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Procedure: Network operations and domain naming


To establish a procedural framework for network operations, network services, and the University’s communication networks.


Definitions of additional terms used in this document are provided in the overarching Acceptable Use of Information Technology policy.

auDA: .au Domain Administration Limited. auDA is the overarching policy authority and industry self-regulating body endorsed by the Australian Government to administer and manage the .au domain space.

Boundary network device: a network device under the control of the University that provides suitable secure and isolating inter-network boundary between ICN and a non-ANU entity’s private network.

Domain name: the unique name by which a network connecting device is known to the internet.

Domain Name System: a hierarchical grouping of hosts based on domain levels. In Australia, the first level domain is .au.

Radio frequency spectrum: for IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN services and any wireless WAN services, the microwave radio frequency spectrum is split into channels and a campus area network requires spectrum planning of these channels to avoid interference.

Non-ANU entity: a separate legal entity to the University that has a presence within the University boundary, and requires as a minimum, access to the ICN and an allocation of the University’s internet protocol (IP) addresses.


University responsibilities

  1. The University is responsible for:
  1. designing, operating and managing the end-to-end network, comprising all network devices and passive network infrastructure;
  2. providing infrastructure networks that support the use of public IP addresses and internet domain names, allowing interconnectivity between the University and external information services, and identifying the University online;
  3. maintaining carrier agreements for whole-of-institution interconnections;
  4. ensuring compliance with overarching policies;
  5. managing all directory and voice services including messaging, and emergency telephones and systems;
  6. delivery of voice and data services to University Halls and Colleges;
  7. managing all radio frequency (RF) spectrums across campus, including unlicensed RF spectrum for wireless local area network and RF channel allocations;
  8. maintaining network system and authentication records (logs) as required within University policies and procedures;
  9. registration of the University domain name with auDA;
  10. ensuring compliance with relevant legislation, in particular, the provisioning of wide area network radio links and compliance in relation to carriage of third party traffic;
  11. approving and allocating non-ANU entities with sufficient University IP addresses; and
  12. ensuring internet access for non-ANU entities adheres to the acceptable use policy of any internet service provider including AARNET Pty Ltd.
  1. The University reserves the right to rescind and reuse domain names for new and more appropriate University purposes.

System owner responsibilities

  1. All information infrastructure systems have a system owner.
  2. System owners are responsible for:
  1. managing the information security requirement of their area and ensuring network connecting devices meet standards and specifications;
  2. requesting the use of University IP addresses for domain names and the placing of names on the University's name server;
  3. managing allocated IP address ranges for their budget use;
  4. managing delegated local Domain Name System (DNS) services and DNS service availability targets sufficient for their budget unit's business continuity;
  5. approving domain name requests within their area;
  6. identifying and managing related disaster recovery and business continuity within their area of responsibility;
  7. ensuring that risk management, including risk assessment and mitigation, and change management processes are undertaken with respect to the information technology within their area; and
  8. ensuring users are provided with adequate training and support on the use of information infrastructure and the security of information assets.

User responsibilities

  1. Authorised users are responsible for maintaining an appropriate level of awareness and compliance with University policies, procedures, rules and standards governing information infrastructure.
  2. Non-ANU entities are responsible for ensuring that:
  1. if operating a separate network from the Integrated Communication Network (ICN), a clear barrier exists with the ICN via a University managed boundary network device;
  2. when connecting separately to the University internet or voice carrier, the University network infrastructure is used. A carrier must not be used to provide a separate physical interconnection;
  3. they do not use, or seek to use, the University's legal identity or its ABN when registering a domain name; and
  4. they select domain names and aliases that are not likely to be confused with the University or a university budget unit.

Domain names and registration

  1. Domain names and registration of names comply with the following:
  1. domain names within the domain are registered with the University's DNS name server;
  2. all servers supporting one or more services provided by members of the University community have domain names registered within the domain;
  3. the University allows the use of some domain names outside the domain subject to approval by the Director (ITS), or their nominated delegate; and
  4. domains and domain names within the University's address space conform to auDA's naming rules for unacceptable names, adhere to University standards, and do not contravene trademarks or copyright.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Network operations and domain naming
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_000706
Purpose To establish a procedural framework for network operations, network services, and the University’s communication networks.
Audience Staff, Students, Alumni, Affiliates
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Information - Infrastructure
Effective Date 2 Apr 2019
Next Review Date 5 Apr 2024
Responsible Officer: Director, Information Technology Services
Approved By: Vice-Chancellor
Contact Area Information Technology Services
Authority: AS ISO/IEC 27002:2015
Australian National University Act 1991
Australian Government Protective Security Policy Framework
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014
Australian Government Department of Finance and Deregulation Finance Circular No. 2009/08
Crimes Act 1914 (Cth)
Privacy Act 1988
Telecommunications Act 1997
Telecommunications Regulations 2021
Information Infrastructure and Services Order 2020
Delegations 0

Information generated and received by ANU staff in the course of conducting business on behalf of ANU is a record and should be captured by an authorised recordkeeping system. To learn more about University records and recordkeeping practice at ANU, see ANU recordkeeping and Policy: Records and archives management.