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This policy document is currently under review to reflect The Australian National University Enterprise Agreement 2023-2026, which came into effect on 5 December 2023. Until this has been reviewed, the new Enterprise Agreement will take precedence over the provisions outlined in this document.

Procedure: Classification of professional staff positions


To outline the process for establishing or reviewing the classification levels of all professional staff positions, in accordance with the ANU Enterprise Agreement and the Appointments policy.



  1. All classification of professional staff positions have regard for the professional staff classification descriptors contained within the ANU Enterprise Agreement, other than those appointed to apprenticeships, traineeships, the University's Graduate Recruitment Program, or senior staff appointments made in accordance with clause 11 of the ANU Enterprise Agreement.
  2. These procedures are followed when establishing or reviewing the classification levels of all professional staff positions, including Senior Manager (SM) levels, arising from:
  • the creation of a new position where the classification level has not been previously determined and there is no current position with similar role/responsibilities at ANU; or
  • a request to reclassify or substantially change an existing position; or
  • prior to recruitment or appointment action for positions at level Senior Manager 2-5 to ensure that the classification level is appropriate.
  1. Approval for a higher classification level for a position is based on increased work value following assessment against the professional staff classification descriptors. The extent of change in responsibilities and duties that constitutes sufficient increase in work value for reclassification differs depending on the classification level.
  2. Work value is determined by the University's professional staff classification descriptors with reference to the:
  1. scope of activities covered by the position;
  2. knowledge and qualifications required to do the job;
  3. judgement, independence and problem solving requirements; and
  4. level of accountability and responsibility.
  1. When a position becomes vacant, the area reviews the requirements of the work area in terms of the need for the position, the duties required and, if changes are made, the impact on the classification level.
  2. If substantial changes are made to the duties and responsibilities of a position because of a restructure within an organisational unit and application of the University's change management procedures, the position may be regarded as a new position and assessed in accordance with clause 2.
  3. Classification reviews are conducted and documented to ensure that the process is transparent and equitable, and carried out in a timely manner.
  4. The decision to approve the classification level of new professional staff positions (if there is no current position with similar role/responsibilities at ANU), or reclassification and substantial change of existing positions is made by:
  • the College Dean or College General Manager for College based professional staff up to and including SM1 on the advice of the University Staffing Committee; or
  • for areas outside a College, a Service Division Director or relevant delegate for professional staff up to and including SM1 on the advice of the University Staffing Committee; or
  • the Director, Human Resources for professional staff SM2 and above with advice from the Senior Manager Remuneration Committee (SMRC).
  1. The Director, Human Resources may undertake or request an independent assessment of a position classification level, including where the Director, Human Resources’ nominee on the University Staffing Committee does not support a reclassification proposal at the time of consideration.
  2. The decision to approve an occupant only classification is made by the Director, Human Resources on advice from the University Staffing Committee or SMRC.


  1. If a staff member or supervisor is of the view that the University's requirements and responsibilities of a position they substantively occupy are no longer in accordance with the Position Classification Descriptors, the staff member may seek a classification review of their position.
  2. In addition to a new position, if the classification level has not been previously determined, the classification level of an existing position is reviewed when a significant increase in work value has occurred, and the new duties and/or increased responsibilities are on-going.
  3. The classification level of a position is based on work value. Reference is made to the relevant Position Classification Descriptors for the proposed level when preparing a classification review, and specifically when preparing a supporting statement and assessing the work value of the position.

Developing a classification review proposal

  1. A proposal to reclassify a position by increase or decrease in classification is made by:
  • the supervisor of the position or other appropriate person with management responsibility for the position; or
  • the occupant, following preliminary discussions with their supervisor to ensure a mutual understanding about the requirements of the position.

A request to decrease the classification of a position may only be made where the position becomes vacant.

  1. The proposal is provided to the University Staffing Committee or SMRC and includes:
  • a completed classification application form;
  • support from the College General Manager for College submissions;
  • approval from the relevant Service Division Director or Executive for Division submissions;
  • a new position description (with revised selection criteria) which reflects the current and ongoing duties, verified by the supervisor as an accurate reflection of the duties required;
  • the previous position description/role statement for comparative purposes;
  • documentation defining the changes to the position, aligned with clause 4 of this procedure;
  • local area organisation chart;
  • a supporting statement from the supervisor (or appropriate alternate) addressing the changes to the duties and responsibilities that has resulted in an increased work value,
  • a copy of the staff members most recent Performance Development Plan, where the request will result in a reclassification for the staff member; and
  • any other documentation requested by the University Staffing Committee or SMRC.

Occupant only classification proposals

  1. A staff member or supervisor submits a request for an occupant only classification where:
  1. the staff member is performing work on an ongoing basis which is of a higher work value than the classification of their current position, provided that: the work is known and accepted by the University; and the work does not constitute the ongoing requirement of the position, should the current occupant leave the position; or
  2. a staff member’s position description is an accurate reflection of the work performed by the staff member but the occupant brings a particular skill, attribute or capability to the performance of that position overall, which results in a higher work value than is reflected by the position classification, provided that: the work is known and accepted by the University; and the work does not constitute the ongoing requirement of the position, should the current occupant leave the position.
  1. An occupant only classification proposal is provided to the University Staffing Committee or SMRC and includes:
  1. a completed classification application form;
  2. a position description which reflects the current duties of the position, and which has been verified by the supervisor as an accurate reflection of the on-going duties required;
  3. documentation defining the higher level duties undertaken by the staff member which demonstrate an increase in work value. This documentation should align with the different aspects of work value as defined within clause 4 of this procedure;
  4. copies of the staff member’s most recent completed Performance and Development Review agreement demonstrating at least satisfactory performance and defining the performance objectives which align with a higher work value than the staff member’s position; and
  5. a supporting statement from the supervisor (or appropriate alternate) addressing: the change in non-ongoing duties and responsibilities that have resulted in an increased work value which is significant enough to warrant that the staff member receive a higher classification level; that the work is known and accepted by the University as part of the incumbent’s role; and justification for why the work is not an ongoing requirement of the position.
  1. If an occupant only classification proposal is not approved, a further proposal is not considered within a minimum period of 12 months.
  2. If an occupant only classification is in place, and the recipient is on leave, transfers to another position or ceases in the role, the position will revert to the lower classification level.

Position titles

  1. To ensure consistency across the University, the University Staffing Committee and Senior Manager Remuneration Committee will pay particular attention to position titles, for new positions, requests for reclassifications, and substantially changed positions.
  2. To provide guidance on the appropriateness of titles by classification:
  1. ANU Officer 1 – 6/7 may include the title of Officer or Consultant;
  2. ANU Officer 8 may include the title of Consultant, Senior Consultant , Senior Officer or Manager;
  3. Senior Manager 1 may include the title of Manager;
  4. Senior Manager 2 may include the title of Manager, or Associate Director, where the position has responsibility for multiple branches;
  5. Senior Manager 3 and above may include the titles of Associate Director, Managing Director, Operations Manager, or Director, in accordance with parity across comparative positions across the University, and as approved by the SMRC

Determination of reclassification proposals and review of occupant only classification proposals - ANUO Levels 3 - SM 1 (inclusive), by the University Staffing Committee

  1. A University Staffing Committee is convened with a minimum of four members including a nominee of the Director, Human Resources. The Committee consists of two College and two non-College representatives at level SM2 or above. To avoid any conflict of interest, the Committee does not include the direct supervisor or a staff member at the same or lower classification level who holds similar responsibilities.
  2. For all technical staff proposals, the Committee includes an academic staff member and a senior technical staff member with a good understanding of the technical nature of the role or proposed higher skill level (in the case of occupant only classifications).
  3. Subject matter experts will be invited to participate on the Committee as members, as required for specialised positions that require a high degree of functional expertise to be applied to the assessment of the position. For example, academic staff for positions classified in the research stream.
  4. For all proposals at ANUO8 and above, the Committee also includes member/s external to the area with a good understanding of the specialised nature of the role or proposed higher level skill (in the case of occupant only classifications).
  5. Committee members complete mandatory Staffing Committee training. Training will be conducted by the HR Division.
  6. The Committee convenes at least eight (8) times each calendar year, usually at six (6) week intervals. Proposals are due at least two (2) weeks prior to committee meetings. The HR Division provides secretariat support to the Committee. Meetings may be convened electronically for ease of communication and to contribute to timely decision making. The University cancels scheduled meetings when no submissions are received for review.
  7. Proposals received outside of the nominated meeting dates and subject to time sensitive recruitment processes are reviewed by an out of round Committee, as approved by the Director, Human Resources. The Committee will note these out of round proposals at regular scheduled meetings.
  8. The Committee's assessment takes into consideration the classification levels of similar roles outside of the work area. Thismay include discussion with the staff member and/or supervisor, except if all of the Committee members are satisfied that the proposal contains sufficient evidence/examples to demonstrate a significant increase in work value that meets the proposed classification level.
  9. The Committee’s assessment includes review of comparative positions (including standardised position descriptions) for relativity purposes.
  10. The Chair informs the staff member, supervisor and College General Manager, Executive, or relevant Service Division Director, in writing, of all classification review proposal decisions. If it has been determined that the existing classification level is appropriate, the Chair of the committee offers to discuss the written decision, in person, with the staff member.
  11. If a Committee endorses an occupant only classification proposal, the Chair forwards the proposal and formal recommendation to the Director, Human Resources for consideration.
  12. If the decision is to approve a classification review proposal, the date of effect is usually the date of approval; or the date of submission, if there has been a significant delay in reviewing the proposal; or in accordance with the committee’s Terms of Reference (e.g. the closing date for submissions of a formal round).
  13. The staff member of a reclassified position is appointed to:
  1. the base step of the new level; or
  2. in exceptional cases (i.e. if the staff member has gained experience at the higher level through extended periods of higher duties), a step above the base; or
  3. if the staff member is in receipt of a Long Service Allowance (LSA), a salary step in the new level that absorbs the allowance.
  1. If the staff member of a reclassified position is in receipt of a market loading, the amount of the loading should be reviewed against current market conditions.
  2. If a classification review proposal is not approved, a further proposal is not considered for the same position within a minimum period of 12 months except where the Committee recommends a further review within a shorter period (e.g. where the documentation supports the higher level but the staff member has not had sufficient time to demonstrate that they are undertaking the new duties at the proposed level). Any further submission provides evidence by the supervisor and staff member that there are additional significant changes to increase the position's work value since the last review.
  3. If classification review proposals have been approved, the local HR contact will arrange payroll action. All documentation is be placed on the staff member's personnel file.
  4. Data is collected and reported on for all proposals. Data is non-attributable for reporting purposes.

Determination of classification levels, occupant only classifications and remuneration packages of Senior Managers 2 5, by the Senior Manager Remuneration Committee

  1. The Senior Manager Remuneration Committee is convened with four members, consisting of the Chief Operating Officer, Director – Human Resources, a College General Manager, and a Dean or Research School Director.
  2. Members of the Executive, College Deans, Service Division Directors (or other relevant delegates) consider and make recommendations to the Director, Human Resources on all proposals at the Senior Manager (SM) Level 2 – 5 relating to:
  • creation of new positions;
  • reclassification of existing positions;
  • substantially revised positions;
  • occupant only classifications;
  • payment of loadings/allowances to professional staff which results in the total remuneration being within the salary range of the SM level 2 - 5 salary; or
  • otherwise increasing the remuneration package (including conditional or private use of a motor vehicle) of a staff member to within the SM level 2-5 salary range.
  1. The Director, Human Resources considers recommendations and refers proposals to the Senior Manager Remuneration Committee.
  2. The Committee convenes at least eight (8) times each calendar year, usually at six (6) week intervals. Proposals are due two (2) weeks prior to committee meetings. The HR Division provides secretariat support to the Committee. Meetings may be convened electronically for ease of communication and to contribute to timely decision making. The University cancels scheduled meetings when no submissions are received for review.
  3. Proposals received outside of the nominated meeting dates and subject to time sensitive recruitment processes are reviewed by an out of round Committee, as approved by the Director, Human Resources. The Committee will note these out of round proposals at regular scheduled meetings.
  4. The Committee's assessment takes into consideration the classification levels of similar roles outside of the work area. This may include discussion with the staff member and/or supervisor except if all of the Committee members are satisfied that the proposal contains sufficient evidence/examples to demonstrate a significant increase in work value that meets the proposed classification level.
  5. The Committee’s assessment includes review of comparative positions (including standardised position descriptions) for relativity purposes.
  6. Classification review proposals in accordance with clauses 11- 19 of this procedure include an organisational chart showing the reporting structure within the relevant work area, and if the position's responsibilities include supervision of staff, the number and levels of staff being supervised (excluding casuals). The Director, Human Resources, with advice from the Senior Manager Remuneration Committee, decides whether to approve or not approve the proposed classification level, occupant only classifications or increased salary package.
  7. The Director, Human Resources advises the College Dean/Service Division Director and the occupant (if appropriate) of the decision in writing.
  8. If the decision is to approve a proposed classification level, occupant only classification, or increased salary package the HR Division arranges payroll action. The documentation is placed on the staff member's personnel file held in University Records.
  9. As appropriate, the Senior Manager Remuneration Committee may refer particular cases to the Vice-Chancellor for approval.

Appeal procedures

  1. The staff member of the position proposed for reclassification has the right of appeal on the grounds that the classification descriptors have not been correctly applied and this was sufficient to alter the outcome of the assessment.
  2. The appeal is made in writing to the Director, Human Resources within 10 working days from the date of receiving written notification that the original application was not approved.
  3. The appellant provides, in writing, reasons for the appeal and any relevant evidence/documentation to support the grounds for appeal (see clause 35).
  4. The Director, Human Resources reviews the matter and either accept the case or refers all valid appeals to a Classification Review Panel (the Panel). The Panel determines the matter on the basis of written submissions and meets to review the written submissions if warranted.
  5. The Panel may dismiss the application, resubmit it for reconsideration to the relevant staffing committee, or approve the request in full or in part.
  6. The staff member is notified in writing of the outcome of the appeal.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Classification of professional staff positions
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_000798
Purpose To outline the process for establishing or reviewing the classification levels of all professional staff positions, in accordance with the ANU Enterprise Agreement and the Appointments policy.
Audience Prospective Staff, Staff
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Staff - Employment of Staff
Effective Date 13 Aug 2018
Next Review Date 30 Jun 2024
Responsible Officer: Chief People Officer
Approved By: Chief Operating Officer
Contact Area People and Culture Division
Authority: The Australian National University Enterprise Agreement 2023-2026
Delegations 177

Information generated and received by ANU staff in the course of conducting business on behalf of ANU is a record and should be captured by an authorised recordkeeping system. To learn more about University records and recordkeeping practice at ANU, see ANU recordkeeping and Policy: Records and archives management.

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