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Procedure: Motor Vehicle Home Garaging


To govern the principles and procedures associated with the home garaging of University managed motor vehicles.


Motor Vehicle – For the purposes of this policy, a motor vehicle is:

  • a vehicle designed to carry a load of more than 1 tonne or more than 9 passengers; and
  • has a GST-inclusive value less than the luxury car tax threshold (as published by the ATO) at the time the vehicle was acquired.


  1. Where there is an operational need for a University managed motor vehicle to be garaged off campus at the residence of a staff member, the motor vehicle is assigned by a senior manager (as a minimum a School or Service Division Director) to a designated driver with prior approval of the Chief People Officer (Director, Human Resources).

Forms and notification

  1. Applicants are required to send the following to the University Procurement and Contracts Office (UPCO):
  1. an Application for Home Garaging form with approval from their senior manager; and
  2. proof of prior approval from the Chief People Officer (Director, Human Resources).
  1. Business areas are responsible for ensuring all approved home garaging applications are stored on the employee’s personnel file within the University’s Electronic Records Management System (ERMS).

Provision of Vehicle for Home Garaging

  1. A University managed motor vehicle provided for home garaging can only be driven by the approved staff member to and from work.
  2. No other private usage rights are provided except where approved by the Chief People Officer (Director, Human Resources).
  3. The staff member is allocated a University managed motor vehicle at the close of each business day and is required to return it to the general pool at the start of each business day.
  4. If the University managed motor vehicle usually allocated to the staff member is not available, a suitable alternative is arranged.
  5. When a home garaged University managed motor vehicle is required for operational purposes, the staff member allocated the vehicle is required to make it available in a timely manner.

Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)

  1. A staff member is required to submit an annual declaration to the Tax Unit ( declaring their limited private use. This allows the University to exempt the benefit from FBT.
  2. Private use is limited to the following:
  1. The staff member uses the motor vehicle to travel between their home and their place of work and any diversion adds no more than two kilometres to the ordinary length of that trip; and
  2. In a FBT year (1 April to 31 March) for journeys undertaken for a wholly private purpose (other than travel between home and place of work), the staff member does not use the vehicle to travel:
  • More than 1,000 kilometres in total; and
  • A return journey that exceeds 200 kilometres.
  1. For further information, staff members are to contact the Tax Unit (

Motor Vehicle Insurance

  1. Motor vehicle insurance provided by the University extends to official use and travel to and from work only.
  2. Staff members who fail to observe University policies, permitted uses, and reasonable care and control are required to bear the cost of any damages which arise from their actions.

Vehicle Security

  1. Staff members with approved home garaging arrangements are required to park the University owned motor vehicle in a secure and protected place at their residence and ensure the vehicle is kept locked when not in use.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Motor vehicle home garaging
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_000674
Purpose To govern the principles and procedures associated with the home garaging of University motor vehicles
Audience Staff
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Finance - Travel
Effective Date 27 Sep 2022
Next Review Date 27 Sep 2027
Responsible Officer: Chief Financial Officer
Approved By: Vice-Chancellor
Contact Area Finance and Business Services
Authority: Australian National University Act 1991
Delegations 0

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