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Guideline: Minimum allocation of resources for higher degree by research candidates


To provide guidelines for the allocation of resources to higher degree by research (HDR) candidates.


  1. This document should be read in conjunction with the Research Awards Rule.
  2. The Australian National University is committed to providing its HDR candidates with the resources required for timely completions and student satisfaction.
  3. A College accepts responsibility to provide a level of support sufficient to enable the completion of the candidate’s agreed program of study and any agreed variation.

Information for students

  1. Information on minimum resource support for programs of study is communicated to HDR candidates at the time of induction.
  2. At that time candidates are also informed of ancillary support services such as counselling, health, accommodation, English-language and academic writing support, careers/employment and childcare.

Infrastructure support

  1. Colleges provide full-time HDR candidates with a secure office and laboratory space, research infrastructure, equipment and facilities to complete the agreed program of research. This includes:
  1. After-hours access to offices and laboratories where possible with regard to security, safety, and Work Health and Safety.
  2. Reasonable access to computing and relevant software facilities, including internet and e-mail, computer facilities for data analysis, printing and technical support.
  3. Reasonable provision of stationery, postage and receipt of mail; access to photocopying facilities and use of a telephone.
  4. Access to library facilities.
  1. The terms of the above provisions are clearly defined at the time of orientation and as required as the project develops.

External and part-time students

  1. External candidates agree with their Primary supervisor regarding arrangements for their on-campus visits and provide the College with 20 working days’ notice of each visit to the University to ensure that facilities are available.
  2. Part-time candidates agree with their Primary supervisor regarding their hours on campus to allow Colleges to ensure that desk space and other facilities are available during agreed times.

Research and skills development support

  1. Colleges ensure HDR candidates have access to adequate support for their research and skills development within appropriate budgetary bounds.
  2. Resources available for agreed research and skills development purposes is communicated to candidates at the beginning and throughout their candidature.
  3. Application and allocation processes for the resources are transparent.
  4. Resources available include:
  1. Funding for fieldwork necessary to complete the agreed course of study. Access to facilities at ANU or at another organisation, as required for the research project, including essential training.
  2. Access to coursework and training, as required to complete the agreed program of research.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Minimum allocation of resources for research students
Document Type Guideline
Document Number ANUP_000821
Purpose To provide guidelines for the allocation of resources to research students.
Audience Students-Graduate-Research
Category Academic
Topic/ SubTopic Students - Higher Research Degrees
Effective Date 8 Jul 2020
Next Review Date 8 Jul 2025
Responsible Officer: Pro Vice-Chancellor (Graduate Research)
Approved By: Vice-Chancellor
Contact Area Graduate Research Office
Authority: Research Awards Rule 2021
Delegations 0

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