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Policy: Admissions (Coursework)


To articulate the University’s standards for coursework student admissions, and support efficient and effective application processes.


This policy sets out principles and policies for coursework student admissions.


This policy applies to the University’s coursework programs, including non-award studies. It does not apply to higher degrees by research.

Policy statement


  1. The University has admission standards that:
  1. build on a culture of academic excellence;
  2. are clear, concise, equitable and transparent;
  3. ensure that students have adequate prior knowledge and skills, including English language proficiency, to succeed in the program;
  4. are consistent with the Australian Qualifications Framework, and take account of external benchmarking;
  5. support the University in achieving strategic goals in provision of a world class student experience and diversity of student body.
  1. The Academic Quality Assurance Committee endorses, and the Academic Board approves:
  1. for each type of program or plan, minimum academic admission standards through the Academic Programs and Courses Accreditation Policy and Procedure (from 1 January 2025, the Accreditation Policy and Procedure);
  2. for each individual program or plan, academic admissions standards that are at or exceed those minima through the accreditation and reaccreditation process for each program or plan; and
  3. minimum English Language Requirements for Admission through the Policy: English Language Admission Requirements and Post-Admission Support.
  1. The Admissions (Coursework) Policy and Procedure determine:
  1. whether or not, in each individual case, an applicant meets those admissions standards, including through adjustments or equivalency;
  2. the processes for application for admission, the assessment of that application, and the offer and acceptance process; and
  3. the assessment of credit applications for applicants who have been made an offer of admission.
  1. Admissions policies and procedures are consistent with:
  1. Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF);
  2. Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000;
  3. Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards); and
  4. National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.

Admission of underage students

  1. The University does not take on the rights, responsibilities and authority that parents/guardians have in relation to a child, and does not act in the place of parents/guardians in relation to students who are under 18 years of age.
  2. Parents or guardians act as guarantors and honour all obligations under any contracts with the University that the student enters into prior to turning 18 years of age.
  3. The University places restrictions on the admission of students under the age of 18. This ensures:
  1. the independence and academic rigour of the University environment, learning, and teaching is upheld;
  2. the capacity and maturity to engage with academic content on the part of the student;
  3. decision making capability on the part of the student;
  4. capacity and suitability of staff to be engaged with vulnerable students; and
  5. compliance with federal legislation.

Admission assessment

  1. Only Applicants who meet the eligibility requirements for admission into their proposed program of study, or who receive a Forced Offer under the Coursework Awards Rule clause 15(4), may be offered a place in the program.
  2. Entry into all ANU awards is on a competitive basis in line with the University’s strategic plan.
  3. Eligibility for admission into a program does not guarantee an offer for a place in the program.
  4. The Vice-Chancellor may, in writing, determine the maximum number of students that may be admitted in any period to a program offered by an ANU College for a coursework award.
  5. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or delegate determines any countries or regions from where international applicants must apply for admission to the University through a registered ANU education agent.
  6. Applicants meeting the eligibility criteria for admission may be denied admission on the basis that:
  1. a program or diversity target has reached the maximum number of students;
  2. an applicant is deemed by the university not to meet the GTE requirements specified by the Department of Home Affairs;
  3. suitable supervision is not available for an applicant seeking admission to a degree of Bachelor Honours (honours year program) or Master Advanced program.
  1. The University places restrictions on the admission of students under the age of 18 to recognise the risks relating to underage learners in an adult learning environment.
  2. ANU has final discretion on admitting applicants.

Admission outcomes

  1. All applicants will receive a formal notification of outcome, which can be:
  1. a full offer; or
  2. a conditional offer; or
  3. a letter indicating an unsuccessful outcome
  1. Any communication other than a formal notification of outcome cannot be accepted or taken as formal advice on an application.
  2. Review of admissions decisions and appeals are undertaken in accordance with ANU Coursework Awards Rule.


  1. The University complies with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and Policy: Privacy, in relation to all students’ personal information. The University communicates with students and not with parents or legal guardians, unless the student provides a Consent to Disclosure of Personal Information Form, the student has provided express consent for the disclosure and/or there is an imminent risk to the safety and wellbeing of the student.

Quality Assurance

  1. Any breaches in admissions standards, including conflict of interest (refer to the disclosure of interest policy) are reported to the Academic Quality and Assurance Committee, Academic Board and the Vice-Chancellor.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Admissions
Document Type Policy
Document Number ANUP_008805
Purpose To articulate the University’s standards for coursework student admissions, and support efficient and effective application processes.
Audience Prospective Students, Students-Graduate-Coursework, Students-Undergraduate, Staff-Professional
Category Academic
Topic/ SubTopic Students
Effective Date 1 Dec 2024
Next Review Date 1 Dec 2029
Responsible Officer: Registrar, Student Administration
Approved By: Academic Board
Contact Area Division of Student Administration and Academic Services
Authority: Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000
National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018
Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021
Coursework Awards Rule 2020
Delegations 0

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