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Procedure: Short-term financial assistance for students


This document outlines the process through which the University determines eligibility for short term emergency financial assistance for students in need when University funding is available through the Chief Operating Officer.


  1. Short term financial assistance provided by the Chief Operating Officer under this procedure is in the form of:
  1. Short-term emergency bursaries for the purpose of financially assisting a student with non-recurring, unforeseen circumstance(s).
  1. The allocation criteria for short-term emergency bursary is determined by a Committee within 30 days of money being made available by the Vice-Chancellor in a separate ANU ledger account for the purpose of short-term financial assistance.
  2. The Committee comprises:
  1. a nominee of the Chief Operating Officer as Chair (ex officio)
  2. a nominee of the Registrar, DSAAS
  3. a nominee of the President, ANUSA; and
  4. the Dean of Students or nominee.
  1. Quorum for the Committee consists of the Chair, the Registrar’s nominee, and at least two additional members.
  2. The Committee:
  1. may meet in person or by electronic communication as the case requires;
  2. prepares and produces any bursary application forms and advisory materials;
  3. where applicable, prepares a communications plan to ensure the dissemination of relevant information to those impacted students where the funding is designated for a particular impacted group of students that may not be aware of the financial assistance available;
  4. determines maximum amounts of the bursary money that can be allocated per student under that bursary;
  5. determines who will assess the applications for bursary moneys;
  6. determines the criteria for eligibility for the bursary and the criteria for specific monetary amounts within the maximum amount of funding;
  7. determines how applications will be checked for accuracy and what mechanisms will be used to ensure that the student is not using alternative funding for the same purposes;
  8. determines if a review of any aspect of the allocation of short-term emergency bursaries is required and how the review will be conducted;
  9. determines how students will be advised on the outcomes of any applications;
  10. provides a report annually to the relevant Committee and the Vice-Chancellor on the number and amount of bursaries applied for and awarded, and annual financial statements.
  1. The Chair:
  1. calls for meetings of the Committee when required;
  2. ensures that commitments do not exceed available funds;
  3. liaises between relevant parties; and
  4. organises payment of bursaries in collaboration with the Chief Financial Officer.
  1. Bursaries are only provided by the Chief Operating Officer to students where:
  1. it is for a purpose directly related to the person’s enrolment at ANU; and
  2. applicants provide evidence of genuine hardship, i.e. acute or chronic circumstances which put their continuing enrolment in jeopardy; and
  3. the bursary contributes to the resolution of a problem that is one-off, unforeseen and non-recurring in nature; and
  4. it is not for the purchase, repair or registration of a motor vehicle; and
  5. it is not for the payment of debts or loans including student contributions and tuition fees; and
  6. applicants are not in receipt of a scholarship of more than A$5,000 that covers living expenses; and
  7. financial assistance from all other forms of assistance and support, for which the student is eligible, have been exhausted.
  1. All bursary applications for financial assistance are accepted from students that are enrolled in an ANU program.
  2. Applications for financial assistance are treated confidentially.


  1. Applications are normally made only after a student has consulted with the ANUSA Student Assistance Team and has been considered for a bursary from ANUSA.
  2. Applications must be made on the form established by the Committee and include:
  1. the amount requested;
  2. a statement as to the purpose of the request;
  3. supporting documentation; and
  4. a statement attesting that the information supplied is true, complete and correct and that the bursary will be repaid if they receive alternative funding for the intended purpose of the bursary (including through an ANUSA bursary).
  1. The Committee may interview an applicant if desired.
  2. An outcome is advised to the applicant.

Bursaries: General

  1. The funds are to be maintained in a separate ledger account. Annual financial statements are the responsibility of the Finance and Business Services Division.
  2. Funds unexpended in any given year may be carried forward into the next year.
  3. Where a bursary is approved, when possible, the Chair of the Committee arranges for direct payment of relevant expenses or arranges for payments to be made directly to the student, ensuring that all charges are made to the bursary account.


  1. Complaints are referred to the Student grievance and complaint resolution policy and procedure, where applicable.
  2. All requests and/or complaints from students, and decisions regarding the requests and/or complaints are placed on the student file in the University's Electronic Records Management System (ERMS) to ensure compliance with the record keeping requirements set out in the Records and archives management policy. Where appropriate, documents are placed on a confidential file.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Short-term financial assistance for students
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_011612
Purpose This document outlines the process through which the University determines eligibility for short term emergency financial assistance for students in need when University funding is available through the Chief Operating officer.
Audience Students
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Students - Finance & Fees
Effective Date 3 Nov 2021
Next Review Date 3 Nov 2026
Responsible Officer: Chief Operating Officer
Approved By: Academic Board
Contact Area Office of the Chief Operating Officer
Authority: Australian National University Act 1991
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014
Privacy Act 1988
Delegations 321,322

Information generated and received by ANU staff in the course of conducting business on behalf of ANU is a record and should be captured by an authorised recordkeeping system. To learn more about University records and recordkeeping practice at ANU, see ANU recordkeeping and Policy: Records and archives management.