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Procedure: University staff consultative committee


To inform staff as to the procedures involved in the formation and operation of the University Staff Consultative Committee.


  1. The framework for staff consultation at the ANU is provided for in the ANU Staff consultation and organisational change policy.
  2. The University has established the University Staff Consultative Committee (USCC) as a consultative committee for staff employment matters, in particular to:
  • provide a forum for the University to consult with staff representatives about matters of significance affecting the University and staff; and
  • provide oversight to the operations and effectiveness of the Local Area Consultative Committees.
  1. The USCC will comprise individual staff representatives nominated by staff from time to time; and representatives from those unions who have members at the University, as nominated from time to time.
  2. The USCC will comprise of:

University Representatives

Director - Human Resources (Chair)

University Adviser to Staff

Other representatives as may be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from time to time

Staff Representatives

One staff representative from each Local Area Consultative Committee

A nominated academic staff representative of the National Tertiary Education Union

A nominated professional staff representative of the National Tertiary Education Union

  1. The USCC will be supported by a Human Resources Division staff member, nominated by the Director, Human Resources
  2. The USCC has no decision-making authority and functions as a forum for exchange of information. The Committee may make recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor in an advisory capacity.
  3. The USCC is not involved in dispute or grievance resolution as separate processes exist within University policy for such matters.
  4. The establishment of the USCC does not limit the University's use of Local Area Consultative Committees (LACCs), staff focus groups or workplace forums when consulting on staff workplace matters.


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Title University staff consultative committee
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_000658
Purpose To inform staff of the procedures involved in the formation and operation of the University Staff Consultative Committee.
Audience Staff
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Staff
Effective Date 1 Apr 2019
Next Review Date 1 Apr 2024
Responsible Officer: Chief People Officer
Approved By: Chief Operating Officer
Contact Area People and Culture Division
Delegations 0

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