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Procedure: Carers' Career Development Assistance Fund


To inform staff of the process and requirements when applying for the Carers' Career Development Assistance Fund.



  1. The University recognises that many staff have caring responsibilities that may limit their access to opportunities for the development of their careers.
  2. Family and caring responsibilities include but are not limited to: children, an elderly parent, or a family member with a disability.
  3. The Carers’ Career Development Assistance Fund is available for staff with caring responsibilities who need support to participate in activities that contribute to their careers, including, but not limited to, significant national or international conferences, workshops, symposia, or other activities where the applicant can demonstrate impact outside of their usual scope of work. Any of these career development activities can be online or in-person.
  4. Grants under the fund are for reasonable costs where existing care arrangements are not available and alternative care is required in order for the staff member to participate in the career development activity.

Funding limit and types of costs covered

  1. Grants are up to a maximum of AUD$2000 and are for costs related to alternative care including but not limited to:
  1. alternate care for a dependant.
  2. care costs for dependent/s that accompany the travelling staff member to the career development initiative.
  3. travel costs for dependent/s that accompany the travelling staff member.
  1. Grants are not available for:
  1. existing expenses associated with care of the dependent/s (e.g., existing childcare arrangements would not be covered).
  2. income replacement relating to care of the dependent/s (e.g., unpaid leave from work to care for the dependent would not be covered).
  1. Awarded funds must be exhausted within 12 months from the date of successful notification.


  1. To be eligible to apply, applicants must:
  1. be an existing staff member employed either full-time or part-time on permanent or fixed term appointment, with the career development activity falling within their employment period;
  2. have achieved at least satisfactory work performance confirmed by the applicant’s supervisor;
  3. not have received a previous grant under the fund in the current calendar year;
  4. Not apply for the Carers’ Career Development Assistance Fund if prospective caring expenses overlap with those of a spouse/partner or significant other at the University; and
  5. Not claim the Carers’ Career Development Assistance Fund for overlapping caring costs from another source either within or outside the University.


  1. There will be three rounds per year for applications under the Carers’ Career Development Assistance Fund.
  2. Applications must be submitted to during an open funding round by the published deadline, and completed on the current, approved Carers' Career Development Assistance Fund application form.
  1. Supporting documentation (specified under clause 13) must accompany the completed application.
  1. Applicants must submit an application prior to the career development activity commencing.
  2. Applications submitted after the career development activity will be considered at the discretion of the committee Chair. Reasonable evidence of late opportunity must be provided (e.g., late notification of acceptance of paper, new ANU staff member, etc.).
  3. The application is accompanied by the following:
  1. details of the national or international conference, workshop, or symposium to be attended, and role at the career development activity (e.g. invitation to present, confirmation of registration or conference program);
  2. evidence of reasonable costs for care, alternative arrangements considered and existing care arrangements;
  3. supervisor’s statement of support for attendance at the activity – conference, workshop, symposium, or other career development activity – including a performance rating of satisfactory or better and how the career development activity will contribute to the applicant’s career development;
  4. an abridged version of current curriculum vitae (CV) (maximum two pages); and
  5. Director or General Manager’s endorsement of statement confirming the importance and relevance of the career development activity to research or other business priorities of the College, School, or Service Division.

Assessment Criteria

  1. Applications will be assessed against the following criteria:
  1. whether the activity – conference, workshop, symposium or other career development activity – is at a national or international level (online or in-person);
  2. the role of the applicant at the conference, workshop, symposium or other career development activity, e.g., whether the applicant will be presenting a paper
    1. it is expected that academic applicants would be attending a conference to present; priority is given to applications that provide this evidence;
  3. the degree to which the development activity is likely to contribute towards the development of the applicant’s career;
  4. whether the application is reasonable taking into consideration the existing and other possible care arrangements; and why proposed alternative care arrangements are necessary; including cost of proposed alternative care arrangements;
  5. previous funding received from this fund for care support;
  6. other local, national, and international fora attended (online and in-person); and
  7. overall funding availability.

Assessment Process

  1. Applications will be assessed by a committee, nominated by the Chief People Officer. The committee is comprised as follows:



Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)(Chair)

Ex officio

A minimum of one professional staff

Membership rotates on a two-year basis

A minimum of one academic staff

Membership rotates on a two-year basis

  1. The committee represents the breadth of the University encompassing workforce and gender balance.
  2. Applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application via email as soon as is practicable.


  1. Grants will be paid via the Finance system as a reimbursement. Any reimbursement over AUD$300 may trigger a Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) liability which will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  2. Original receipts must be submitted to for authorisation of payment.

Recovery of Funds

  1. In circumstances where the staff member resigns, is terminated or is no longer able to attend the approved career development opportunity within the period of the Carers' Career Development Assistance funding, the applicant must inform the People and Culture Division via
  2. The University reserves the right to claim back any unused approved funds to ensure that these funds can be returned to the Carers' Career Development Assistance Fund for other prospective applicants.
  3. All applications are received and managed according to ANU Privacy Policy.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Carers' career development assistance fund
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_000803
Purpose To provide procedures for the Carers' Career Development Assistance Fund.
Audience Staff, Staff-Academic, Staff-Academic-Research, Staff-Professional
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Equity & Diversity - Work & Life Balance
Effective Date 8 Jul 2024
Next Review Date 7 Jul 2027
Responsible Officer: Chief People Officer
Approved By: Chief Operating Officer
Contact Area People and Culture Division
Authority: The Australian National University Enterprise Agreement 2023-2026
Delegations 0

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