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Procedure: Union and staff representation


To establish, and inform of the procedures for staff representation and time release.


  1. The framework for staff consultation at the ANU is provided for in the ANU Policy: Staff consultation and organisational change.
  2. Staff may choose to be represented by suitably qualified representatives, including:
  1. a supervisor or manager - either from within their direct reporting line or from elsewhere within the University;
  2. a colleague who has experience in mediation or similar skills;
  3. a staff member whose role is to assist with staffing matters, such as a Human Resources representative, and Equity and Diversity representative, the Staff Counsellor, or a person from the University's Employment Assistance Program;
  4. a member of the University Staff Consultative Committee; or
  5. where the staff member is a member of a union, their union representative.
  1. There are occasions when staff may wish to be accompanied by a family member. Under these circumstances the family member may act as a support person, but may not represent the staff member, unless the staff member is suffering from an illness and is not able to represent themselves.
  2. Where reference is made to the right of any staff member to choose to be represented or accompanied in any employment-related discussion or other matter under the ANU Enterprise Agreement, this does not include representation by legal practitioners except in relation to actual proceedings initiated in external tribunals.

Time release arrangements for union and staff representatives

  1. A staff member and/or union representative may be granted a leave of absence to undertake training or attend authorised national union conferences, subject to:
  1. provision of reasonable notice,
  2. the operating requirements of the University, and
  3. the scope, content and level of training being appropriate for the staff member's role representing other staff and enhancing productive relationships and working arrangements.
  1. Leave of absence will be paid at the staff member's ordinary pay, excluding shift and overtime payments.
  2. The University will provide appropriate time release arrangements for University staff who are official union representatives to attend to recognised union business, including:
  1. meeting with union members and/or the University’s representatives on matters affecting staff members (including grievances and workplace issues);
  2. representing staff members on committees to which they are officially elected or appointed; and
  3. attending meetings of union bodies.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Union and Staff representation
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_000656
Purpose To establish the procedures for staff representation
Audience Staff
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Staff - Delegations
Effective Date 3 Jun 2024
Next Review Date 4 Dec 2026
Responsible Officer: Chief People Officer
Approved By: Chief Operating Officer
Contact Area People and Culture Division
Delegations 0

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