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Guideline: Use of the ANU Brand


This document informs all staff, students and affiliates on how to use the ANU Identity in ANU communications to ensure consistency and accurate representation of the University.


ANU Identity guidelines outline and specify the standard requirements for use of the University’s identity (brand) internally and externally.

ANU Masterbrand is the University’s only corporate brand. The Masterbrand is outlined in the ANU Identity Guidelines and informs how all ANU entities must be branded. The Masterbrand is trademarked.

Identity (brand) refers collectively to the elements that make up the University’s brand. This includes any visual or verbal representation of the University. In this context identity is considered the same as brand. Please refer to the ANU Identity Framework for further information on the ANU Identity.


  1. Staff, students and affiliates must contact the Associate Director, Brand and Marketing Services when they wish to use the ANU Identity:
  1. for non-core University purposes;
  2. outside of the ANU Identity Guidelines.

This includes but is not limited to:

  1. co-branding and affiliated marketing;
  2. use of the University name and/or insignia as part of a commercialisation proposal or venture;
  3. registration of any trade or service mark of The Australian National University in Australia or any other country;
  4. when an individual or unit wishes to use the University name, or the name of a business unit within the University, on any merchandise;
  5. when an ANU staff member wishes to use the ANU insignia to endorse any product or service;
  6. when third parties and independent brands, separate to ANU, or entities who have an association with ANU but are not part of the University’s core business function (e.g. student run clubs, retail facilities on campus), want to use the University name or insignia in their business name as a part of their identity.
  1. As per the University’s Code of Conduct Policy, the University and its members have a responsibility to uphold the good name of the University and exercise judgement in the best interests of the University. To achieve this University members must follow the ANU Identity Guidelines.
  2. Colleges, schools, centres and other organisational units must be identified at all times as a part of the University with the University name and, where appropriate, insignia prominently and appropriately used.
  3. Organisational units that are co-funded by the University must apply the appropriate University insignia as per the ANU Identity Guidelines. Any business unit or area wishing to deviate from the Masterbrand must contact ISFSD in the first instance.
  4. Individual College names shall always be preceded by ANU i.e. “ANU College of Law”.
  5. Use of the University name by staff and students must comply with the University’s Code of conduct and Academic expertise and public debate policy. University members may use the University name to identify themselves in the course of official University business or to refer to the source of their employment or qualifications in relation to their professional expertise.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Use of the ANU brand
Document Type Guideline
Document Number ANUP_000795
Purpose The ANU Brand Standards (also known as the Corporate Style Manual or Style Guide) provides clear guidelines on the appearance of the University's external materials (publications, websites etc), including usage of the logo. This assists the University in protecting our brand identity and allows us to be consistent in the way ANU is represented.
Audience Staff
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Marketing & Communications - University Branding
Effective Date 25 Aug 2022
Next Review Date 25 Aug 2027
Responsible Officer: Director International Strategy and Future Student Division
Approved By: International Strategy and Future Students Division
Contact Area International Strategy and Future Students Division
Delegations 0

Information generated and received by ANU staff in the course of conducting business on behalf of ANU is a record and should be captured by an authorised recordkeeping system. To learn more about University records and recordkeeping practice at ANU, see ANU recordkeeping and Policy: Records and archives management.