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Procedure: Local Area Consultative Committees


To inform staff as to the procedures involved in the formation and operation of the Local Area Consultative Committees.


  1. The framework for staff consultation at ANU is provided for in the ANU Staff consultation and organisational change policy.
  2. Local Area Consultative Committees (LACCs) provide a forum for staff of each work area with an opportunity to discuss local matters of significance and for discussion of future directions of the University.
  3. LACCs are not involved in dispute or staff grievance resolution, as separate processes exist within University policy for dealing with such matters.
  4. LACCs are advisory committees and may make recommendations to the budget area manager.
  5. Each LACC is entitled to send a representative to the University Staff Consultative Committee (USCC) meetings to optimise information flow and input for policy formation.
  6. All Colleges and Service Divisions are encouraged to establish and maintain one or more LACCs. Membership is to include representatives of area management and academic and professional staff representatives. Election\selection of LACC members will be a matter for each area to determine.
  7. It is up to each LACC to decide on its operating procedures, although it is expected that LACCS would meet at least four times each year and produce minutes\action lists available to staff of the area.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Local Area Consultative Committees
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_000659
Purpose To inform staff as to the procedures involved in the formation and operation of the Local Area Consultative Committees.
Audience Staff
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Staff - Delegations
Effective Date 5 Dec 2022
Next Review Date 5 Dec 2027
Responsible Officer: Chief People Officer
Approved By: Chief Operating Officer
Contact Area People and Culture Division
Authority: The Australian National University Enterprise Agreement 2023-2026
Delegations 0

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