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Student Code of Conduct


The Student Code of Conduct outlines the policy framework for identifying and resolving issues of behaviour and conduct of students as members of the ANU Community.


The Student Code of Conduct sets out ANU values, principles, behaviours and conduct required of all students and directs students to the rules that apply to the code. Student responsibilities are underpinned by the values and principles which apply to all members of the ANU community.


The Student Code of Conduct applies to all ANU students and includes all activities:

  • that take place on ANU grounds, including activities run by the ANU, ANU Sport, the Students Associations and student clubs and societies;
  • that take place outside ANU but are run by, endorsed, or funded by ANU or ANU associated entities, including learning abroad, internships and placements;
  • that take place online that are created, authorised, sponsored, or funded by the ANU or ANU associated entities, or involve people who identify themselves as ANU students;
  • that utilise, or are facilitated by ANU infrastructure, equipment or services;
  • where ANU is represented at internal, local, national or international conferences, functions, events, or though exchanges, including activities run by ANU, ANU Sport and the Students Associations; and
  • that take place at ANU owned or affiliated accommodation including University House, Graduate House, ANU halls of residence, affiliated residential colleges, or any other accommodation provided or arranged by the University, such as home-stays.


A student means a person who is or was enrolled in, or who is seeking enrolment in, a program or course offered by the University, or who is or was given permission by the University to audit a course offered by the University.

A member of the University includes staff, students, visiting and honorary appointees, Council members and other affiliates, including contractors, campus visitors, and volunteers, regardless of how transient their relationship with the ANU may be.

Policy statement

ANU Values

  1. The Student Code of Conduct is an expression of the University’s values which, since 2017, have been stated in our Strategic Plan:
  • We bring a distinctive excellence to our work and have the confidence to pursue original ideas.
  • We are inclusive, open and respectful, reflecting the diversity of our nation.
  • We are committed to integrity and ethical behaviour.
  • We value, enable, reward and celebrate collegiality.
  • We embrace informed risk-taking in pursuit of our objectives.
  • We are committed to better outcomes for our community, the environment, our nation and the world.
  • We are committed to the service of our nation, through original thinking and through courage in advancing our ideas.


  1. The following principles underpin the behaviour of all members of the ANU community, including students and all University policies and procedures. Collegiality and respect in all interactions (including email and social media: Acceptable use of information technology) are expected between members of the University community (“members”) and with the broader community. Members:
  1. treat each other in a transparent, non-discriminatory manner with all parties accorded natural justice, including a timely response to any complaint, maintaining confidentiality as appropriate;
  2. affirm academic freedom as fundamental to research, teaching, learning and community-engagement activities, as defined by the Academic Freedom & Freedom of Speech Policy;
  3. exercise care, diligence and impartiality carrying out their activities and maintain appropriate confidentiality of matters;
  4. are honest and ethical in their dealings with each other and with the University;
  5. take responsibility to familiarise themselves with, and understand, the University's policies, procedures and guidelines including industrial agreements and student policies, as appropriate to their position;
  6. do not improperly use their position to gain an advantage for themselves or any other person; or cause detriment to the University, the Commonwealth or any other person;
  7. declare perceived and real conflicts of interest in all their activities and are careful not to engage in inappropriate relationships nor abuse any positions of power;
  8. respect and use University resources and infrastructure in an appropriate and responsible manner, including respect for the environment;
  9. respect University governance and procedures and respond positively to any lawful and reasonable directions given by persons who are authorised to give such directions;
  10. observe and comply with relevant State, Territory and Commonwealth of Australia law; and
  11. are part of a vibrant and diverse community of staff and students with a wide variety of backgrounds. Members respect and do not discriminate against each other.

Responsibilities under the Student Code of Conduct

  1. ANU students:
  1. act in accordance with the values, principles, policies and procedures of the University, as active contributors in building a collegial learning community and the positive reputation of the ANU;
  2. engage in their studies (Code of practice for teaching and learning), actively participate in learning activities including all class time, independent learning and assessments, and strive to seek depth, breadth and challenge in their learning;
  3. undertake their academic work with integrity and honesty, acting at all times to the highest ethical standards;
  4. interact fairly and in good faith with others, respect differing personal viewpoints, including cultural or religious perspectives as part of a culture which values academic freedom and debate;
  5. communicate with and about members of the University community with consideration and courtesy, through any mode of communication, in person and online (including through email and social media);
  6. use university grounds, property, resources and facilities responsibly and sustainably, in accordance with relevant policies, and consider the needs, choices, health and safety, and wellbeing of others;
  7. provide to the University, and maintain, accurate personal and contact details, and read and respond where necessary to University correspondence in a timely manner (this includes regularly checking student email, ISIS and the ANU website)
  8. protect the confidentiality and privacy of personal records and University correspondence, and as appropriate, any other University held data or systems to which they have access;
  9. conduct themselves in a professional manner while undertaking industrial placements or other practice-based experience and respect the confidentiality of any information made available to them as part of their practical learning activities;
  10. positively represent the ANU and its student body while undertaking periods of study or placements abroad, respecting and abiding by the laws, customs and norms of their host country as well as the policies and procedures of their host organisation/institution;
  11. respond positively to any lawful or reasonable instruction given by a University officer or employee of the University or a person acting with the lawful authority of the University. This includes identifying themselves truthfully and producing student identification on request to above persons fulfilling the requirements of their duties;
  12. observe and comply with relevant Commonwealth, State, and Territory law including the statutes, rules and orders of the University;
  1. ANU students do not act in a manner that:
  1. is discriminatory, harassing, sexually harassing, bullying, or engage in any form of interpersonal, psychological, sexual or physical violence;
  2. is fraudulent or corrupt and that would unfairly advantage or disadvantage themselves or another student;
  3. unreasonably disrupts, interferes with, or undermines university activities, events, functions and teaching;
  4. unreasonably hinders other members of the community in the pursuit of their studies (Code of practice for teaching and learning) or research (Responsible conduct of research policy), the fulfilment of their duties, or in participation of the life of the University;
  5. could adversely affect the safety and well-being of others and/or undermines the values of the University;
  6. is considered reprehensible conduct for a member of the ANU community.

Breach of Student Responsibilities

  1. The University manages any breaches of this Student Code of Conduct in accordance with the ANU Policy Framework.
  2. The University’s Sexual Misconduct policy applies to students as part of the Student Code of Conduct.
  3. The consequences for breaches of student responsibilities under this Student Code of Conduct are set out in the ANU Discipline Rule 2021 (non-academic misconduct) and the Academic Integrity Rule 2021.
  4. Breaches of responsibilities under this code, in most cases, are determined by the University Registrar.
  5. Students who breach the responsibilities under the Student Code of Conduct are expected to acknowledge responsibility and participate, in good faith, in restorative activities to put things right when required.


  1. All students take responsibility for their own actions and ensure they always act in a respectful manner which supports the dignity, safety and wellbeing of others.
  2. Students are encouraged to report any incidents of misconduct they have witnessed, and to intervene where it is safe to do so as detailed. The details on the reporting procedure:
  1. For non-academic misconduct can be found under part 3 of the the ANU Discipline Rule 2021; and
  2. For academic misconduct under part 4 of Academic Integrity Rule 2021.
  3. The University encourages students to report and supports the safety of those who report.
  4. The University provides an online sexual misconduct disclosure form as one avenue to facilitate disclosing and reporting of incidents of sexual misconduct as part of the Sexual Misconduct Policy within the ANU Sexual Violence Prevention Strategy. All disclosures are sent to the Respectful Relationships Unit which provides support to the person who experienced sexual misconduct, and, with permission (except where there are mandatory reporting requirements), referrals to other parts of the University as appropriate. Refer to the Respectful Relationships Unit for more information.
  5. The University safeguards privacy according to ANU policies and relevant legislation and ensures all reports are treated confidentially, except where there are mandatory reporting requirements.
  6. The University publicly reports de-identified data of reports and disclosures to ensure transparency and accountability.
  7. The University ensures all parties are treated with dignity and respect and are afforded procedural fairness once a report has been made. The University communicates with directly affected parties.


  1. The University responds promptly to reports and takes timely action within its authority to ensure student welfare and safety. Investigations and the application of outcomes operate in accordance with the ANU Discipline Rule 2021 and/or ANU Academic Integrity Rule 2021.
  2. University disciplinary procedures may be suspended if the University is notified of a criminal investigation. The University maintains its responsibility and commitment to support the safety and wellbeing of the person during this process.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Student Code of Conduct
Document Type Policy
Document Number ANUP_6097481
Purpose The NEW Student Code of Conduct outlines the policy framework for identifying and resolving issues of behaviour and conduct of students as members of the ANU Community.
Audience Students
Category Academic
Topic/ SubTopic Students - Other
Effective Date 22 May 2020
Next Review Date 21 May 2025
Responsible Officer: Registrar, Student Administration
Approved By: Academic Board
Contact Area Division of Student Administration and Academic Services
Authority: Australian National University Act 1991
Academic Integrity Rule 2021
Australian National University (Governance) Statute 2023
Delegations 0

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