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Procedure: University services feedback


To describe the University’s procedures for receiving, responding to and monitoring feedback on University services received through the University’s online feedback form.


University community includes staff members, students, visitors or honorary status holders.

Feedback is any information, either positive or negative, coming from the University community relating to University services, categorised as:

  • Compliments;
  • Feedback or complaints; or
  • Ideas for improvement.

The online feedback form is not to be used for service requests or incident notifications. Submissions which are instances covered by the following University policies and legislation do not constitute feedback and will be redirected through the appropriate channels:

University services are the systems, tools, people, policies and processes provided by the University which support the delivery of the core business of education and research.

The online feedback form is the mechanism provided on the University services website through which the University community is encouraged to submit their feedback.

The Service Lead is the designated officer (usually a Service Division Director) assigned responsibility for service delivery and responding to feedback.

The Feedback Respondent is the staff member managing the process of responding to a feedback submission. The Service Lead may elect to perform the role of Feedback Respondent.



  1. All feedback received through the online feedback form is assigned to a Service Lead. The Service Lead is responsible for ensuring a response to feedback within the timeframes in this procedure, regardless of whether the service was experienced in a Division or a College.
  2. The Service Lead is responsible for identifying submissions received which do not meet the definition of ‘feedback’ under the University Services Feedback policy and directing them to the appropriate channel.
  3. The Service Lead may appoint a Feedback Respondent, either within the Division or in a College, to investigate or respond to feedback.
  4. Service Leads and Feedback Respondents will treat information contained within feedback submissions in accordance with the University’s Privacy Policy.
  5. The University community is responsible for submitting feedback which is constructive; provided in good faith; and free from offensive, degrading or insulting comments.
  6. The Planning and Service Performance Division is responsible for delivering reporting dashboards for the Deputy Vice-Chancellor International & Corporate / Chief Operating Officer to facilitate monitoring of feedback received and the responsiveness of Service Leads.
  7. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor International & Corporate / Chief Operating Officer is responsible for monitoring Service Lead responsiveness and the University community’s satisfaction with the feedback response process.


  1. The feedback receipt and response process is outlined in the feedback flowchart.
  2. Feedback submissions made through the online feedback form are directed to the appropriate Service Lead as determined by the category of feedback. The feedback categories table defines the Service Lead assigned to each category.
  3. Members of the University community making a submission receive an acknowledgement of their feedback and are notified of the assigned Service Lead and Feedback Respondent within 3 business days of making a submission.
  4. Feedback is responded to within 10 business days. A response may constitute:
  1. A resolution to a problem;
  2. A change to a process or system;
  3. An acknowledgement of a compliment;
  4. An interaction with a member of the University community to explain how their suggested solution fits into a future program of work for change or improvement; or
  5. An interaction with a member of the University community to explain why the University cannot make changes of the nature suggested.
  1. Feedback Respondents will have the appropriate skills and knowledge to handle and respond to feedback with professionalism.
  2. Members of the University community submitting feedback are provided an opportunity to express whether they are satisfied or not with the process of responding to feedback and the outcome determined.
  3. A record of all submissions received through the online feedback form and responses will be retained in the University’s Electronic Record Management System.


Printable version (PDF)
Title University services feedback
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_017010
Purpose To describe the University’s procedures for receiving, responding to and monitoring feedback on University services received through the University’s online feedback form.
Audience Staff, Students, Affiliates
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Staff
Effective Date 11 Nov 2022
Next Review Date 11 Nov 2027
Responsible Officer: Director Planning and Service Performance
Approved By: Vice-Chancellor
Contact Area Planning and Service Performance Division
Authority: Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013
Delegations 0

Information generated and received by ANU staff in the course of conducting business on behalf of ANU is a record and should be captured by an authorised recordkeeping system. To learn more about University records and recordkeeping practice at ANU, see ANU recordkeeping and Policy: Records and archives management.