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Procedure: Rescinding and surrendering of Awards


To outline the process through which the University rescinds Awards issued through error, or when a graduate may surrender their Award.


Rescinding of Award

  1. The Associate Dean (Education) notifies the Registrar in writing of the need to rescind an Award and indicates which category or categories outlined in the policy the rescinding falls under.
  2. The Registrar informs the graduate of the request, and advises the graduate they have 10 working days to provide any information to be considered.
  3. The Registrar then notifies the Vice-Chancellor of the request in writing, incorporating the written request from the Associate Dean (Education), any response received from the graduate, and any further relevant information.
  4. The Vice-Chancellor considers the request. The decision of the Vice-Chancellor is final.
  5. The Registrar notifies the graduate and the relevant Associate Dean (Education) of the outcome of the request in writing.
  6. If approved, the graduate’s Testamur, Academic Transcript and Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement are surrendered to the Registrar. The University record is updated appropriately to reflect that the Award has not been conferred. Electronic copies of these academic statements are removed from My eQuals and the graduate’s name is removed from the public register of graduates.
  7. If the graduate does not have possession of the Testamur, Academic Transcript or Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement, they provide evidence that satisfies the Registrar that the document/s have been lost or destroyed. This determination is at the sole discretion of the Registrar.
  8. In the case of administrative error where a graduate has met the requirements of an alternate, more specialised Award, this Award is conferred on surrender of the Testamur, Academic Transcript, and Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement for the previous Award by the graduate.

Surrendering of Award

  1. A graduate can voluntarily surrender an award by giving the Registrar:
  1. written notice signed by the graduate that states that the graduate has decided to surrender the award; and
  2. demonstration that the award has not been used for obtaining any advantage, for example obtaining work or admission to another qualification; and
  3. all documents issued by the University that certify the conferral of the award that are in the possession or under the control of the graduate; and
  4. for any document that is not in the possession or under the control of the graduate - evidence that satisfies the Registrar that the document has been lost, defaced or destroyed.
  1. The Registrar informs the Vice-Chancellor who considers the request. The decision of the Vice-Chancellor is final.
  2. The Registrar notifies the graduate of the outcome of the request in writing, as well as the relevant Associate Dean (Education).
  3. Once surrendered a former graduate is not be eligible to have the surrendered Award conferred at any future time.
  4. No credit or other advantage can be obtained from a surrendered Award.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Rescinding and surrendering of awards
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_005007
Purpose To outline the process through which the University rescinds Awards issued through error, or when a graduate may surrender their Award.
Audience Students
Category Academic
Topic/ SubTopic Students - Assessment, Academic Progress & Appeals
Effective Date 21 May 2020
Next Review Date 21 May 2025
Responsible Officer: Registrar, Student Administration
Approved By: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Contact Area Division of Student Administration and Academic Services
Authority: Australian Qualifications Framework
Delegations 0

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