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Procedure: Motor Vehicle Acquisition and Disposal


To inform staff of the requirements for purchasing University motor vehicles and the process involved in disposing University owned motor vehicles.


  1. All University motor vehicle acquisitions are managed through the University Procurement and Contracts Office (UPCO). Where an acquisition is required, applicants are required to send an email to UPCO ( with the following details:
  1. the business area requesting the motor vehicle;
  2. approval from the delegate of the business area;
  3. contact details of the proposed motor vehicle custodian;
  4. the General Ledger Code (GLC) to charge the motor vehicle cost, future servicing and repair costs etc.;
  5. the desired make and model of the motor vehicle;
  6. the estimated length of lease;
  7. the estimated kilometre (km) usage of the vehicle within the lease duration;
  8. the date the motor vehicle is required by the business area;
  9. the usage requirements of the motor vehicle;
  10. whether the motor vehicle will be used for private use when it is not being used by the University; and
  11. any proposed home garaging arrangements for the motor vehicle. (see Online Fleet Guide for further information).
  1. Where a motor vehicle is being purchased using external grant funding, UPCO is notified of any special conditions or value limits relating to the motor vehicle acquisition.
  2. Where a vehicle is not a Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) a description of why an electric vehicle is not proposed is required. This requirement is for all classes of vehicles. UPCO is able to offer support in finding suitable zero emission vehicles if one exists and is suitable.
  3. The University does not apply ANU branding to fleet vehicles.
  4. Vehicle Acquisitions must ensure that the vehicle:
  1. is a Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) for passenger vehicles, with the preference for a Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV)
  2. has a ‘five star’ Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) rating
  3. meets minimum ‘fit for purpose’ requirements
  4. provides ‘value for money’, including consideration of environmental and climate change impacts.
  1. UPCO maintains a list of approved motor vehicles for acquisition under the Commonwealth Fleet Management arrangement covering various categories of motor vehicles (i.e. sedans, hatchbacks and SUVs etc.).
  2. When a business area can demonstrate that the approved list of motor vehicles does not meet fit-for-purpose requirements, UPCO recommends alternative motor vehicle options.

Fleet Vehicle – Leasing, Service and Repairs

  1. Further information on ANU Fleet is found at ANU Fleet Guide.

Private Use Entitlements

  1. Senior managers or other staff in special circumstances may be provided with an entitlement to full private use of a University vehicle as part of their employment contract. Any such contracts are approved by the Chief People Officer.
  2. There are two options (option A and B) for remuneration contracts granting full private use of a University motor vehicle.
  3. Staff in ongoing positions or on fixed term contracts of two years or more are eligible for both options.
  4. Staff on fixed term contracts of less than two years are limited to Option B, unless an exemption is granted by the Chief People Officer.

Option A

  1. UPCO, on behalf of the staff member, purchases the University motor vehicle from the tiered range.
  2. The staff is to use the motor vehicle for all University travel within the Canberra region and makes the motor vehicle available for other staff to use when not required during normal business hours.

Maximum purchase price

Level 1

Deputy Vice-Chancellors and Pro-Vice Chancellors


Level 2

College Deans, School Directors, Directors of Service Divisions


Level 3

Other officers approved by the Chief People Officer (Director, Human Resources)


  1. The maximum purchase price includes accessories and GST but excludes registration and on road costs.
  2. Other officers entitled to a Level 2 motor vehicle are determined by the Chief People Officer, Chief Operating Officer or Vice-Chancellor.
  3. A Level 3 entitlement may be provided with conditional private use and be subject to one or more of the following conditions:
  1. where a motor vehicle is used for private purposes outside the radius of 300 kilometres from Canberra (or normal place of employment), the cost of fuel will be met by the designated staff member and details of these costs will be provided to the relevant Business Office to ensure that the appropriate FBT adjustments are made;
  2. an annual $500 contribution, or a greater amount if specified by the delegate, is obtained from post-tax salary via fortnightly payroll deductions as a contribution towards motor vehicle running costs;
  3. the motor vehicle is left on Campus for use by other ANU staff during all periods of annual leave and other planned absences;
  4. the motor vehicle is left on Campus for use by other ANU staff during periods of annual leave and other planned absences for periods greater than two weeks; and
  5. The designated staff member will ensure that the log book (if applicable) is completed at all times.

Option B

  1. Staff can elect to cash out their private use motor vehicle benefit. This per annum allowance is paid through payroll and does not accrue superannuation.
  2. Staff members selecting this option agree that they have no:
  1. usage entitlements for any other University motor vehicles.
  2. entitlement to fuel or mileage allowances or reimbursement of running costs; and
  3. entitlement to use a University Purchase Card, for charges relating to travel within the Canberra region that they would otherwise have used a University motor vehicle for had they not opted to receive the allowance.
  1. Cash out values are provided in the table below:

Cash out value

Level 1

Deputy Vice-Chancellors and Pro-Vice Chancellors


Level 2

College Deans, School Directors, Directors of Service Divisions


Level 3

Other officers approved by the Chief People Officer (Director, Human Resources)


  1. Other officers entitled to a Level 2 cash out value are determined by the Chief People Officer, Chief Operating Officer or Vice-Chancellor.


  1. The University contracts with third party disposal providers to manage the disposal of University owned motor vehicles.
  2. When compliance with this procedure is not in the best interests of the University, a written and reasoned email of intent is sent to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) by an authorised delegate.
  3. Prior to the disposal of a University owned motor vehicle, the authorised delegate approves the disposal by completing the Asset Disposal form.
  4. The University Procurement and Contract Office (UPCO) advises the authorised delegate and vehicle custodian on arrangements to transport the vehicle to the nominated disposal service provider.
  5. Business areas are responsible for ensuring the vehicle is prepared for disposal with.
  1. all spare keys;
  2. service records logbook;
  3. vehicle manuals;
  4. registration papers; and
  5. ANU parking labels removed.
  1. The disposal service provider assess the University owned motor vehicle and provides a reserve price for UPCO and the authorised delegate to review and confirm.

Disposal methods

  1. The University disposes University owned motor vehicles in one of three methods (unless specified otherwise by the CFO):
  1. pre-auction for the ANU community (fixed price sale): the University community is provided with an exclusive opportunity to purchase University owned motor vehicles; or
  2. direct to dealership (fixed price sale): a University owned motor vehicle is sold directly to a dealership; or
  3. general vehicle auction: a University owned motor vehicle is sold through a general auction method and where the motor vehicle is not successfully sold, alternate options are considered.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Motor vehicle acquisition and disposal
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_000630
Purpose To inform staff of the requirements for purchasing University vehicles
Audience Staff
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Travel & Transport - Vehicles
Effective Date 27 Sep 2022
Next Review Date 27 Sep 2027
Responsible Officer: Chief Financial Officer
Approved By: Vice-Chancellor
Contact Area Finance and Business Services
Authority: Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014
Delegations 157, 159, 227, 228, 234

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