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Procedure: Knowledge, Pedagogical Skills, and Qualifications requirements for Educators


To set out the University's procedure in relation to knowledge, pedagogical skills, and qualifications requirements for those who are involved in academic oversight and delivery of ANU-approved curriculum. This procedure ensures compliance with Section 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (hereafter HESF).


Academic Oversight

  1. The ANU academic staff member responsible and accountable for academic oversight of a:
  1. program is the Program Convenor (see clause 2 below);
  2. sub-plan (major, minor, specialisation) is the Sub-plan Convenor (see clause 3 below);
  3. course is the Course Convenor (see clause 4 below).

Appointment or invitation to undertake roles involved in delivering curriculum

  1. A Program Convenor is the member of ANU academic staff appointed at least 0.5 FTE who is responsible and accountable for the academic management of a program, and who is appointed by the managing College through defined and published processes. All Program Convenors must meet all requirements of HESF 3.2.3.
  2. A Sub-plan Convenor is the member of ANU academic staff appointed at least 0.5 FTE who is responsible and accountable for the academic management of a sub-plan, and who is appointed by the managing College through defined and published processes. All Sub-plan Convenors must meet all requirements of HESF 3.2.3.
  3. A Course Convenor is responsible and accountable for the academic management of a course, and is appointed by the managing College through defined and published processes. All Course Convenors must meet all requirements of HESF 3.2.3.
  4. All Course Convenors must be either:
  1. a member of ANU academic staff appointed at least 0.5 FTE; or
  2. in rare instances, an Emeritus Professor of the ANU; or
  3. in rare instances, where agreed by the individual and where endorsed by the relevant Associate Dean (Education) and approved by the Research School Director (or equivalent), a member of the Teaching Staff of the course who has been the primary teacher of an ANU course on at least two prior occasions in the past three years and who is either an academic staff member of another university appointed by their university at least 0.5 FTE, or a member of scientific/engineering staff of CSIRO appointed at least 0.5 FTE. Where there is an external Course Convenor, the relevant Program or Sub-Plan Convenor must advise and mentor the Course Convenor, with the relevant Associate Dean (Education) responsible for ensuring that the appropriate oversight is given.
  1. The role of Course Convenor is not a teaching role. However, this does not preclude a Course Convenor from additionally holding a teaching role in the Course.
  2. A Course Convenor is responsible for:
  1. advising the Research School Director (or equivalent) whether or not the academic staffing profile for the course provides the level and extent of teaching capacity needed to lead students in intellectual inquiry suited to the nature and level of expected learning outcomes [see HESF 3.2.2];
  2. advising the Research School Director (or equivalent) on whether there is appropriate professional development, support, and mentoring of course Teaching Staff who do not meet HESF 3.2.3;
  3. ensuring that the class summary and other course materials comply with University policy and College and Research School requirements;
  4. ensuring that the course is conducted in accordance with ANU Rules, Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines;
  5. student issues relating to the Discipline Rule and Academic Integrity Rule; and
  6. the finalisation of marks and the submission of marks and grades to the Chair of Examiners.
  1. Teaching staff: Each member of Teaching Staff, other than Guest Presenters (see clause 10 below), must meet and teach under one of the following criteria:
  1. be employed under the ANU Enterprise Agreement as academic staff or casual sessional academic staff;
  2. have an honorary academic title conferred under the Policy: Academic titles conferral: Honorary (Clinical)* appointee, Visiting Fellow, Visitor and Emeritus Professor and its Procedure;
  3. be clinical staff, who are not paid by the ANU, who teach into a program in the:
      1. ANU Medical School under a Memorandum of Understanding with a health provider on the ANU-approved Health Practitioner List in clause 10 of the Procedure: Academic titles conferral: Honorary (Clinical)* appointee, Visiting Fellow, Visitor and Emeritus Professor; or
      2. ANU College of Law under a Memorandum of Understanding with a legal services provider who is entitled to offer legal services under the law of the relevant Australian jurisdiction;
  1. be staff, who are not paid by the ANU, who teach into a program in the Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) under the Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA) Service Agreement whose appointment is governed by the ANZSOG Academic Recruitment Policy (or its successor policy);
  2. in exceptional circumstances, or where explicitly specified in a Partnership Agreement with another university that has been endorsed by ANU Academic Board, be employed as full-time or part-time (no less than 0.5 FTE) (i) academic staff of another University or (ii) scientific/engineering staff of the CSIRO and contracted, using the Precedent Contract held by the University Procurement and Contracts Office (UPCO) under a cross-institutional contract between ANU and their employer to provide teaching services, where the contract has been endorsed by the Director of Human Resources as being consistent with the Enterprise Agreement and relevant employment legislation. Once signed, all such contracts must be entered into the ERMS.
  1. All Teaching Staff:
  1. must meet all three indicators of HESF 3.2.3, or have their teaching actively guided and overseen by the Course Convenor or by a member of teaching staff of the course who meets HESF 3.2.3
  2. must be individually named in the Class Summary or the Class site in the ANU Learning Management System
  1. Guest Presenters are individuals with a high level of academic, professional, or technical knowledge and skills who are involved in the delivery of a coursework course (that is, class) who meet all of the following criteria:
  1. they are not:
      1. ANU staff employed under the ANU Enterprise Agreement;
      2. holders of an ANU honorary academic title conferred under the Policy: Academic titles conferral: Honorary (Clinical) appointee, Visiting Fellow, Visitor and Emeritus Professor and its Procedure; or
      3. providing teaching services to the ANU under a third-party contract;
  1. they are not involved in the delivery of more than 10% of a student’s total contact in a course without a written exemption being endorsed by the Director of Human Resources as being consistent with the Enterprise Agreement and relevant employment legislation and approved by the Associate Dean (Education) with an annual report on exemptions being provided annually to Academic Board;
  2. they may not assess written work, but may sit on a panel for oral/practical work that is chaired by a member of the Teaching Staff; and
  3. no payment or cash honorarium may be made for their involvement in the class; this does not preclude a gift consistent with University policy or the direct payment or reimbursement of travel expenses, or meals, approved in advance by the Research School Director (or equivalent).
  1. Guest Presenters:
  1. participate at the invitation of the Course Convenor;
  2. decide whether or not they are named in the Class Summary (if they have an employee ID number) or the Class website in the ANU Learning Management System;
  3. decide if they are available for student contact outside the classroom;
  4. are introduced to the class by a member of the Teaching Staff who meets HESF 3.2.3; and
  5. are not required to meet or to demonstrate that they meet HESF 3.2.3 for, as per HESF 3.2.4, they have their teaching guided and overseen by Teaching Staff who meet the standard.
  1. Trainers are employed under the ANU Enterprise Agreement as professional staff and, where consistent with the Professional Staff Classification Descriptors in the Enterprise Agreement, train students in areas of their professional expertise; examples include: WHS training, or the use of specific laboratory equipment, how to behave consistently with the University’s Academic Integrity Rule, training in use of library databases and citation methods, or how to develop a curriculum vitae. Where training is integrated into a course, Trainers’ contribution to the course is guided and overseen by a member of Teaching Staff of the course who meets HESF 3.2.3. Teaching Staff of a course may additionally be involved in training students, but will continue to be defined as Teaching Staff, not as a Trainer.
  2. For clarity, teaching undertaken for the purposes of ‘research training’, a term used especially in the HDR context, is classified here as ‘teaching’.
  3. All Trainers:
  1. must meet all three indicators of HESF 3.2.3, or have their teaching actively guided and overseen by the Course Convenor or by a member of Teaching Staff of the course who meets HESF 3.2.3; and
  2. must be individually named in the Class Summary or the Class website in the ANU Learning Management System.
  1. Peer Assisted Learning Mentors are ANU students who play a role that provides a supportive and structured environment for peer learning, and facilitates the development of good study habits. They are explicitly not teachers or Teaching Staff. Peer Assisted Learning Mentors are employed under the ANU Enterprise Agreement as casual professional staff. Peer Assisted Learning Mentors are not named in the Class Summary, but may decide whether or not they are named in the Class website in the ANU Learning Management System.

Demonstration of compliance with HESF 3.2.3

  1. HESF 3.2.3.a “knowledge of contemporary developments in the discipline or field, which is informed by continuing scholarship or research or advances in practice” is demonstrated by at least one of the following:
  1. A current appointment of at least 0.5 FTE that is:
      1. a research and teaching, or research only, academic appointment at an Australian university or an ANU international partner university; or
      2. as a Research Scientist (or higher research classification) at the CSIRO or Medical Research Institute registered with the Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes (AAMRI).
  1. Current registration in a field requiring accreditation to practice, and practicing/being professionally active in the relevant field.
  2. A written case using the Professional Experience Equivalence Framework.
  3. In exceptional circumstances, a free-form written case endorsed by the Course Convenor, the Associate Dean (Education), the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality), and approved by the Research School Director (or equivalent).
  1. HESF 3.2.3.b “skills in contemporary teaching, learning and assessment principles relevant to the discipline, their role, modes of delivery and the needs of particular student cohorts” is demonstrated by at least one of the following:
  1. A formal tertiary teaching qualifications of at least 24 units (one semester FTE equivalent);
  2. Appointment as an Associate Fellow or higher of Advance HE (UK) including through the ANU Education Fellowship Scheme (EFS) and being in good standing as a Fellow;
  3. A current research and teaching academic appointment of at least 0.5 FTE at an Australian university and either completion of an induction in teaching and learning, or SELT (Student Evaluations of Learning and Teaching) evaluations (or equivalent) with an agreement rate on the question most closely related to overall learning experience of at least 60% averaged across all courses within the previous 5 years;
  4. A member of Teaching Staff of a course who within the last 5 years has:
      1. completed a compulsory comprehensive induction module on pedagogy; or
      2. completed at least 20 hours of teaching and learning professional development offered by the Centre for Learning and Teaching (or equivalent at another university); or
      3. SELT (Student Evaluations of Learning and Teaching) evaluations in a relevant discipline with an agreement rate on the question most closely related to overall learning experience of at least 60% averaged across all courses; or
      4. undergone peer review of their teaching materials for the relevant course that is endorsed by the relevant Associate Dean (Education) to demonstrate this requirement;
  1. A written case using the Professional Experience Equivalence Framework that has been endorsed by the Course Convenor and Associate Dean (Education) and approved by the Research School Director (or equivalent).
  1. Teaching Staff who do not meet the requirements in clause 17 must either:
  1. have their teaching directly supervised by someone who meets the standard until the supervisor is assured appropriate teaching standards are met in the classroom, and the Course Convenor has approved the supervisor’s recommendation at which time the teacher is regarded as having demonstrated HESF 3.2.3.b; or
  2. be undergoing appropriate formal professional development, support, and mentoring to the satisfaction of the Course Convenor.
  1. HESF 3.2.3.c, “a qualification in a relevant discipline at least one level higher than is awarded for the course of study, or equivalent relevant academic or professional or practice-based experience and expertise, except for staff supervising doctoral degrees having a doctoral degree or equivalent research experience” is demonstrated through presentation of a qualification in a relevant discipline at least one level higher than is awarded for the course of study, or through approval of equivalency demonstrated via the Professional Experience Equivalence Framework, either through meeting the requirements specified in Table 1 or Table 2, or through the Higher Education Academic Teaching Requirements – Equivalency Form.

Professional Experience Equivalence Framework

  1. The Professional Experience Equivalence Framework provides guidelines for determining professional experience and its equivalence to Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualification levels. It assists ANU to fulfil its obligation to ensure each course of study provides the level and extent of academic oversight and teaching capacity needed to lead students in intellectual inquiry suited to the nature and level of expected learning outcomes.


  1. Teaching staff will normally have a qualification of at least one AQF qualification level higher than the course of study being taught, or have equivalent professional experience.
  2. ANU acknowledges that professional experience can also meet the requirements set out in the TEQSA Act (see 3.2 of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021).
  3. A Bachelor degree is normally the minimum requirement to teach higher education courses at ANU. Higher education courses are defined by the AQF as those categorised as AQF Levels 5-10.
  4. Professional experience must be current and relevant to the area being taught and must be demonstrated by the criteria outlined in this framework.
  5. Documented evidence from the relevant university that a person has completed their program requirements and is eligible to graduate will be regarded as being equivalent to having completed the program.
  6. All staff with academic oversight of a sub-plan (Major, Minor, or Specialisation Convenor) or program (Program Convenor) must meet the AQF +1 qualification level; equivalencies will not be accepted for sub-plan or program Convenors.


  1. Table 1: Course Teaching Staff (other than Tutors/Demonstrators) details the standard minimum criteria to demonstrate professional experience equivalence. Research Schools may require additional evidence or standards as appropriate for different disciplines of study.

Table 1: Course Teaching Staff (other than Tutors/Demonstrators)

Higher Education Level Being Taught

Required AQF Level

AQF Equivalence

AQF Level 5 Diploma

AQF Level 6 Advanced Diploma

AQF Level 6 Associate Degree

AQF Level 7 Bachelor Degree

1000-3000 level courses

AQF Level 8 Honours Graduate Certificate Graduate Diploma

AQF Level 7 (completion, or formal evidence of eligibility to graduate)


current registration to practice within a relevant profession (where applicable)


EITHER 3 years FTE relevant professional experience within the last 5 years


Current enrolment in a relevant AQF Level 8 program plus relevant professional experience, together totalling 3 years FTE


Be currently research active in a relevant discipline or field as evidenced by having published academic papers or presented papers at international or national conferences within the past 5 years (min no. to be determined by Faculty)


Leadership in development of academic standards relevant to the discipline, unit field, or unit; leadership or management of research acknowledged by peers; and or engagement with peer review and quality assurance (internal or external) in a relevant discipline or field


Associate Fellowship or higher of Advance HE (UK) including through the ANU Education Fellowship Scheme (EFS) plus prior plus teaching demonstrated in the context of a discipline/field plus have taught a university-level course in the same discipline/field

AQF Level 8

Honours (including embedded honours)

Graduate Certificate

Graduate Diploma

4000-7000 level courses

AQF Level 9 Masters by research or coursework

AQF Level 8 (completion, or formal evidence of eligibility to graduate)


current registration to practice within a relevant profession (where applicable)


EITHER 3 years FTE relevant professional experience within the last 5 years


Current enrolment in a relevant AQF Level 9 program plus relevant professional experience, together totalling 3 years FTE


Current enrolment in an HDR program and teaching in their area of study;


Be currently research active in a relevant discipline or field as evidenced by having published academic papers or presented papers at international or national conferences within the past 5 years (min no. to be determined by Faculty)


Leadership in development of academic standards relevant to the discipline, unit field, or unit; leadership or management of research acknowledged by peers; and or engagement with peer review and quality assurance (internal or external)


Fellowship or higher of Advance HE (UK) including through the ANU Education Fellowship Scheme (EFS) plus prior plus teaching demonstrated in the context of a discipline/field plus have taught a university-level course in the same discipline/field

AQF level 9 Masters Degree (Coursework)

8000-level courses

AQF Level 10 Doctorate by research or coursework

AQF Level 9 (completion, or formal evidence of eligibility to graduate)


current registration to practice within a relevant profession (where applicable)


EITHER 5 years FTE relevant professional experience within the last 10 years


enrolment in a relevant AQF Level 10 program plus relevant professional experience, together totalling 5 years FTE


Be currently research active in a relevant discipline or field as evidenced by having published academic papers or presented papers at international or national conferences within the past 5 years (min no. to be determined by Faculty)


Leadership in development of academic standards relevant to the discipline, unit field, or unit; leadership or management of research acknowledged by peers; and or engagement with peer review and quality assurance (internal or external)


Senior Fellowship or higher of Advance HE (UK) including through the ANU Education Fellowship Scheme (EFS) plus prior teaching on at least two occasions in the past three years of a university course in the same discipline/field


The following are alternative standalone equivalencies for teaching into the following Master (Extended) programs:

For the JD (Juris doctor), all of the following:

  1. award of an LLB(Hons) and
  2. current professional registration and
  3. currently practicing and
  4. at least 3 years FTE professional practice within the last 5 years

For the MChD (Doctor of Medicine and Surgery), all of the following:

  1. award of a primary medical degree and
  2. current professional registration and
  3. currently practicing and
  4. at least 3 years FTE professional experience within the past 5 years

AQF Level 10 Doctorate

AQF level 9 Masters Degree (Research)

9000-level courses

AQF Level 10 Doctorate by research

AQF Level 9 (completion, or formal evidence of eligibility to graduate) including a thesis of at least one semester FTE.


Being registered by ANU as a supervisor and maintaining all supervisory registration requirements of the University.



Be currently research active in a relevant discipline or field as evidenced by having published refereed academic papers and/or presented refereed papers at international or national conferences over the past 5 years (min no. to be determined by Faculty)


Leadership in development of academic standards relevant to the discipline, unit field, or unit; leadership or management of research acknowledged by peers; and or engagement with peer review and quality assurance (internal or external)

  1. Table 2: Tutors/Demonstrators (Support Teaching) details the qualification requirements for tutors and demonstrators.

Table 2: Tutors/Demonstrators (Support Teaching)

Required AQF Level

Profession Experience Equivalence

A qualification in a relevant discipline one AQF Level higher than the course

A qualification or the equivalent of a qualification in a relevant discipline at the same level as the course and in receipt of professional development support and supervision that assures high quality teaching


For 1000-3000 level and 6000-7000 level courses, demonstrated achievement of the learning outcomes for the unit(s) being taught to an exceptional level (HD), and in receipt of professional development support and supervision that assures high quality teaching


For 1000-8000 level courses, Doctoral candidates teaching in their area of study and in receipt of professional development support and supervision that assures high quality teaching


Current registration in professional applicable practice and current practice in the relevant profession, and in receipt of professional development support and supervision that assures high quality teaching

Equivalency criterion

  1. If an academic staff member satisfies the ‘Required AQF Level’ requirements in clause 27 no further action is required outside of standard recruitment and induction procedures.
  2. If an Academic Staff member does not satisfy the ‘Required AQF Level’ requirements in clause 27, the teacher completes the ‘Equivalency Criterion’ section of the Professional Experience Equivalency Framework Form and the Course Convenor completes the other sections of the Form for endorsement by the Associate Dean (Education) and approval by the Research School Director (or equivalent).
  3. In exceptional cases in disciplines or fields that are not professionally accredited, and where a member of teaching staff does not hold a formal qualification at the level being taught, equivalence based on demonstrated experience may, instead of using the Professional Experience Equivalency Framework Form, be met by a written case that has been endorsed by the Course Convenor and the Associate Dean (Education) and approved by the Research School Director (or equivalent).

Types of Evidence

  1. The following, in addition to evidence in clause 27, may provide assistance to the ADE when considering whether or not the application meets the criteria:
  1. the delegate may consider the quality and relevance of the professional practice, teaching or research in making their decision;
  2. annual professional/clinical development that meets with the endorsement of the relevant industry body;
  3. regular and recent contributions to the discipline via quality publications and/or presentations;
  4. recognised influential contributor to the discipline as evidence by invitations as a keynote speaker, appointment to an expert panel for the discipline;
  5. sustained and significant contributions to the field, e.g. one peer reviewed journal article per year in the preceding five years;
  6. leadership in local, state or national advisory bodies and/or community organisations, peak discipline or industry bodies;
  7. experience in managing significant projects in the field of study, for example a consultant who manages projects for medium to large private or public sector organisations;
  8. working to effect a demonstrable change in the creation of new practice in the field, and/or letters of support from recognised peers in the relevant field.

Recognition of Professional Designations

  1. ANU recognises existing professional designations when assessing academic staff against the professional experience equivalence criteria.
  2. The Delegate may accept the international equivalents of professional registrations or designations.

Professional Development Support and Supervision

  1. Where equivalence cannot be demonstrated, the member of teaching staff must, as required by HESF 3.2.4, be actively guided and overseen by either the Course Convenor or a member of the course teaching staff who meets the standard.
  2. Professional development, support and supervision for staff comprises a combination of the following:
  1. concurrently undertaking a formal teaching and learning or supervisory course/program;
  2. regular monitoring of teaching and provision of feedback for continuous improvement;
  3. opportunities for co-teaching alongside more experienced teachers; and
  4. provision of teaching notes and being engaged in regular teaching discussions for the course.
  1. Staff required to undertake professional development, support and supervision to satisfy the AQF+1 equivalence are unable to mark without having their marks moderated by the Course Convenor or a member of the Teaching Staff who meets the HESF requirements where the assessment is:
  1. the final summative assessment task;
  2. a summative assessment worth more than 50% of the final mark; or
  3. a summative hurdle assessment.

Responsibility for Equivalency Assessment

  1. The relevant Associate Dean (Education) is responsible for ensuring that ANU has appropriately qualified teaching staff and must be satisfied that experience meets the requirements outlined above.
  2. The Research School Director, on the advice of the Course Convenor, must ensure the appropriate supervision of staff who teach specialised components of a course of study who may not fully meet the standard for knowledge, skills and qualification or experience required.
  3. Completed AQF Equivalency Forms are saved into the ERMS.

Professional development in teaching and learning

  1. Ongoing professional development for teaching staff should not be mandatory like the professional development required for HDR supervision, but should be managed through the current Performance and Development Policy, and Performance and Development review process. There is no requirement for teaching staff not covered by that Policy.


  1. The Planning and Service Performance Division will provide an annual report of Equivalency Forms by Research School (or equivalent) for the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Academic Board.


  1. All convenors as at the date of approval of this recommendation are grandfathered for the duration of their appointment as convenor if, not later than 1 February 2023, they are employed through an ANU HR contract and paid through ANU payroll. Convenors who are not employed through an ANU HR contract and paid through ANU payroll not later than 1 February 2023 must meet the appointment requirements for convenors.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Knowledge, Pedagogical Skills, and Qualifications requirements for Educators
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_016608
Purpose To describe the University's qualification requirements for teachers, supervisors and staff who oversee teaching and supervisory activities.
Audience Staff-Academic, Prospective Staff
Category Academic
Topic/ SubTopic Staff - Performance Expectations
Effective Date 1 Feb 2023
Next Review Date 1 Feb 2028
Responsible Officer: Registrar, Student Administration
Approved By: Vice-Chancellor
Contact Area Division of Student Administration and Academic Services
Authority: Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021
Research Awards Rule 2021
Delegations 0

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