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Guideline: Flexitime


A guideline on the use of formal flexitime arrangements (flexible working hours).


  1. Flexitime arrangements may be adopted subject to the agreement of the delegate having authority to regulate such arrangements. Such arrangements must be consistent with the operating requirements of the work area. Not all work areas will lend themselves to flexitime.
  2. Flexitime arrangements must be documented with records kept of start and finish times, and it is the responsibility of the work area to maintain these as well as that relevant time off has been taken. A request to work flexitime arrangements will not be unreasonably refused.
  3. A staff member will normally be expected to reconcile their flexitime within four weeks and two days unless otherwise approved in writing by their supervisor.

Management of Flexitime

Variable and Core Hours

  1. The delegate determines the variable and core times of the business area. Variable time is the time when staff members may exercise flexibility; core time is the time when all staff members are normally required to be present at work. Supervisor approval must be sought by the staff member to be absent during core times.

Accounting Period

  1. The accounting period will normally be four working weeks in which a total of 140 hours must be worked.
  2. Agreement must be documented and records kept of start and finish times.

Credit and Debit Hours

  1. Any hours worked in excess of the prescribed number of hours are known as credit hours. Conversely, any hours worked short of the prescribed number of hours are known as debit hours.
  2. Subject to the approval of the supervisor, credit/debit hours may be carried over to the next accounting period subject to a maximum of two days. Subject to supervisor approval, the maximum debit allowed in any accounting period is two days.
  3. Within this period the staff member will be provided with an opportunity to clear their credits and to make up any debits before any decision is made to alter other entitlement.
  4. Leave taken for part of a day is recredited in terms of hours and minutes within the standard work hours timetable.


  1. The Delegate may review arrangements from time to time.


  1. The staff member’s supervisor or the People and Culture team.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Flexitime
Document Type Guideline
Document Number ANUP_000741
Purpose A guideline on the use of formal flexitime arrangements (flexible working hours).
Audience Staff
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Staff - Employment of Staff
Effective Date 19 Apr 2024
Next Review Date 4 Dec 2026
Responsible Officer: Chief People Officer
Approved By: Chief People Officer
Contact Area People and Culture Division
Authority: The Australian National University Enterprise Agreement 2023-2026
Delegations 0

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