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Procedure: Higher degree by research – Research internships


To provide an overview of and guidance for the administration of research internships for Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates at The Australian National University.

This document outlines the process for managing research internships for HDR candidates, including implications for stipend and supplementary scholarship holders, recommendations for Program Leave and stipend scholarship suspension, and eligibility criteria for accessing a stipend scholarship extension.

This procedure should be read in conjunction with the Research Awards Rule, the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) and the Procedure: Higher degree by research - Scholarships.


Academic Progress: The measure of progress in an Award program. Thresholds for satisfactory and unsatisfactory academic progress (‘Milestones’) are defined in the Higher degree research – candidature progression procedure.

Delegated Authority: in relation to a program offered by an ANU College for a research award, means a person who is appointed under the Research Awards Rule section 105 (Appointment etc. of Delegated Authorities) as a Delegated Authority for the program.

Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Programs: A program of study leading to the award of a Doctor of Philosophy or Master of Philosophy.

HDR Stipend Scholarship: A regular periodic payment made to a student as outlined in the Conditions of Award. A stipend payment is distributed through the HR Payroll system but is not a wage or salary. The value of the scholarship is greater than or equal to $20,000 per annum.

HDR Supplementary Scholarship: A scholarship that is less than $20,000 per annum in value and awarded in addition to an existing merit-based stipend scholarship (also known as a top-up scholarship) or may be a scholarship that offers a stipend with no additional benefits or conditions. The College or external provider determines the scholarship amount and duration.

Industry: An individual, community or organisation external to academia that is actively undertaking Research & Development (R&D). R&D is defined as ‘creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge – including knowledge of humankind, culture and society – and to devise new applications of available knowledge’. Examples of industry include businesses, governments, nongovernmental organisations, communities and community organisations.

Leave of Absence/Program Leave: A period of absence from studies at the University.

Research internship: A type of industry engagement that HDR candidates can pursue. Research internships can take different forms including industry-embedded and industry-sponsored research doctorates. Research visits and internships completed at a Higher Education Provider (or international equivalent) are excluded. This does not include industry engagements or placements that are required as part of a candidate’s PhD Program.


Formalising a research internship

  1. Research internships can take place at any stage during an HDR candidature. Research internships that are undertaken after thesis submission do not require the approvals outlined in section 5.
  2. HDR candidates can either self-source a research internship or apply for opportunities advertised through ANU.
  3. All HDR candidates should complete the ‘Research Internship Predeparture Advice’ module, which is available on Wattle through self-enrolment.
  4. HDR candidates need to complete an ANU WHS Risk Assessment in which they assess all activities they are planning to undertake. This assessment forms part of the approval process (5). HDR candidates can seek advice and support for completing this assessment from their local or College WHS contact or
  1. HDR candidates who will travel to remote areas within Australia or outside Australia should seek medical advice during this process, particularly with respect to vaccination/s and/or preventative medication.
  2. Internships that are assessed to have a residual risk of ‘low’ can commence without any further approvals.
  3. Internships that are assessed to have a residual risk of ‘medium’ or ‘high’ cannot commence until the appropriate approvals have been obtained.
  4. Internships that are assessed to have a residual risk of ‘extreme’ are not permitted to commence.
  1. HDR candidates must seek approval for their research internship from their Chair of Supervisory Panel and their Delegated Authority. Request for approval must include the following details:
  • Start and end date of the internship and intensity (full-time or part-time);
  • Internship host;
  • Topic of internship/work to be undertaken, and
  • WHS assessment.
  1. Prior to granting approval, the Chair of Supervisory Panel must assess the HDR candidate’s academic progress. Approval for a research internship can only be given if all Program milestones are up to date.
  2. Approval for a research internship must be given by the Chair of Supervisory Panel and the Delegated Authority to the candidate in writing. HDR candidates must use the HDR Internship Approval form for this step.
  1. If a research internship will take place at or with an overseas entity, the Chair of Supervisory Panel must seek FIAC approval.
  2. HDR candidates who are holding a stipend scholarship and/or a supplementary scholarship must check and comply with their Conditions of Award regarding working outside their studies and earning an additional income.
  3. AGRTP, University Research and ANU PhD Scholarships: Recipients of these stipend scholarships must not receive an income that is greater than 75% of the annual stipend scholarship value. If the internship income exceeds this amount, the scholarship recipient will need to suspend their scholarship for the duration of the internship (see: Procedure: Higher Degree by Research – Scholarships).
  1. Candidates who suspend their stipend scholarship for the duration of the research internship will not be eligible for a stipend scholarship extension as outlined in 21.
  1. Once all relevant approvals have been obtained, the internship is an ANU Approved Activity and the HDR candidate will be insured by the ANU for the duration of the internship.
  1. HDR candidates who take Program Leave for the duration of their internship are not covered by ANU insurance, even if all approvals have been given. It is therefore not recommended to take Program Leave to undertake a research internship.
  1. Once all relevant approvals have been obtained, the HDR candidate can either sign a contract with the industry host or use the Internship Agreement templates (ST01, ST02 and ST03). The templates are provided by the ANU (see: ANU HDR Industry Engagement – Placement Agreements) and should always be used for unpaid internships. HDR candidates should contact prior to using the Internship Agreement templates.
  2. HDR candidates should discuss the handling of internship Intellectual Property (IP) and confidential material, if appliable, with their internship host prior to signing a contract. To accommodate commercial interests of their internship host, HDR candidates have the option to restrict parts or all of their thesis (see: Procedure: Higher degree by research - use of confidential or restricted information in theses, Procedure: Student intellectual property).
  3. HDR candidates are encouraged to seek free legal advice from ANUSA prior to signing a contract with the internship host.
  4. Internships can be paid or unpaid. Payment for the internship should be negotiated directly between the HDR candidate and the internship host.
  1. Payment or remuneration for an internship can be either through a salary paid directly to the HDR candidate or, if appropriate, through a supplementary scholarship that is paid by the industry host to the HDR candidate via the ANU. For the latter option, HDR candidates should discuss the required steps with their local HDR Administrator or get in touch (see: Procedure: Higher degree by research scholarships).
  2. HDR candidates should refer to the resources on the Fair Work Ombudsman’s websites prior to accepting an unpaid internship.
  1. If the internship takes place at a location outside Canberra or involves periods of travel, the HDR candidate needs to seek travel approval by following the Policy: ANU Travel. HDR candidates, specifically those with existing medical conditions, should follow the advice provided in the ANU Travel Handbook.
  2. International HDR candidates must check their visa conditions on whether exit from Australia and re-entry, if planned, are permitted.

Commencing a research internship

  1. HDR candidates should remain enrolled in their PhD Program for the duration of their internship and are strongly discouraged from taking Program Leave for this purpose.
  1. If an HDR internship course is available in the College in which the HDR candidate is enrolled, the HDR candidate should enrol into this course prior to commencing their internship.
  2. HDR candidates who cannot enrol into an HDR internship course can proceed without changing their enrolment.
  1. HDR candidates who undertake a research internship prior to thesis submission should stay in touch with their Chair of Supervisory Panel for the duration of their internship, even if the HDR candidate has opted to take Program Leave.
  2. HDR candidates should raise any issues or concerns with their Chair of Supervisory Panel as early as possible. HDR candidates who remain enrolled in their Program for the duration of their internship will be able to access ANU HDR support.

Finishing a research internship and data collection

  1. Towards the end of the internship or immediately after it has finished, the HDR candidate must fill out the ANU internship data form, which captures all relevant data and is a required precursor to the HDR candidate being able to apply for a stipend scholarship extension (if eligible). HDR candidates who have enrolled into an HDR internship course are also required to complete this form.
  1. If the HDR candidate is in their final months of regular candidature, the HDR candidate should fill out the form at least four weeks before commencing their internship. This will allow for any stipend scholarship extension to be processed in a timely manner.
  1. The ANU Higher Degree Research Industry Engagement Consultant will process all submitted data and documents and will advise the HDR candidate and the local HDR administrator on the length of extension the HDR candidate might be eligible for. The ANU Higher Degree Research Industry Engagement Consultant will upload all relevant documents to the HDR candidate’s ERMS file.
  2. AGRTP, University Research and some ANU PhD Scholarships:
  1. Six months extension of scholarship up to the maximum duration of support if the HDR candidate has completed an internship of >60 days FTE and not with another Higher Education Provider (or international equivalent).
  2. Three months extension of scholarship up to the maximum duration of support if the HDR candidate has completed an internship of <60 days FTE and not with another Higher Education Provider (or international equivalent).
  3. HDR candidates who have taken Program Leave or have suspended their stipend scholarship for the duration of the internship will not be eligible for a stipend scholarship extension.
  4. HDR candidates who are eligible for a stipend scholarship extension can apply for this extension via ISIS -> Manage My Degree - > Application for Extension of Research Scholarship. HDR candidates must specify that they are seeking this extension based on having completed a research internship of < or > 60 days FTE.
  1. HDR candidates who are receiving a stipend scholarship other than the ones mentioned above will need to request a stipend scholarship extension from the provider/sponsor of their stipend scholarship.


Printable version (PDF)
Title Higher degree by research – Research internships
Document Type Procedure
Document Number ANUP_8224260
Audience Students, Students-Graduate-Research, Staff-Academic-Research
Category Academic
Topic/ SubTopic Students - Higher Research Degrees
Effective Date 8 Oct 2024
Next Review Date 8 Oct 2025
Responsible Officer: Pro Vice-Chancellor (Graduate Research)
Approved By: Academic Board
Contact Area Graduate Research Office
Authority: Research Awards Rule 2021
Delegations 0

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