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This policy document is currently under review to reflect The Australian National University Enterprise Agreement 2023-2026, which came into effect on 5 December 2023. Until this has been reviewed, the new Enterprise Agreement will take precedence over the provisions outlined in this document.

Procedure: Re-entry to the University following retirement or redundancy


To outline the procedures involved in the re-entry to the University following retirement or redundancy.


  1. Staff will from time to time cease employment with the University as a result of early retirement or redundancy. Such arrangements may be subject to concessional taxation arrangements. Staff who retire with superannuation entitlements are subject to the provisions of the relevant superannuation fund regarding any restrictions on future employment.
  2. Staff therefore should have no expectation of future paid re-engagement by the University after they cease employment on early retirement or redundancy. No arrangements for future re-engagement should be entered into at the time of departure. Formal approval from the Director, Human Resources is required for any new appointment, and this will normally only be approved where there has been a significant change in circumstances, and the staff member is carrying out different duties and for a limited period eg a casual or fixed term appointment. The Director, Human Resources will not consider applications within two years of leaving the University under any approved redundancy, early separation or retirement scheme.
  3. Any proposal to re-engage a staff member who has taken a redundancy or approved early separation scheme benefit must be in writing to the Director, Human Resources with a statement of the reasons for the proposed appointment, including the change in circumstances, and highlighting the different duties from work previously undertaken.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Re-entry to the university following retirement or redundancy
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_000559
Purpose To outline the procedures involved in the re-entry to the University following retirement or redundancy.
Audience Staff, Staff-Academic, Staff-Academic-Research, Staff-Professional
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Staff - Employment of Staff
Effective Date 29 Aug 2018
Next Review Date 30 Jun 2024
Responsible Officer: Chief People Officer
Approved By: Chief Operating Officer
Contact Area People and Culture Division
Delegations 0

Information generated and received by ANU staff in the course of conducting business on behalf of ANU is a record and should be captured by an authorised recordkeeping system. To learn more about University records and recordkeeping practice at ANU, see ANU recordkeeping and Policy: Records and archives management.

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