are required to maintain a travel diary when travelling overseas or within Australia for six (6) or more consecutive nights to ensure the University meets its obligations under the Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986.

Risks and Safety

  1. University business travellers are obliged to comply with health advice and relevant Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) requirements at the time of travel and are advised to familiarise themselves with the travel advice and services available at the DFAT website:
  2. University travellers and travel approvers are required to ensure travel risks are identified and appropriately managed in accordance with the University's Work Health and Safety Policy, prior to any trip being approved.
  3. Whilst travelling and where necessary, University travellers will be provided with medical and security assistance via the University emergency assistance provider.
  4. University travellers must ensure they are fit for travel and have appropriate vaccinations, given the nature, purpose, destination and duration of the travel.
  5. University travellers are responsible for the security of University managed devices and University data while travelling. Appropriate precautions must be taken to protect access to electronic and hardcopy information by adhering to any cybersecurity requirements of the University as outlined in the Travel Handbook and obtain Foreign Interference Advisory Committee approval if required.

Environmental sustainability

  1. University travel significantly contributes to the University greenhouse gas emissions. The University is committed to a reduction of travel emissions and provides carbon smart travel resources for individuals and areas to reduce their carbon footprint.
  2. To reduce travel emissions, it is recommended travellers apply a carbon smart lens to travel planning and decisions by:
  1. Considering the need to travel and available alternatives (e.g. virtual meetings and conferences).
  2. Making transport choices that reduce the carbon footprint (e.g. land transport, economy class, lower emissions flights, etc.).
  3. Reducing their environmental footprint whilst travelling.


  1. University travellers are responsible for complying with this Travel Policy and the Travel Handbook including:
  1. Ensuring they follow the University Code of Conduct Policy whilst travelling.
  2. Exploring all viable options to achieve the business objective (e.g. virtual attendance at meetings, conferences).
  3. Discussing their travel plans with their supervisor prior to submitting a travel request.
  4. Ensuring their work responsibilities are suitably covered during the period of travel.
  5. Obtaining travel approval and booking all travel at least seven (7) days from the travel start date.
  6. Ensuring the travel is undertaken in the most cost effective and efficient manner.
  7. Ensuring their travel is properly budgeted for and funds are available to pay for the travel and all associated costs.
  8. Managing travel-related costs and expenses responsibly and consistently in accordance with University policies and procedures.
  9. Finalising all travel-related records and finances within 30 days of return from travel.
  10. Disclosing and paying for any private travel costs during the period of travel.
  11. Disclosing any relevant details of travel with accompanying non-University travellers and paying for any associated travel costs.
  12. Maintaining and providing copies of necessary travel-related records.
  13. Disclosing any relevant current or previous medical condition (physical and/or psychological) which may impact on the employee’s safety while travelling, and where requested, provide medical clearance from a legally qualified medical practitioner for the travel.
  14. Ensuring all University managed devices, information and any other University assets are reasonably protected during the period of travel


Printable version (PDF)
Title ANU Travel
Document Type Policy
Document Number ANUP_000476
Purpose This policy is designed to ensure that the University: fulfils its duty of care obligations to University travellers; makes the most efficient use of its resources in the travel booking and expense management process; maintains accurate records for all travel approval and travel related expenditure.
Audience Staff, Students
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Travel & Transport
Effective Date 20 Jan 2025
Next Review Date 20 Jan 2030
Responsible Officer: Chief Financial Officer
Approved By: Vice-Chancellor
Contact Area Finance and Business Services
Authority: ATO Determination: Reasonable travel and overtime meal allowance
Delegations 198, 199, 220, 221, 222, 223

Information generated and received by ANU staff in the course of conducting business on behalf of ANU is a record and should be captured by an authorised recordkeeping system. To learn more about University records and recordkeeping practice at ANU, see ANU recordkeeping and Policy: Records and archives management.