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Procedure: Casual professional staff conditions


This document outlines the employment conditions and procedure for the engagement and payment of casual professional staff covered by the ANU Enterprise Agreement.


Casual professional staff salary

  1. A casual professional staff member will be employed by the hour and paid an hourly rate. The hourly rate is derived from the annual salary applicable to the appropriate ANU Officer level, plus 25% casual loading on base hourly rate in lieu of certain entitlements, including, but not limited to, annual leave and personal and wellbeing leave.
  2. Casual professional staff are not entitled to incremental progression but may be appointed at any salary step within the relevant ANU Officer level, dependent on prior experience and/or enhanced skills and knowledge.


  1. The University will maintain employer contributions at the rate of 12.5% (or the minimum required contribution under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992) for casual professional staff members covered by the ANU Enterprise Agreement.

Minimum engagement

  1. The minimum engagement for a casual professional staff member is three hours except as follows:
  1. A staff member who is a student (including postgraduate student), and who is expected to attend the University on the day in question in their capacity as a student, shall have a minimum engagement of one hour.
  2. Without limiting the scope of (a), a student will be taken as being expected to attend on any Monday to Friday during the main teaching weeks of the University, other than public holidays.
  3. A casual professional staff member with a primary occupation elsewhere (or with the University) will have a minimum period of engagement of one hour.
  1. In order to meet their personal circumstances, a casual staff member may request, and the supervisor may agree to an engagement for less than the minimum specified in clause 4 (above).

Overtime for casual professional staff

  1. A casual professional staff member will be eligible for overtime as per the table below, where the staff member works in excess of the ordinary hours of work and/or where the staff member works outside ordinary hours of work or rostered hours of work as described in the ANU Procedure: Ordinary hours of work and related provisions.

Day of work

Overtime rate of pay (inclusive of ordinary hours)

Monday to Friday

150% of normal salary for first three hours, 200% thereafter.


150% of normal salary for first three hours, 200% thereafter.


200% of normal salary.

Public holiday

250% of normal salary.

  1. Where a casual staff member receives overtime rates of pay, they will not be eligible to be paid the casual loading for the overtime work.

Leave entitlements

  1. Casual professional staff members are able to access the following paid and unpaid leave entitlements in accordance with the provisions of the ANU Enterprise Agreement;

Leave Type



Sick leave

Up to 3 instances of paid sick leave per calendar year for when the staff member is unable to attend work because of personal illness, injury, or health reasons.

Refer to the ANU Procedure: Personal and wellbeing leave.

Family and domestic violence leave

Paid and unpaid family and domestic violence leave is provided in accordance with the National Employment Standards (10 days’ paid leave and 5 days’ unpaid leave in a 12-month period).

Refer to the ANU Procedure: Other Leave

Gender affirmation leave

Up to 20 instances of paid gender affirmation leave per year for the purpose of taking steps to affirm their gender.

Refer to the clause 39 (Gender affirmation leave) of the ANU Enterprise Agreement and University policy.

Long service leave

Where employment meets the ten-year qualifying period, the entitlement will be pro-rata in accordance with clause 16-18 of the ANU Procedure: Long service leave.

Refer to the ANU Procedure: Long service leave.

Casual notice periods and termination

  1. A casual staff member’s employment may be terminated by the University by giving one weeks' notice, or by the University providing payment for the staff member’s rostered shifts within the week in lieu of notice.
  2. A casual staff member who resigns from their casual position, must give the University at least one weeks’ notice of resignation. A shorter period of notice may be agreed by the delegate where this can be achieved without a demonstrable adverse effect on University operations, including teaching and research commitments.
  3. Casual staff are not entitled to redundancy or severance payments.

Reasonable access to facilities

  1. Where practical, casual staff will be provided with reasonable access, commensurate with available resources, to University facilities to enable them to perform University work. These include access to the library, email and internet, a working space, and out-of-hours access to the office as appropriate.

Resolving pay and entitlement concerns

  1. Where a casual professional staff member wishes to discuss the application of this procedure, including those relating to their pay and/or entitlements, they should first contact their local HR team for advice and guidance.
  2. Where these questions are not resolved, the matter will be progressed via the process outlined in the dispute avoidance and settlement provisions outlined in clause 77 of the ANU Enterprise Agreement.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Casual professional staff conditions
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_000612
Purpose To outline the employment conditions for casual professional (general) staff at ANU including remuneration, superannuation, and access to ongoing positions.
Audience Staff-Professional
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Staff - Employment of Staff
Effective Date 9 May 2024
Next Review Date 4 Dec 2026
Responsible Officer: Chief People Officer
Approved By: Chief Operating Officer
Contact Area People and Culture Division
Authority: The Australian National University Enterprise Agreement 2023-2026
Delegations 0

Information generated and received by ANU staff in the course of conducting business on behalf of ANU is a record and should be captured by an authorised recordkeeping system. To learn more about University records and recordkeeping practice at ANU, see ANU recordkeeping and Policy: Records and archives management.