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Policy: Data Governance


The purpose of this policy is to establish and define the University’s Data Governance framework for managing the integrity, security, quality and usage of data during its lifecycle.

Information and data is a valuable strategic asset of the University and the appropriate governance for management and use of information and data is critical to the University’s operations. Lack of governance can lead to operational inefficiencies and could expose the University to unwanted risks.


This policy establishes standards to assure the quality and integrity of University data as it relates to governance, people, process, content and systems. The aim is to improve the management of information and data from a strategic, tactical and operational perspective, allowing the University to better use and leverage information and data, business processes and capabilities. ANU recognises that:

  • Data is a valued and strategic University asset.
  • Data will have clearly defined accountability.
  • Data is managed to follow internal and external rules and regulations.
  • Data quality is defined and managed consistently across the data lifecycle.


This policy applies across the University with regard to institutional information and data (in any format) used in the administration of the University, and to all University community members who access and use institutional information and data.


Data means raw data, unit record data, micro date, unorganised facts or data sets in any format.

Data Governance is a subset of information governance and means formalising the University’s behaviour around the definition, production and usage of data to manage risk and improve the quality and useability of selected data.

Data Management is capabilities delivered through people, processes and technology to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability, quality and security of information and data assets throughout their lifecycle.

Data domain refers to high-level categories of institutional information and data which have been defined for the purpose of assigning accountability and responsibility for the data.

Information means data that is processed, organised, structured or presented in a given context so as to make it useful, in any format.

Information and Data Management Lifecycle means the steps by which information and data is managed from its planned creation or capture through to its eventual disposal or curation.

Information Governance means the policy based control of information and data to meet all of the University’s regulatory, risk and business demands in order to maximise the value of the University’s information and data by optimising and leveraging the information and data.

Information Management means managing and leveraging information and data through the information and data management lifecycle.

Institutional Information and Data means University owned or licensed information and data used in the operations of the University.

Metadata describes information about information and data, such that information and data can be discovered, understood, re-used and integrated with other information and data. Information described in a metadata record includes where and when the information or data was collected, created, organised, transmitted (where applicable) and last updated and who is responsible, allowing correct attribution to the creators of the work.

Record (AS ISO 15489): recorded information, in any form, including data in computer systems, created or received and maintained by an organisation or person in the transaction of business or the conduct of affairs and kept as evidence of such activity

Security refers to the safety of University information and data.

University Community means students, staff and other members of the University’s community who create, receive, store, access, transmit, use or dispose of information and data as part of their relationship to the University.

Other definitions are set out in the Policy Statement below, or in related policy documents.

Policy statement

  1. The University will ensure appropriate governance for management of data and information that is consistent with regulatory, legal, risk, environmental and operational requirements. The following fundamentals apply when governing institutional data:
  • ANU will sustain a cultural change in the University to ensure excellence in data governance to provide an excellent infrastructure across all areas in the University.
  • ANU is committed to ensuring data integrity and quality to support the work of the University.
  • ANU will ensure a policy and training framework that provides for safety of data through governance and cybersecurity supporting agency for those responsible for data.
  • ANU will have standards and processes to ensure inclusive, open and respectful governance of personal and Indigenous data.
  • The University will ensure the development of data governance and management settings that facilitate Learning Analytics practices amongst teaching staff that are directed towards achieving excellence in the student learning experience at ANU, without unduly compromising student privacy.
  • ANU will provide leadership through supporting data sharing with guidance and clarity around data protection and sensitive data
  • ANU is committed to better outcomes for our community, the environment, our nation and the world through data governance.
  1. Data and System Stewardship. Figure 1 outlines the governance and ownership, management and operations of information and data across the strategic, tactical and operational areas of the University.


Figure 1

H:\SIS\Data Governance\GM and SDD meeting\Final\DG Pyramid.PNG

  1. Management of data and information (Stewardship and Roles). The Data Governance Procedure defines the roles, accountabilities and responsibilities.
  2. Corporate records are kept up to date throughout every stage of the information and data lifecycle and in an auditable and traceable manner, and when possible, using the Electronic Records Management System. Information and data is retained and disposed of in an appropriate manner in accordance with the University’s Records and Archives Management Policy.
  3. The Data Governance Procedure outlines the Information and Data Management Lifecycle. This lifecycle is required to plan, create manage, store, implement, protect, improve and dispose of all information and data.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Data Governance
Document Type Policy
Document Number ANUP_6750447
Purpose To define the data governance framework of the University, to help secure, quality assure and manage data.
Audience Staff, Prospective Staff
Category Governance
Topic/ SubTopic Governance & Structure
Effective Date 28 Oct 2022
Next Review Date 28 Oct 2027
Responsible Officer: University Librarian and Director, Scholarly Information Services
Approved By: Vice-Chancellor
Contact Area Library, Archives and University Records
Authority: Australian National University Act 1991
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014
Privacy Act 1988
Delegations 0

Information generated and received by ANU staff in the course of conducting business on behalf of ANU is a record and should be captured by an authorised recordkeeping system. To learn more about University records and recordkeeping practice at ANU, see ANU recordkeeping and Policy: Records and archives management.