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Guideline: Use of broadcast email for all staff communications


These guidelines aim to clarify the specific circumstances that warrant the use of an all-staff email, primarily minimising their frequency by directing important communications through scheduled messages in the official University newsletter, On Campus. The dual purpose is to empower staff in identifying crucial corporate information and enhance overall communication efficiency.


ANU writing style: The writing style guide assists staff in preparing University content to ensure consistency and clarity.

ANU Corporate Communications team The Corporate Communications and Engagement team promotes the activities and operations of the University to external and internal communities.

Broadcast email An email that is sent out to a large email list targeting a group of or all staff.

External email An email from a third party (i.e. non-ANU email address).

On Campus: The University’s flagship newsletter, sent every Tuesday afternoon and managed by the ACE Team.

Research and Innovation newsletter is managed by the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation).

Vice-Chancellor Blog Is a channel used by the Vice-Chancellor to communicate with the ANU community.


  1. The weekly ANU newsletter, On Campus, is the main piece of internal communication and should be the first option when looking to get a campus-wide message out to the University community. Proposed content is submitted via the request form the week before an On Campus edition by Monday.
  2. The regularly scheduled and approved broadcast emails are:
  • The University’s weekly flagship newsletter, On Campus.
  • The fortnightly VC Blog.
  • The monthly Research and Innovation newsletter.
  1. Broadcast emails other than scheduled messages may only be sent when:
  1. They contain time-critical information, and for unavoidable reasons, the timing of the message does not fit the newsletter schedule (for example, where ANU has to coordinate an announcement with another organisation).
  2. When the information could not be foreseen and therefore could not be included in On Campus as a scheduled message (information that could be foreseen but was not submitted in time for On Campus will be included in the next edition of On Campus and not be sent by a standalone message).
  3. The message is part of an emergency response.
  4. Information that is legally required to be communicated to staff by a dedicated message.
  1. All ANU broadcast emails must be approved by the Chief of Communications or be a directive of the ANU Vice-Chancellor.
  2. Approved requests for broadcast emails that are planned to be sent to all staff are submitted to the ANU Corporate Communications team, who ensure the message is written in the ANU writing style and meets the requirements and guidelines necessary for all ANU broadcast emails.
  3. If a broadcast email is scheduled from an external email, a preceding message in On Campus should alert recipients so they don’t discard it as spam.

Email format

  1. The body of the email should be as brief as possible, with external links or details on where to find more information.
  2. The email must be written using our brand typeface, Public Sans. The font should be 10pt, and it should be black text only.
  3. The email signature includes the sender’s name, title, address and the required CRICOS (Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students) number and the TEQSA Provider ID at the bottom of your signature (e.g. TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12002 (Australian University) | CRICOS Provider Code: 00120C).
  4. A subject line that has a strong call to action or straightforward subject matter and shows it is not spam.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Use of Broadcast Email for all staff communications
Document Type Guideline
Document Number ANUP_7880409
Purpose To delineate the appropriate use of staff emails.
Audience Staff
Category Administrative
Topic/ SubTopic Staff - Other
Effective Date 2 Apr 2024
Next Review Date 2 Apr 2025
Responsible Officer: Director Communications and Engagement
Approved By: Vice-Chancellor
Contact Area Communications and Engagement
Delegations 0

Information generated and received by ANU staff in the course of conducting business on behalf of ANU is a record and should be captured by an authorised recordkeeping system. To learn more about University records and recordkeeping practice at ANU, see ANU recordkeeping and Policy: Records and archives management.