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Procedure: Professional staff loadings and allowances


To inform staff of options for additional remuneration for professional staff by way of loadings and allowances, where required above the base salary.


Allowance or loading



Review period

Maximum payable

Evidence required to support payment


Market loading



Up to 2 years*

10% of base salary*

Completed PDR/Focus*

Evidence of market*

D3 up to and including SM1.


SM2 and above.

Higher duties allowance

No*, unless over 12 months


Up to 3 months*

Difference between base point of higher level and current salary*

Completed form with delegate approval.


Additional duties



Case by case

Consistent with additional hours. worked and hourly rate up to substantive position salary rate*

Justification included in approved form.

D3, up to SM1.


SM2 and above.

Responsibility loading



2 years*

Up to base point of next classification level

Delegate statement of required additional responsibilities

D3 up to and including SM1.


SM2 and above.

Performance Bonus



One off

10% of base salary*

Delegate justification, evidence of accomplishments, current PDR/Focus, current position description


*unless approved by the Vice-Chancellor and President, Chief People Officer, or the allowance forms part of a Total Employment Cost for a Senior Manager 2 and above.

Market loadings

  1. A market loading may be used to assist with the attraction and retention of high performing staff or occupational groups, where external market conditions which may be significantly more attractive than the University currently offers.
  2. The classification of a position is determined by work value criteria and standards. in accordance with ANU Procedure: Classification of professional staff positions.
  3. The University may, however, pay a salary loading to attract or retain outstanding staff, giving consideration to the total salary and benefit package offered by the University (including superannuation, leave benefits, development opportunities and other conditions), compared to the external market.
  4. A market loading may be considered where:
  1. there are demonstrated difficulties in attracting appropriately qualified or experienced staff to particular positions; or
  2. there is a high turnover of staff and where higher external salaries for positions that are similar in nature have been documented as being a significant contributing factor.
  1. Exceeding performance expectations is not in itself considered to be a justification for a market loading but can be used for attraction and retention purposes. It is expected that staff members receiving a market loading will be performing their role at a level that has been assessed as outstanding within a completed Performance and Development Review (PDR)/Focus.
  2. The market loading will count as ‘salary’ for all periods of paid leave, penalty rate calculations and overtime (where the staff member is eligible), and can be paid as salary or contributed to salary packaging/superannuation contributions.
  3. A market loading applies only to a particular position, and will generally no longer apply or be reduced when a staff member commences a new position, or receives a reclassification of their substantive position.
  4. A market loading will be reduced where a staff member is temporarily transferred or acting in a higher level position, unless approved by the Chief People Officer.
  5. A proposal for a market loading approved by the Delegate includes:
  1. a completed market loading form;
  2. justification for the proposed loading;
  3. evidence of higher remuneration available externally;
  4. the likelihood of losing a valued staff member; and
  5. a copy of the staff member's latest PDR/Focus.
  1. The Chief People Officer, will consider and approve market loading proposal for:
  1. Senior Manager level 2-5 staff; or
  2. Loadings that exceed 10% of base salary; or
  3. Loadings that result in the total remuneration being at or over the Senior Manager 2 salary.

Higher duties allowance

  1. A higher duties allowance (HDA) is payable when a professional staff member is temporarily requested to perform all or some of the duties that normally form part of a higher-level position. A completed Higher Duties Allowance form must be submitted to facilitate payment.
  2. HDA is not to be used for long term temporary transfers, as defined under the ANU Procedure: Temporary transfer and higher duties.
  3. The University seeks to develop the skills of its staff by providing opportunities for duties at a higher level.
  4. All higher duties arrangements are subject to agreement between the staff member and supervisor.
  5. The workload of a staff member undertaking higher duties will be reasonable and appropriate, and subject to the ANU Policy: Workloads and ANU Procedure: Workloads.
  6. In normal circumstances, a HDA will only be approved for a total period up to three months (including any extensions). Where the total HDA period is greater than three months, consideration should be given to filling the position either as a temporary transfer or on an ongoing basis.
  7. The minimum qualifying period where a HDA is payable is:
  1. a period greater than two consecutive working days for a higher level position that has a classification up to ANU Officer Level 7; and
  2. a period greater than one working week for a higher level position that has a classification of ANU Officer Level 8 or above.
  1. The following HDA arrangements will be subject to approval from the Chief People Officer:
  1. the total duration is greater than three months; and/or
  2. the higher level position is greater than two classification levels beyond a staff member’s substantive classification.
  1. The HDA payable will:
  1. normally be calculated as the difference between the staff member’s substantive ANU Officer Level and incremental step and the base salary rate of the ANU Officer level at which the higher duties are being undertaken; or
  2. be a fixed amount approved by the delegate for the period of higher duties, provided that amount is not less than the amount to which the staff member would be entitled under clause 20 (a) (above) or
  3. be paid at an appropriate percentage of the allowance specified in clause 20(a) (above) when a staff member performs only part of the duties of a more senior staff member, which will be discussed and agreed prior to the HDA arrangement commencing.
  1. Where a staff member holds a substantive broadband classification and performs higher duties in the same broadband classification then HDA will not be payable.
  2. Where a staff member performs higher duties for a period of between one half of a day and one full day, the period of higher duties will be regarded as a full day for the purposes of payment of the allowance.
  3. HDA periods are non-superannuable due to the short term nature of the duties.
  4. HDA periods that exceed 12 months or more are superannuable, however should be considered as a temporary transfer.
  5. HDA for Senior Managers, including Service Division Directors, is payable for periods in excess of 20 working days.

Additional duties

  1. Additional duties may be used where a staff member other than a casual staff member is performing duties that are in addition to their substantive appointment. The work is likely to be outside the scope of a staff member’s normal duties and/or done out of working hours and does not qualify for overtime or other penalty payments.
  2. The work can be performed in their normal (home) work area, or another budget unit of the University.
  3. Examples of additional duties include:
  1. a staff member conducting specialist course of study not directly related to their substantive appointment;
  2. A professional staff member providing research support/assistance outside of their normal duties to another area;
  3. a one off arrangement, where a regular payment is not required.
  1. The following points should be taken into consideration when applying the payment of additional duties:
  1. The area seeking the services of the staff member should discuss this with the staff member's supervisor and seek agreement for the additional duties to be undertaken.
  2. Where the home area certifies that the staff member has a full workload, an additional payment may be approved.
  3. If the staff member does not have a full workload the work may be undertaken and a funds transfer may be made to the home budget centre and not to the staff member.
  4. If a staff member is to be paid for agreed additional duties, prior approval to undertake the additional duties must be obtained from the normal (home) work area supervisor and ‘Paying Area’ delegate using the Request for Additional Duties Payment form in HORUS. An override budget code is available.
  5. The maximum hourly rate payable is to be consistent with the current hourly rate of the staff member. Payment rate more than substantive position hourly rate will require approval by the Chief People Officer.
  6. Higher duties allowance or responsibility loading is the most appropriate payment for a staff member acting in another role.
  1. By providing the override budget code, all costs, including on-costs (except superannuation and the payroll tax on this superannuation which will be charged to the substantive charge account), will be charged to the budget area employing the staff member for the additional duties, not their 'home' budget unit. This cost will be reflected on the PCA reports of the budget area responsible for the payment. If the override budget code is left blank, all costs will be charged to the 'home' department. On-costs associated with additional payments include workers compensation and payroll tax.
  2. Staff members will be required to submit a claim for additional hours worked via HORUS. Once the form is submitted by the staff member it will be work flowed to the additional duties supervisor for approval. Payment will occur in the next pay cycle.

Responsibility loading

  1. Responsibility loading may be used to recognise additional responsibilities to a staff member’s substantive position. These responsibilities are beyond those expected at the salary classification level held by the staff member.
  2. A staff member undertaking ongoing additional responsibilities that are higher than current classification, but which do not warrant reclassification of the position held, must be approved by the Chief People Officer, and must not take the individual's salary above the base of the next salary level.
  3. It is expected the staff member will be highly experienced and at the top of their level in the current salary scale.
  4. A responsibility loading is reviewable every two years, or when there is a change in the responsibilities for which the loading is paid.

Performance Bonus

  1. A performance bonus may be paid in recognition of outstanding performance or achievement of negotiated stretch targets if the staff member:
  1. has achieved or exceeded stretch targets specified in the staff member’s PDR/Focus or contract of employment, which are linked to a performance bonus payment; and/or
  2. has demonstrated substantial individual achievement on a significant project or other accomplishment; and/or
  3. is a member of a group of staff who have contributed significantly to a project or outcome which has University-wide reach; and/or
  4. has demonstrated outstanding performance in teaching, research or outreach activities; and/or
  5. has made a significant individual contribution to their College or Division, which the Dean or Director believes merits a performance bonus payment.
  1. Performance bonus payments are not awarded for meeting the expected requirements of a role.
  2. Performance bonus payments are a one-off payment. There is no obligation for the University to pay a performance bonus in subsequent years, after one payment.
  3. Performance bonus payments are limited to a maximum of one per calendar year and generally will not exceed 10% of the staff member’s base salary.
  4. Performance bonus payments are exclusive of College based awards paid under the Staff Achievement Award procedure, determined through College based competitive or merit processes and approved by College Deans or College General Managers. Receipt of such awards will be considered as part of the application case if an additional request for a performance bonus payment is made.
  5. Advice should be sought from HR prior to including a performance bonus payment in a staff member’s PDR/Focus. Incorporation of a performance bonus in a staff member's PDR/Focus does not result in automatic approval of the request.
  6. The Chief People Officer considers and approves all performance bonus requests.
  7. The performance bonus payment may be paid as a lump sum payment into the staff member’s bank account via payroll, or as a non-monetary benefit such as:
  1. payment to a research account;
  2. study assistance; and
  3. agreed staff development opportunities such as conference attendance.

Performance bonus payments are not superannuable except as required to meet the Superannuation Guarantee with respect to superannuation payable on ordinary time earnings. The cost of meeting any superannuation payable will be charged to the budget area employing the staff member.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Professional staff loadings and allowances
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_012610
Purpose To inform staff of options for additional remuneration for professional staff by way of loadings and allowances, where required above the base salary.
Audience Staff, Staff-Professional
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Staff - Remuneration & Benefits
Effective Date 9 Sep 2024
Next Review Date 31 Dec 2026
Responsible Officer: Chief People Officer
Approved By: Chief Operating Officer
Contact Area People and Culture Division
Authority: The Australian National University Enterprise Agreement 2023-2026
Delegations 0

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