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Procedure: Alterations in or about University buildings


To ensure that appropriate approvals are sought, and processes are followed in relation to any proposal to alter the interior or exterior of buildings, the natural environment or surrounding infrastructure of the Australian National University (ANU).


Campus Building Requirements Manual (CBRM) documents the minimum design and construction requirements for new, refurbishment or repurposed building works, landscapes and engineering/infrastructure projects on buildings, facilities and campuses of the ANU.

University Procurements and Contracts Office (UPCO) is a team within the Finance & Business Services Division and provides advice relating to procurement and contract management processes across the University. UPCO also undertakes procurement processes on behalf of the University, manages whole of University contracts, and can assist University staff in undertaking these functions to achieve the best value for money outcome, efficiently and effectively manage contracts, and comply with the University Procurement Policy.



  1. This procedure ensures that the risks associated with proposed alterations to the interior or exterior of buildings, the natural environment or surrounding infrastructure of the ANU are identified, assessed and appropriately managed.
  2. Facilities and Services Division manages the approvals process for alterations ensuring compliance with Legislative and statutory requirements, codes of practice, standards and relevant University policies. Where necessary, some proposed alteration works will require the approval and/or certification of external third parties, such as the National Capital Authority or the Australian Capital Territory Government Environment and Planning Directorate.

Method of operation

  1. Any operation involving an alteration to the fabric of a building, buildings, the natural environment, or surrounding infrastructure must have the prior written approval of the Director, Facilities and Services Division (or delegate). Refer to the proposed Category A, B or C actions in the tables below.
  2. All proposed works must be notified to the Director, Facilities and Services Division at the earliest possible stage in the planning process. The following considerations apply:
  1. The Director, Facilities and Services Division has the authority to require changes to the proposal where there is some conflict with statutory requirements or University policy. Advice will also be offered where a plan is thought not to be cost effective, and where more economical alternatives are possible. A check list of Category A, B or C actions has been prepared to assist responsible officers to take appropriate steps in relation to any proposal for internal or external change to a University building, the natural environment or surrounding infrastructure.
  2. All proposals for alteration works must be notified to Facilities and Services via a Project Initiation Request at the earliest possible stage in the planning process to gain appropriate approval. Depending on the details of the service request relevant staff of Facilities and Services and the wider team of ANU Subject Matter Managers will become involved to advise and assist with technical input.
  3. On receipt and assessment of the service request, a project may need to be established requiring a more detailed review and submission of the proposal via a Project Initiation Request.
  1. For the installation and management of AV Systems in any of the University Campuses the ITS LST (AV) Standards applies.

Approval checklist for alterations in or about buildings

Category A

  1. Approval is required from the Director Facilities and Services or delegate for a proposed Category A action described below.

Proposed action

Approval authority


Alterations/additions to heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, exhaust or
control systems in buildings

Associate Director Operations

  • All work is subject to the CBRM.

Car parking - Alterations or additions to.

Associate Director Operations

  • All work is subject to the CBRM.
  • Signs must comply with University guidelines.

Building fabric - Any alterations or additions, internally or externally

Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning

Electrical services - Any alteration or addition, including lighting

Associate Director Operations

  • All work is subject to the CBRM.
  • May require inspection and clearances from the electrical utilities service.
  • Live work should be avoided where possible and all outages need to be planned. Outages can be initiated by raising a service request.

Fire systems - Any alteration or addition including sprinklers, first aid, extinguishers, etc.

Associate Director Operations

  • May require significant briefing and development of a Project Initiation Request.
  • All work is subject to the CBRM.

Fume cupboard or hood -
installation of

Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning

  • May require significant briefing and development of a Project Initiation Request.
  • All work is subject to the CBRM.

Heavy loadings - Placing on existing floors, e.g. large safes, heavy equipment items, etc. loadings internal and external wall, roof/ceilings, etc.

Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning

  • May require significant briefing and development of a Project Initiation Request.
  • All work is subject to the CBRM.

Installation or application - Of any device, structure or treatment which alters the external appearance of a
building or the site including
external signs, painting or landscape work

Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning

  • May require significant briefing and development of a Project Initiation Request.
  • All work is subject to the CBRM.

Installation of hoists and
Cranes - Generally used for lifting materials in workshops, etc.

Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning

  • May require significant briefing and development of a Project Initiation Request.
  • All work is subject to the CBRM.

Installation of lifts -
Passenger and goods

Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning

  • May require significant briefing and development of a Project Initiation Request.
  • All work is subject to.
  • Will require approval of Local Building and Safety Authorities.
  • Copy of annual contract inspection reports are provided to Facilities and Services.

Landscaping - Alterations or additions to

Associate Director Operations

May require significant briefing and development of a Project Initiation Request.

Plumbing and drainage -
Alterations or extensions to existing water or waste systems. Connection of

equipment to such systems.

Associate Director Operations

  • May require significant briefing and development of a Project Initiation Request.
  • All work is subject to the CBRM.

Security systems - Access Control, installation or alteration and addition

Associate Director Operations

  • All work is subject to the CBRM.
  • Will require approval and co-ordination of project with Security Systems Protocols and standards and with Subject Matter Managers.

Signs - Alternations or additions to

Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning

All work is subject to the CBRM.

Natural gas - Installation, alterations/additions to

Associate Director Operations

  • All work is subject to the CBRM.
  • Estimated gas consumption and gas pressure is required.

Alterations which involve working with/removal of hazardous materials - Any operation that involves or exposes materials known or suspected of containing hazardous materials e.g. asbestos or lead based paint or synthetic mineral fibres or PCBs.

Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning

  • All work is subject to the HAZMAT Management Plan.
  • Involvement of Facilities and Services Work Health Safety team and external authorities may be required.

Building fabric - Any alterations or additions, internally or externally

Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning

  • May require significant briefing and development of a Project Initiation Request.
  • All work is subject to the CBRM.
  • May require approval of Local Planning and Building Authorities.

Category B

  1. Approval is required from the Director Facilities and Services or delegate for a proposed Category B action described below.

Proposed action

Approval authority


Communications cabling - external (optical fibre and copper) - Alterations or additions to underground or overhead cable plant, external to buildings

Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning with input from Information and Technology Services

Permission to excavate is required from Facilities and Services.

Communications cabling - internal - Alterations or additions to structured cabling and tie cabling systems, within buildings not interfering with the base building

Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning with input from Information and Technology Services

  • Notification to Facilities and Services is required.
  • Joint final inspection is conducted by Facilities and Services and Information Technology Services.

Telephone system - Alterations or additions to internal building MDFs and IDFs

Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning with input from Information and Technology Services

  • Notification to Facilities and Services is required.
  • Joint final inspection is conducted by Facilities and Services and Information Technology Services.

Antenna systems & communications poles and towers - Alterations or additions to microwave radio dishes, satellite dishes or antenna systems and their supporting structures.

Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning with input from Information and Technology Services

  • May require significant briefing and development of a Project Initiation Request.

Audio visual & Learning Space Technology systems

Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning with input from Information and Technology Services

  • Notification to Facilities and Services is required.
  • Design acceptance by Information Technology Services.
  • All work subject to the ITS LST AV Standards

Dangerous goods - Creation
of storage facilities,

e.g. Flammable Liquids


Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning

  • May require significant briefing and development of a Project Initiation Request.
  • All work is subject to the CBRM.
  • Involvement of Facilities and Services Work Health Safety team and external authorities may be required.

Gas systems - Installation,
alteration/addition to, cylinder storage facilities

Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning

Pressure vessels require third party registration.

Pressure vessels - Installation or alteration of compressed air or gas
(other than gas cylinders) systems, steam generators or boilers

Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning

Pressure vessels require third party registration.

Category C

For proposed actions listed below, a Facilities and Services Advisory Service is available through the nominated contact.

Proposed action

Approval authority


Fixed furniture - Alterations to positioning, placement of equipment items, bookshelves, etc.

Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning or Associate Director Operations

  • All work is subject to the CBRM.
  • ANU has preferred suppliers in place.
  • Exemptions may be sought for non-standard office items via UPCO.
  • Casual and teaching specific furniture is approved as outlined in the current office supplies contract.
  • May involve F&S WHS team.

Floor coverings - Installation or replacement including surface treatment

Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning or Associate Director Operations

  • All work is subject to the CBRM.
  • Suitability, design and safety aspects are considered.

Painting or decoration - Of internal and external spaces

Associate Director Infrastructure & Planning or Associate Director Operations

  • All work is subject to the CBRM.
  • Product selection and application is considered.
  • Painting or decoration of external spaces may require planning authority approval.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Alterations in or about University buildings
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_000492
Purpose To ensure that appropriate approvals are sought in relation to any proposal to alter the interior or exterior of buildings, the natural environment or surrounding infrastructure of the Australian National University.
Audience Staff
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Buildings & Grounds - Maintenance & Small Alterations
Effective Date 28 Oct 2022
Next Review Date 28 Oct 2027
Responsible Officer: Director, Facilities and Services
Approved By: Chief Operating Officer
Contact Area Facilities and Services
Authority: Australian National University Act 1991
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013
Work Health & Safety Act 2011
Delegations 0

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