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Procedure: 38-hour week for hospitality staff


To outline the procedure for staff employed in the Hospitality stream at University House or the University Halls of Residence working a 38-hour week.


  1. Provisions for determining hours of work are provided for under the ANU Enterprise Agreement and the ANU Procedure: Ordinary hours of work and related provisions.

Ordinary hours of work

  1. The ordinary hours of work for staff members employed in the Hospitality stream at University House or the University Halls of Residence shall be 38 per week in accordance with the ANU Procedure: Ordinary hours of work and related provisions.
  2. The ordinary hours of work for staff members employed in the Hospitality stream shall be 8 hours per day, 0.4 of which shall accrue towards a paid rostered day off (RDO). By mutual agreement between the University and a staff member, that staff member's hours of work may be worked in accordance with any one of the following cycles:
  • 152 hours within a cycle of 20 workdays, 19 of which are working day and one is an RDO;
  • 456 hours within a cycle of 60 workdays, 57 of which are working days and three are RDOs;
  • 760 hours within a cycle of 100 workdays, 95 of which are working days and five are RDOs; or
  • any other working arrangement mutually agreed between the University and the staff member.
  1. Days off will be rostered to fall immediately prior or subsequent to a weekend. However, an RDO may be taken midweek by mutual agreement between the University and the staff member.

  1. Where any agreed RDO falls on a public holiday the preceding or following workday shall be taken in lieu of the RDO unless an alternative day in the relevant work cycle is agreed between the University and the staff member.

Impact of the 38-hour week on leave entitlements

  1. Staff members are entitled to take leave in accordance with the ANU Policy: Staff Leave and related procedures.

Paid leave

  1. For every day taken as paid leave, the staff member shall accrue 0.4 of an hour towards a paid RDO.
  2. Where a paid RDO falls within a period of certified sick leave, sick leave credits will not be debited for that day.
  3. Where a paid RDO falls within a period of paid leave other than sick leave, the staff member's credits will be debited at the rate of 8 hours for that day.

Leave without pay

  1. For each full day taken as leave without pay, the staff member's pay for the day will be reduced by 7 hours and 36 minutes.
  2. For each part of a day taken as leave without pay, the staff member's pay for that day will be reduced by the actual period of absence.
  3. Unpaid absences, whether approved or not, shall not accrue time towards an RDO.

Payment in lieu of RDOs upon termination of employment

  1. Where a staff member ceases employment with the University and has accrued RDO credits that have not been utilised, such credits will be paid for.

Provided that where the paid period of leave has been taken in anticipation of credits, any shortfall as at the date of termination will be recovered in accordance with the ANU Procedure: Overpayments


Printable version (PDF)
Title 38 hour week for hospitality staff employed at University House
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_000562
Purpose To outline the procedure for and related processes for staff employed in the Hospitality stream at University House or the University Halls of Residence (the Hospitality Stream) working a 38 hour week.
Audience Staff
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Staff - Employment of Staff
Effective Date 19 Apr 2024
Next Review Date 4 Dec 2026
Responsible Officer: Chief People Officer
Approved By: Chief Operating Officer
Contact Area People and Culture Division
Authority: The Australian National University Enterprise Agreement 2023-2026
Delegations 0

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