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Policy: Gifts and fundraising


To outline the principles that underpin the University’s fundraising activities, including gift acceptance, gift fund governance, donor stewardship and volunteers in support of fundraising.


This policy defines the University’s commitment to donors to uphold principles of professional and ethical conduct in pursuing its fundraising activities, and accountability and transparency in accepting, accounting for and stewarding gifts.

This policy is made under the Australian National University (ANU Foundation) Statute 2018.


This policy applies across the University; to all gifts to the University; and to all persons, including staff, students and volunteers, soliciting gifts on behalf of ANU or the ANU Foundation, including the ANU (UK) Foundation and the ANU (US) Foundation.


A gift to the University is defined (in accordance with ATO Taxation Ruling 2005/13) as a transfer of the beneficial interest in property, in which the transfer is made voluntarily and arises by way of benefaction, and from which the giver receives no material benefit or advantage. Detailed definitions of gifts to the University and a framework for determining philanthropic income is found in the Gifts to the University Guideline.

Donor refers to an individual or organisation that has made a gift or gifts to the University.

Policy statement

  1. ANU is committed to excellence in pursuing its charitable purposes of research, education, and contribution to societal transformation and public policy-making. ANU welcomes gifts from individuals, industry, foundations and other sources that enable it to achieve its vision.
  2. ANU values and protects its integrity, autonomy and academic freedom, and does not accept gifts when a condition of such acceptance would compromise these fundamental principles.
  3. The Vice-President (Advancement) is responsible for the coordination of all fundraising and alumni engagement activities, including the overall supervision and management of fundraising and alumni engagement programs, administration of staff, and management of the cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship of all donors.
  4. Fundraising activities at the University:
  1. are defined by and aligned with the University’s strategic and fundraising goals;
  2. are considered and coordinated;
  3. balance the interests of donors with the needs of the University;
  4. present donors with opportunities to give to projects offering demonstrable impact;
  5. are based on areas of need, as identified by College and University cases for support; and
  6. are undertaken in line with the CASE (Council for Advancement and Support of Education) Ethical Standards and Principles for Fundraisers 2005 and the AFP (Association of Fundraising Professionals) Code of Ethical Principles and Donor Bill of Rights.
  1. Gifts to the University:
  1. are accepted where the gift is aligned with and progresses the strategic aims of the University;
  2. do not compromise the values, integrity, reputation or academic autonomy of the University;
  3. are made without expectation of benefit to the donor;
  4. are ethical, fair and accord with all relevant laws, legislation and University policies;
  5. are received, applied and acknowledged through a transparent and rigorous process; and
  6. may be declined by the University in its absolute discretion.
  1. Ownership of all gifts vests in the University, whether they are for the benefit of ANU generally or for some specific purpose within it.
  2. The ANU Foundation accounts for all gifts to the University.
  3. Gift funds within the ANU Foundation:
  1. receive all monetary gifts accepted by the University;
  2. have a clear, deliverable purpose that is aligned with University strategic priorities;
  3. are invested and financially managed to support the intended use of gifts;
  4. are governed through a transparent and rigorous process, in accordance with all relevant laws; and
  5. are reviewed regularly.
  1. Donors to the University:
  1. are stewarded with discretion, care and professionalism;
  2. receive confirmation of all gifts in writing;
  3. receive an annual report on the impact of their giving; and
  4. are recognised in line with their wishes and at a level commensurate with their contribution.
  1. Volunteers in support of fundraising:
  1. contribute time, effort and expertise without remuneration in support of the University’s fundraising goals;
  2. endorse, advocate, contribute to and protect the University’s reputation;
  3. enable the University to harness the respect, credibility and contacts of senior people within its network; and
  4. have written terms of reference which define reporting lines, expectations and support mechanisms.
  1. The Vice-President (Advancement) establishes groups of volunteers in support of fundraising, where:
  1. the potential collective contribution is demonstrated; and
  2. appropriate development and administrative support is provided.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Gifts and Fundraising
Document Type Policy
Document Number ANUP_6014932
Purpose Outlines the principles that underpin the University’s fundraising activities, including gift acceptance, gift fund governance, donor stewardship and volunteers in support of fundraising
Audience Alumni, Affiliates, Staff, Students
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Community & Development - Donations
Effective Date 20 Dec 2019
Next Review Date 5 Dec 2024
Responsible Officer: Vice-President, ANU Advancement
Approved By: Vice-Chancellor
Contact Area ANU Advancement
Authority: Australian National University (ANU Foundation) Statute 2018
Delegations 247

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