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Policy: Rehabilitation and compensation


This policy sets the direction for the University’s rehabilitation and claims management systems through a documented commitment by senior executive which is aligned to the organisation’s overall values, vision and business objectives.


The University is committed to helping our people recover and return, as soon as possible, to work following injury or illness. Where an employee makes a claim for workers’ compensation, the University will ensure that a determination is made as quickly as possible. The University aims to provide rehabilitation and claims management services which are fully compliant with legislation and the performance standards and measures for Comcare workers’ compensation self-insurance licensees, as detailed by the Safety Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (SRCC). Rehabilitation and claims management services are continuously reviewed and monitored to improve injury management activities, expedite recovery, and minimise time away from the workplace for staff. In developing injury management plans, together with injured or ill employees, consideration is given to individual circumstances.


This policy applies to all staff across the University.

Policy statement

  1. The University is committed to the following:
  • Preventing workplace injuries and illnesses by providing a safe and healthy working environment.
  • Providing systems that support early reporting of injury and intervention procedures that enable injured staff to stay at work or return to work as soon as possible in line with medical guidelines.
  • Working with claims management service providers to ensure that claims are determined promptly, determinations are communicated in a clear manner, and are fully compliant with the requirements of the Safety Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (SRC Act) (Cth).
  • Assisting claims management service providers to manage claims in an equitable, timely and efficient manner, consistent with applicable legislation and self-insurance requirements.
  • Facilitating the durable return to work of employees, by assisting with the safe and early integration back into the workplace, and minimisation of time away from the workplace.
  • Defining, documenting and communicating the areas of accountability and responsibility for executive, senior managers and employees involved in the rehabilitation and claims management process.
  • Facilitating participation in an injury or illness management program appropriate to an injured or ill employee’s medical recovery.
  • Providing employees with relevant information about claims and injury management including their rights and obligations.
  • Maintaining confidentiality of personal information in accordance with applicable legislation.
  • Engaging appropriately qualified experts, both internally and externally to assist in the management of claims and injury / illness.

Leadership and culture

  1. The University promotes excellence in health and safety leadership and a positive culture of health and safety through:
  • Encouraging and supporting innovative and effective rehabilitation and practices.
  • Ensuring compliance with the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (SRC Act) (Cth).
  • Determining, in consultation with our employees, their best rehabilitation requirements and outcomes.
  • Improving the University’s claims and rehabilitation performance.

Responsibility and authority

  1. Responsibility and authority under this policy operates at the following levels:
  • Executive: provides leadership to ensure communication of this policy and effective implementation.
  • Senior Managers: support managers and supervisors in fulfilling their responsibilities and accountabilities.
  • Employees: comply with this policy and the associated procedures as well as report injuries as soon as practicable and actively participate in workplace rehabilitation.
  • Safety and Wellbeing team: delegated rehabilitation authority to ensure that the provisions of the legislation are met for ill and injured staff members requiring rehabilitation services.
  • Claims Management Provider: delegated authority for claims management services, to ensure the provisions of the legislation are met for ill and injured staff members with a workers compensation claim.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Rehabilitation and compensation
Document Type Policy
Document Number ANUP_013007
Purpose This policy sets the direction for the University’s rehabilitation and claims management systems through a documented commitment by senior executive which is aligned to the organisation’s overall values, vision and business objectives.
Audience Staff
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Health, Safety & Environment - Occupational Health & Safety
Effective Date 17 Oct 2024
Next Review Date 17 Oct 2027
Responsible Officer: Chief People Officer
Approved By: Vice-Chancellor
Contact Area Safety and Wellbeing
Authority: Work Health & Safety Act 2011
Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988
Delegations 186, 456

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