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Procedure: Payment of salary increments


To provide guidance on the procedure and criteria for the approval of incremental advancement.


  1. The approval of incremental advancement is provided for under the ANU Enterprise Agreement, this procedure, and the online accelerated increment form.
  2. Incremental progression through the salary structure within a classification requires:
  1. the staff member's acquisition of new skills, experience, knowledge; and
  2. satisfactory performance as agreed and assessed through the performance and development process.
  1. Supervisors will provide reasonable assistance and opportunity to staff members to achieve incremental progression.

Incremental salary progression

  1. Incremental progression is subject to 12 months' continuous service for annual progression or 24 months' continuous service for biennial progression.
  2. Incremental progression will be biennial for all academic staff and professional staff at ANU Officer Level 6 and above.
  3. Periods of leave without pay (LWOP) are not counted as continuous service and as such defer the staff member’s anniversary date for incremental progression.
  4. Incremental progression will not occur where provided for under the ANU Procedure: Managing unsatisfactory performance or the ANU Procedure: Managing misconduct, serious misconduct and suspension, and/or the ANU Procedure: Research misconduct and serious research misconduct.
  5. Casual staff are not entitled to incremental progression but a CSA Experience payment for Casual Sessional Academic staff may be payable, in accordance with the ANU Procedure: Casual sessional academic staff conditions.

Accelerated increments

  1. Accelerated increments may progress a staff member’s increment level:
  1. to a higher increment level than they would otherwise move to under the normal provisions of this procedure; or
  2. to the next or subsequent increment earlier than their next normal increment anniversary date.
  1. A supervisor may recommend to the delegate that the staff member receives an accelerated increment where:
  1. The staff member is performing their role at a level that has been assessed as outstanding within a completed Performance and Development Review (PDR) / Focus to recognise exceptional development and performance beyond normal expectations; or
  2. as an alternative to a market loading where the conditions of the market loading procedure have been met.
  1. Accelerated increments greater than one step require approval by the Chief People Officer or Vice-Chancellor and President.
  2. An accelerated increment is indexed and superannuable.
  3. Where a supervisor looks to appoint a staff member at an increment above the base as prescribed in the salary schedule, the process as outlined in the ANU Procedure: Appointments should be followed.

Casual Sessional Academic (CSA) Staff

  1. A sessional academic staff member will be entitled to a CSA Experience Rate at the next highest salary point in the salary range where the staff member has been employed teaching in excess of four teaching periods, in accordance with the ANU Procedure: Casual sessional academic staff conditions.


  1. Payment of increments are authorised by the delegate.
  2. Accelerated increments greater than one step require the approval of the Chief People Officer or the Vice-Chancellor and President.
  3. Payment of increments beyond the conditions and limits specified in this procedure requires the approval, in writing, of the Chief People Officer or the Vice-Chancellor and President.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Payment of salary increments
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_000619
Purpose To provide guidance on the procedure and criteria for the approval of incremental advancement
Audience Staff, Prospective Staff
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Staff - Remuneration & Benefits
Effective Date 29 May 2024
Next Review Date 4 Dec 2026
Responsible Officer: Chief People Officer
Approved By: Chief Operating Officer
Contact Area People and Culture Division
Authority: The Australian National University Enterprise Agreement 2023-2026
Delegations 175

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