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Procedure: Credit and exemptions


To describe the University's requirements regarding the application for, and processing of requests for credit and exemptions.


  1. The assessment and granting of credit and exemptions is in accordance with Policy: Recognition of prior and external learning.
  2. An application for credit may cover more than one category of prior learning (formal, non-formal and informal learning).
  3. An application for credit is not considered prior to an application for admission being received.

Initiation of a Credit Assessment

  1. The University may consider an application for admission as an application for credit, and assess students for credit at admission based on the documents the applicant has submitted as part of the admissions process, and communicate available credit, without a separate request by the applicant.
  2. The applicant is advised with the offer of admission whether a credit assessment has been undertaken, and otherwise how to request an assessment based on the documentation provided for admission.
  3. The University assesses students for credit when a program transfer is approved, and communicates available credit. No separate application for credit is required for credit for prior study at ANU as part of a program transfer.
  4. After admission, students apply through the appropriate College Student Office for:
  1. credit for prior learning that was not assessed at the time of application or program transfer; or
  2. for external learning during their program enrolment; or
  3. for an exemption.

If the student is applying to be awarded credit against a course in which they are currently enrolled, the student applies for that credit no later than the end of week one of the relevant session.

Application Requirements

  1. Applications for credit or exemptions are submitted to the College Student Office of the program for which the student is seeking credit and include the following:


The application form;


Applications based on formal learning must include:

  • The official transcript, or a certificate of completion of a microcredential. A certified copy must be provided unless the original is sent directly from the awarding institution to ANU, or the document is submitted as part of the admission application; and
  • A course outline or handbook entry, unless the application is for prior completed or incomplete qualifications and the student only seeks unspecified credit.


Applications based on non-formal or informal learning gained through professional experience must include:

  • a curriculum vitae clearly identifying periods of full-time and part-time professional experience;
  • the contact details of two referees who can verify the experience;
  • a statement addressing the relevant learning outcomes as specified in Policy: Recognition of Prior Learning; and
  • A statement from the employer confirming relevant experience, alternative evidence verifying the professional experience or a statement why such a statement cannot be provided.

  1. The documents in 8(a)-(c) may be complemented by additional documentation requirements, or replaced by different documents where the University publishes alternate application requirements specific to the program or to an applicable credit transfer register.
  2. The Delegated Authority may seek additional information to make a final determination. The College assessing the request contacts the student to request the required information. If the required information is not received within 20 working days of the request, the application is cancelled.

Assessment, communication, acceptance and cancellation of credit and exemptions

  1. Credit and exemption requests are assessed by the Delegated Authority in line with Policy: Recognition of prior and external learning.
  2. The Delegated Authority may offer exemptions with or instead of credit.
  3. The outcome of the assessment is communicated in writing to the student via the Admission process or by the College Student Office. Where a student has applied to the College Student Office, a student is advised of the outcome of an application within 20 working days of the student providing complete information.
  4. The outcome advises:
  1. The reasons for the decision;
  2. Any approved specified credit;
  3. Any approved exemptions and alternative program orders that a student is required follow;
  4. Any approved unspecified credit and where it applies in the program orders;
  5. Any conditions on the enrolment in other courses as a result of the award of credit;
  6. How the student accepts the credit or exemption, if approved; and
  7. Rights to a review of the decision under the Coursework Awards Rule.
  1. International students confirm acceptance of the offer of credit in writing within 20 working days. No response is taken as a decision not to accept the credit.
  2. Exemptions and credit for domestic students is applied to the student’s program, unless they decline the offered credit or exemption in writing within 20 working days of the date at which the outcome was communicated to them by email.
  3. After 20 working days following the communication of the application outcome to domestic students, or after the conclusion of an appeal period and/or process, credit or exemptions are only rescinded where there are exceptional academic reasons demonstrated to, and approved by the Associate Dean.
  4. To request a rescission of credit or exemption, a student submits a statement to the College Student Office administering the program outlining the academic reasons for which approved credit should be rescinded.
  5. The Associate Dean considers the request and advises the student of the outcome within 20 working days of receiving the request.

Academic records

  1. College Student Offices enter information on credit into the Student Administration System, which then displays on the official transcript.
  2. Specified Credit and Exemptions are recorded against the course code of the course against which it is awarded.
  3. Unspecified credit is recorded against the credit course with the relevant alpha code and level.
  4. STI/EXI is used to record Credit or Exemptions awarded for prior study or microcredentials completed at ANU. STE/EXE is used for Credit or Exemptions awarded in recognition of prior or external learning at a different institution than ANU.
  5. The following information is recorded on the unofficial transcript:
  1. Amendments to program orders for unspecified credit, including which plan and requirement in that plan the credit applies to; and
  2. Any restrictions on enrolment that accompany the offer of credit.
  1. The Academic Standards and Quality Office (ASQO) runs regular reports to identify international students on a Student Visa who have had credit approved resulting in a revised program end date.
  2. ASQO generates a new CoE to reflect the revised program end date and provides the CoE to the student via their ANU student email account.
  3. Where possible, courses credited or exempted are included in the calculation of the final classification of performance in accordance with the Coursework Awards Rule.


  1. Standard appeal and review procedures within the University's Coursework Awards Rule apply.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Credit and Exemptions (under review)
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_002612
Purpose To describe the University's requirements regarding the handling and consideration of requests for credit, and the roles of key stakeholders and involved in the processing of requests.
Audience Prospective Students, Students, Students-Undergraduate, Staff, Students-Graduate-Coursework
Category Academic
Topic/ SubTopic Students
Effective Date 15 Apr 2024
Next Review Date 14 May 2029
Responsible Officer: Registrar, Student Administration
Approved By: Academic Board
Contact Area Division of Student Administration and Academic Services
Authority: Australian Qualifications Framework
Higher Education Support Act 2003
National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018
AQF Qualifications Pathways Policy
AQF Qualifications Pathways Policy
Delegations 0

Information generated and received by ANU staff in the course of conducting business on behalf of ANU is a record and should be captured by an authorised recordkeeping system. To learn more about University records and recordkeeping practice at ANU, see ANU recordkeeping and Policy: Records and archives management.